From: “Ralph Squire” <>
To: “Frank Jordan” <>; “Earl Hiatt”
<>; “Joan Champion” <>: “B&P
Bell” <>; “Warren Rekow” <>“Tom
Sotiridy” <>; “Susan McNeill Spuhler”
<>; “Ralph Squire” <>; “John Van
Drie” <>
Cc: “Gary Plapp” <>; “Brian Disbury”
<>;  “Ed & Carolyn Stillman”  <>;  “Walt
Woods” <>; “Harold McCoy” <>; “Raymon Grace”
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 5:37 PM
Subject: Thank You

Hello My Friends

Thanks to all of you who supported the slate.  I had asked the System to
cause to happen what was in the highest and best good of mankind, and so I
trust that, that is what happened.  Now that the decision has been made to
return ASD to a regional Eastern organization, those in the West and
elsewhere, are free to form an international organization that will
transcend just dowsing.  The movement towards that goal will commence
immediately. Walt Woods has volunteered to lead the effort. You will be
hearing from Walt and/or Mardi in due course.

As a reminder, we had agreed to all stay as members of the new Board
(rather than resigning enmass), do a lot of smiling, but not get too
involved, at this time.  I plan to attend the convention in VT, present a
Treasurer’s Report (somewhat modified), but not sit in on the Sunday
Retreat.  If we stick together, then with our 9 votes we can keep the
others on their toes.  If aat any time an insufficient number of them show up
at a meeting we can out vote them.

I have no anger, and recommend that you also live above anger.  Sadness,
on the other hand, comes from Love and is a normal feeling for a mature
person.   I am sad.

Thanks again, and I urge us to stick together for the “highest and best
good of mankind”.  Good night.
