If you are reading this newsletter from Internet:
A newsletter is published for each Toronto Dowsers meeting.  A hard copy is mailed to each of our members.  Membership dues pay for this newsletter.  Members receive many more benefits and more information than is in this newsletter.  We welcome you to join our group and greatly appreciate contributions, especially since our newsletters went from 8 to 40+ pages as we are in a time of information explosion and we can keep our dues low through reasonable contributions to cover the increased copying and mailing expenses.  Enjoy.  Thank you.  - Marilyn

The  Toronto Dowsers
welcomes you to our next  meeting

Tuesday, June 8th 2004 (See last page for information)
A video featuring
Dr. David Hawkins, Ph.D.
"Realizing the Roots of Consciousness"
Presented by:  Paul Newton
Discussion to follow
Gathering, Socializing, Registration,  at 6:30 p.m., Program to begin at 7:00 p.m.
YES, Please do bring Finger Food to enjoy refreshments at the end.  We supply beverages
at  Edwards Gardens --- Civic Garden Centre
Leslie Street & Lawrence Avenue - SW Corner
* * * This is in a different room --- a smaller hall.
You go left instead of right --- on the lower level. * * *
Please do not wear Scents of any sort to our meeting.  Dowsers are highly sensitive people.

We do open our meetings to those who are interested in learning how to dowse, or becoming a better dowser.   You do not need to be a member to attend.  Your dowsing will improve merely by attending our meetings.  Dowsing is a form of energy. This kind of energy is caught, not taught.
Our meetings include activities to practice your dowsing and guest speakers who will share their experiences and teach you new skills.  You have a chance to meet others who you can help or who can help you.  One of the best parts of these groups is meeting synergistic people.
Requested donation (to cover costs):    $7  for everyone for this meeting
If you can not afford this donation, please make arrangements with us before the meeting.
          $20 per year for * renewal * membership in the Toronto Dowsers
          $25 per year for *NEW* membership in the Toronto Dowsers
Do come and have fun,  grow with us and enjoy the energy.
Questions?  Contact:   Marilyn Gang   mgang@dowsers.info   (416) 322 - 0363  (9:33-9:33)
Check out the Toronto web site and our past newsletters at:

Post on your refrigerator:   TORONTO DOWSERS - 2004
JUNE 8 - Movie of Dr. David Hawkins, Discussion (Edward's Gardens)
JUNE 22 - Call To Action:  Consciousness Raising
JUNE 26 - Dr. David Hawkins, author of "Power vs. Force" will be in Toronto

JULY 4 - 1-4 PM - Field Trip to Beamsville at the home of Linda Jean (see below)
JULY 15 - 7:30 PM - "Haunted Toronto Walking Tour" --- (U of T) See below
JULY 25 - 7:25 PM - The Water Project --- Thank Water Day at Lake Ontario

AUGUST 14 - 25 - Coffee School & Coffee Dowsing at "The Merchants of Green Coffee"
AUGUST 19 - 7:30 PM - "Haunted Toronto Walking Tour" --- (Streets of Toronto) See below

The following 3 programs are tentative.  See newsletter & follow up with web site:
JULY & AUGUST - Discounts for programs at the Omega Centre
AUGUST 8 or 15 or 22 or 29 - Annual Dowsers Corn Roast
JULY or AUGUST - An outing with Bruce Magill

2 workshops:
JULY 10:- Alicja Aratyn:  Universal Pendulum. See below
JULY 11: - Margaret Ball, Advanced Dowsing - See below

SEPTEMBER William Henry
NOVEMBER - Alan Handelsman
NOVEMBER - John Clyde & Lyra Kranz, of Monroe and HemiSync will be back to do some workshops.

June 10-13 2004 - ASD Convention, Lyndonville, Vermont
July 16th to July 19th - United States Psychotronics Association  annual conference
"Celebrating Feminine Achievements in Frontier Science" - Columbus, Ohio



There may be a newsletter in the summer.  Maybe, maybe not.
*            *            *            *            *            *

MEMBERSHIP SIGN UP BONUSOur membership year goes from October 1st to September 30th.   Starting April 1, we prorate the cost of membership.  Here is an offer:
If you are a member as of March 31, 2004,
And you refer someone who takes out membership before September 30th,
You will receive a coupon to bring a *new* person for free, valid until September 30th,
Please see that your name is somewhere on the Membership application as "referred by".
For a membership application, go to:  www.dowsers.info/toronto/register.htm
MEMBERS DISCOUNTS:  Did you know that Toronto Dowsers members receive a 10% discount at Member owned businesses:
Herbie's Herbs  556 Queen Street West, Toronto
Odyssey Books   --- on books ---  109 Old Kingston Road, Unit #15, Ajax

The Toronto Dowsers
Walter Huszczo Library

The Toronto Dowsers is certainly getting a tour of Toronto.  Now that we finally have a lovely meeting place --- in the Toronto Botanical Gardens (they changed their name from Edwards Gardens) --- we have to move again, temporarily.   The Gardens will be undergoing renovation from December 2004 to July 2005.

So once again, we need a meeting place that is:
    Central:   Yonge & Lawrence area is ideal.
    Transportation:  Reasonable access to highways.  Parking.   Not too tough for TTC people
    Good Energy.   Good Size.   Minimum 2800 square feet.
    We can stay until 11 PM.   And:    Audio visual system.
    Affordable.  And:  Our meeting times are available.
Your   REALISTIC  suggestions are greatly appreciated.

The Latvian Centre, our meeting place for May 2004, is a possibility.
You indicated that yes, you would like it for a meeting place December - June.  Yes?
This newsletter is shorter than most.  Well, we'll see what happens by the time its finished.  Haven't finished it yet.

I owe you the meeting notes from special presentation March 24 with Ken Page.

I owe you the meeting notes from our April meeting with David Slater.

And now I owe you the meeting notes from the May meeting with Robert Gilbert.

We had 3 weeks between the May and June meetings, the weekend after the May meeting was the  workshop and I am writing this newsletter in 2 days to get it to you before I leave for the ASD in Vermont and before the June meeting.

So, I'm off to the ASD convention in Vermont again, June 7-13, where I hope to see old friends and make some new ones.  Mary Hardy will be there as will Alan Handelsman, our November 2004 speaker.   Not returning are long time favorites  Janet Dunlop, Robert Gilbert, Raymon Grace, Joey Korn, Louis Matacia, Joe Smith and Don Taylor and who are are some of the strong, smart, appreciated and well liked presenters.

   The ASD is in deep doo doo, and, many of us just don't know what to do about it.   You know that I was elected as a trustee and my 2 year term started June 2003.   Things seemed to start out well and slid to below zero in November.  Not just me.  The whole board.  It's been too disenheartening to discuss.   The parallels between the ASD and US gov are eerie.  As one of the representatives said to me this week:  Both are run by presidents who have seized control, make their own rules and ignore the rights of their electorate and even those of governing colleagues.

    In a few short months, 2 of the remaining 19 trustees quit.  The bookstore staff quit in October.  New staff was hired.  The new staff quit last month.  The Operations Manager resigned.  One of the 4 editors of the ASD quarterly digest sent a blistering email to the president.  This was ignored.  The President calls trustee meetings without notifying all the trustees.   He decided to put one of the publications on the web instead of printing and mailing it as is required by our rules.   He set up email lists and forcibly subscribed the trustees to these lists and refused to take off the names of those who didn't want to be on the lists (this is like sending magazine subscriptions or pizza to someone's home).  Several trustees got together in an attempt to bring a legal suit against the president.  The Water For Humanity Fund sent him a formal complaint stating that comments and statements made by members of the Auditing Committee and Business Analysis Committee they claim are slanderous, malicious, and libelous.  Convention registration forms were mailed out 5 weeks late.   Membership figures have declined markedly.  And more.

    Not enough people know what's going on.  Chapter leaders and members don't know what's going on.  You now know what's going on more than most of the ASD members, who will probably never find out.

    I have not yet figured out if this is deliberate, or just abysmal leadership.  I became a trustee because I felt the last president didn't do anything and I wanted to help make a positive difference.  What does one choose?   Entropy or destruction?  Its like a choice between Bush and Gore.  A non choice.

    What is extremely puzzling to many of us is that this is supposed to be a spiritual organization.  Again, like the US gov, which has a beautifully heartfelt Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Constitution, the ASD Code of Ethics and Preamble are beautifully crafted documents that come from deeply spiritual sources.  And they are all being ignored and profaned.

  The ASD is the American Society of Dowsers, the largest dowsing group in the world.  When I first joined it had about 1,000 members more than it has at the present time.  There are currently about 3,700 members.

     Again, like the US gov, it is up to the people, i.e., the members of ASD to take the power back and make the difference.  We get too used to the "experts" doing things for (to) us and in doing so we give them our power.   What is now an awful situation can turn in to exciting self determinism.

    When I agreed to be nominated to run as trustee of the ASD I told them I had great ideas and that diplomacy was not one of my strong skills.  They said they wanted my ideas and creativity.  Ok.  The president refused to give a written go ahead on the report for the Publications Committee that I prepared, that was accepted by the trustees and that he verbally approved?  Why?  I'll leave that opinion unsaid for now.

   Last year, I wanted to go to the convention to have a good time, to find out good information for the Toronto Dowsers, to do a good job as a trustee.  I put on a trustee badge and instantly I was the enemy.  Before I even had a chance to hoot n holler!   It was an extremely stressful time and at the trustee meeting --- you could feel the nasty entities and resentment in the air.  Not an auspicious beginning.  Dowsers Hall, the ASD Headquarters, feels as if it is rife with non beneficial energies.  Weird, huh?

    February, I began to care less.  Don't want to spend my time this way, want to create worthwhile projects.  Studying organizations over the last 20 years brought me to the realization that the leaner the structure and the rules, the more time and energy and resources are available to spend on the goals and purpose.   Organizations, like governments, spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to govern themselves, and do this poorly, rather than focusing on the needs and goals of the organization.  Feh. What a waste.

    Sorry about this section.  It's been building up, its been sad and serious, getting worser and worser [sic]. We have gained a lot from the ASD, I'd hate to see it go down the tubes.  And, the Toronto Dowsers has also given a lot to the ASD.  I hope the members and perceptive trustees can turn things around in time and learn from this painful lesson.  There is so much good to this organization, if we get smart enough soon enough we can come out of this stronger than before.

    Another irony --- about upcoming timing.  You will read, below about the Transit of Venus and how only people and organizations with ethics and integrity will succeed.  The Transit is June 8th.  The yearly ASD membership meeting takes place June 10th.  Again, like the US government and the people of the US, the people of the ASD are fantastic.  It's just a few people who have gained control of the leadership who are doing things that are, in Dr. Hawkins words, non integrous.



June 8 meeting at Edwards Gardens:   $7  for all.
(now called the Toronto Botanical Gardens)
Paul Newton will show one of Dr. David Hawkins' videos and open the evening for discussion

Dr. David Hawkins, author of "Power vs. Force", the "Eye of the I" and "I"; colleague of Dr. Linus Pauling,  has created greater public awareness of activity related to dowsing.  Using kinesiology, which is similar to dowsing, he explores consciousness, describes areas of consciousness, what he feels raises and detracts from consciousness, and, has designed a "Map of Consciousness", in Chart Form, which measures from 0 to 1000.  Those who measure below 200 are deep in to unconscious non beneficial behavior and thought.

This map, and descriptions and insights can be found at:  www.TorontoDowsers.com/map.htm   (This was mailed to all Toronto Dowsers with the map, and explanations, about 2 years ago.)

He says that: "Reading the book advances the reader's level of consciousness by a remarkable 35 points.  (The average human's consciousness advances by only 5 points in a lifetime)" . And that "mere exposure to the "Map of Consciousness"  advances one's understanding of all human behavior."

This book, first published in 1995, can probably be called the most influential book of this decade.  This book is in our library.

 Mankind lacks the capacity to recognize the difference between good and evil.  By humbly surrendering to this awareness, man may be forearmed.  Through frequent practice of this  technique [kinesiology /dowsing], spiritual blindness to truth and falsehood can be  progressively replaced by a growing intuitive vision.

Society is collectively most vulnerable when the capacity to distinguish between attractors and imitators or to perceive nuances of differing levels of consciousness is dulled. Thus do civil abuses  become law and political extremists  persuade with righteous slogans.

Injury to man's "spiritual eye" has resulted in dimness of moral vision. and blindness to truth which affect 85% of the earth's population, which linger below the level of integrity.

The great issue that confronts mankind as a whole is the healing of this spiritual blindness.
We think that we live by forces we control, but in fact we are governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which we have no control.

The universe does not work in the ways that we have been taught.  It is time to awaken and to learn the truth.  "

Dr. Hawkins offers lectures once a month in Sedona, Arizona.  Paul Newton (who also generously shared Gentle Wind instruments with us these last 2 December socials) has flown to Sedona frequently in order to attend as many of his lectures as possible.  He has started a Dr. Hawkins study group in Toronto and has many of the videos.

I have 2 major areas of disagreement with Dr. Hawkins work.  Maybe you can explain this better than I can:

1)   In his calibrations, he calibrates that George Bush and his ilk are at ~435 on his scale.  That's pretty high.  I have huge disagreements with Dr. Hawkins' calibrations results, despite his statements that he has calibrated over 10,000 people/items.  I don't doubt it.  He muscle tests one time, and accepts that result as a calibration (I think?).  What do you think?

2)   He pays little or no attention to dowsing, however relies totally on kinesiology (muscle testing).  I think the source is the same.  What are your opinions?  I think some good dowsers ought to talk to Dr. Hawkins.  Certain kinds of dowsers.  Our kind.

I won't be at that meeting as I'll be at the American Society of Dowsers convention in Vermont.


For the summer events, you don't need me for any info (YIPPEE!!!)  I love you guys, but I want to create some really neat programs for the next year and need blocks of uninterrupted time to do that.  So I've arranged events for you where I am not needed.  Contact the phone numbers, etc., if you have questions.  If you contact me, I may or may not get back to you.

This could very well mean we may not see one another until September and I know I'll miss you very much in the meantime.  Absolument.  And we'll appreciate one another more.

I will be sending emails.

*            *            *            *            *

The Toronto Dowsers has participated in this event the 22nd of September, December and March.  March 22nd, 2003 was our first visit to The Mound.  This history, story and feedback was written up in the May 2003 Toronto Dowsers newsletter.  If you can, return to The Mound that evening.  The Summer Solstice on the Mound?  Sounds pretty powerful!  Or JUST DO IT wherever you are.
Sunday June 22 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, please join in the global network to raise the energy and consciousness of the Earth.  All types of positive healing energy - dowsing, Reiki, prayer, chanting, meditation, tai chi, drumming, EVERYTHING - should be directed to the waters, the land, the people, the animals, the governments, the religious institutions and the past, present, and future of our planet. For a minute, an hour or as long as you wish, please direct your thoughts and energy to this effort.  Our collective goal is to unilaterally claim our divine power and ability to heal, balance and protect the Earth from any and all negative energies.  Please share this message with everyone you know.  Thank you for caring, and doing something about it!  The future is ours to create now.

Four times a year, at 8 p.m. EST on the 22nd of  March, June, September and December, light workers around the globe are invited to join together again.  Again, our collective goal is to unilaterally claim our divine power and ability to heal, balance and protect the Earth from any and all negative energies.  These four dates tie in with the seasonal solstices, and will keep the healing energy “set in motion” all year long.

This series of events was catalyzed by a friend of Raymon Grace.  We are reminded that everyone has the divine power to heal and affect positive change.  But too rarely do we accept the responsibility to direct our energies to healing the planet.  Here's our chance to make a meaningful contribution.

Dr. Emoto: "It is important to raise our collective consciousness in regard to water."

As we did last year, if you like, please go to a body of water, or
to the shore of Lake Ontario
Gather by 7 PM to focus by 7:25 and evoke:
"Water, I love You
Water, I thank you,
Water I respect you"

July 25, 2003, people did this at 125 locations around the world such as:
the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River, Lake Biwa (Japan), Hiroshima, Lake Starnberg (Germany).

The Consciousness of each of us creates our world. When the Earth is filled with the vibration of Love and Thanks, then you will experience a world filled with Love and Thanks.

Last year we went to a spot on Lake Ontario, by Sunnyside Park, just west of the Band Shell. Perhaps you can make your own group of at least 3 people at another spot somewhere on the shore of Lake Ontario, or, by another body of water.

July 25th is the "Day Out of Time" according to the Mayan Calendar: www.tortuga.com

Masaru Emoto says, for after July 25, 2003:  How should we continue this movement? -- Let us send our Love and Thanks everyday to water at our kitchen, water from a well, mineral water that we bought, water in our bath-tub, water of our lavatory and so on. If you have a river, a pond, a lake or an ocean in the neighborhood, let us visit there with your family and friends on Sundays and holidays and dedicate our Love and Thanks to the water. If you find garbage there, collect it and clean the place.

You need a center or a core for anything, which is actually some place and person. I myself continue to send such energy to you through this site. On your side, the center would be where you are right now and the core would be you yourself. Let us send our vision to create a house of World Peace continuously to ourselves, our family members, our communities and so on.

On July 25 next year (2004), please feel a sense of solidarity no matter where you are and no matter what you are doing and think about where I am even momentarily. Please send Love and Thanks to the water of the place where I will be at that time through the water near you. Let meet again somewhere. I will continue to walk.

Dowsers find water.  As Conscious Dowsers, not only do we find water, but we love, respect, honor and thank it.  We are the guardians of the earth energies.  Of the water and the grids.

www.muddyyorktours.com/  - or -  www.ontarioghosts.org/walkingtours/
Richard Fiennes-Clinton is the founder and principal tour guide of Muddy York Walking Tours.  He and his crew take people on walking tours of Haunted locations around Toronto.  Two tours have been arranged, especially for the Toronto Dowsers, one on a Thursday night in July and one on a Thursday night in August.  Whatever the weather.


Meet:  At the front steps of the ROM.  7:30 PM
Cost:  $10 per person.  $9  if you show your Toronto Dowsers membership card.
Limits:  Richard has room for 20-25 people for each tour. Call: (416) 487-9017  to reserve your place.  And, if you do reserve a place, please do call if you can not make it to make an opening for someone else.  Advance payment is NOT required.   muddy_york@ontarioghosts.org

Please make ALL arrangements with Richard at: 416 487 9017. He will be glad to answer your questions.  The ROM is located on the SouthWest corner of Bloor Street and University Avenue (by the Museum Subway stop).

If you have attended the first tour, and go on the second tour, he provides an additional discount.  Bring a friend.  Special price only for card carrying members of the Toronto Dowsers.

A cozy cafe that we have just discovered, thanks to Daniel Kolos, who took us there after our visit to the Egyptian Exhibit at the ROM, is the "Coffee Mill", at 99 Yorkville.  Open  10 am - 11 pm, it is comfy, good food, reasonable prices, good atmosphere.  This is a short walk from the ROM if you wish to have a meal or a snack before or after your Haunted Tour.

Tour # 1
Thursday, July 15th.  7:30 PM - approximately 90 minutes
The Ghosts of the University of Toronto
A little education can be a ghastly business! The University of Toronto, a centre for academics and higher learning, has more than its own share of urban legends. The architecture and environment of the University certainly lend themselves to some ghostly storytelling. The grounds of the University of Toronto can be spooky indeed.   Some of the stories you will hear are:
Tour  #2
Thursday, August 19th - 7:30 PM-  approximately 2 hours
The Haunted Streets of Downtown Toronto
The city of Toronto has seen hundreds of years of human history. From the time as the Huron "place of meeting", through European exploration in the 1600 and 1700s, settlement in the 1800s, through to the commercial and multicultural explosions of the modern day, "Toronto the Good" has seen a lot of history. Walking the streets of Toronto, there may be a lot of history that has never before caught your eye.

Do you dare take in the things that history has left behind, after dusk has started to fall?

As a centre of population for centuries, Toronto has a tapestry of mysteries, urban legends and ghost stories. Now, you can explore the city as you never have before. Our ghost tour will not only reveal the history of some of its finest institutions, but it will also give you the opportunity to explore some of its more eerie landmarks, as well!! This tour has received very good acclaim and is an enticing way for us to present the history of Toronto.

"Toronto the Good" or "Toronto the Ghoulish"? You decide!!   This tour is a scream!!

This two-hour tour starts at the front steps outside the Royal Ontario Museum. It travels south to Queen Street and then east, just past Yonge Street. On this tour we discuss the paranormal legends behind a lot of Toronto's famous sites, like Queen's Park, Old City Hall, and Osgoode Hall. The final stop is one of the most notorious of Toronto's haunted buildings. Several people have claimed to experience the unusual here.

  * It begins on the front steps outside the Royal Ontario Museum
  * It takes approximately two hours and is conducted entirely outdoors.
  * It is NOT circular - it doesn't finish back where it starts. There is convenient subway service to both the starting point and from the ending point.

Merchants of Green Coffee - August 14th   2-5
cost:  free
 2 Matilda Street (2 N of Queen, 1 West of Broadview)  (416) 741-5369
Remember the Merchants of Green Coffee?
They came to our April 2004 meeting and were written up in the May 2004 newsletter.
They offer "sustainable" (i.e., environmentally friendly) green coffee beans that you can home roast.
Drinking coffee that is made from freshly roasted coffee beans has health benefits.
The 2nd Saturday of every month they host a coffee roasting school.
August 14th it will be dowser oriented.

Learn how to roast green coffee beans, why you may want to do it, which beans are best for you.

In addition to "school": Coffee Cupping 101, Sustainable Coffee 101, Coffee Roasting 101, you will be given a worksheet to help you dowse --- that day --- the coffee that best suits your needs.

Field trip to Beamsville
in the Energy Garden of Linda Jean
Sunday, July 4th  1-4
(Beamsville is about 90 kilometers from Toronto, about 20 minutes past Hamilton)
$25.00 per person, RSVP

Carol Heath, President of HAHN, Crystal teacher and student and colleague of Crystal Lotus Margherita Vondrak has made this outing possible for us.  RSVP to Carol and contact her with any questions you may have about this event:

Linda Jean has offered to open her gardens and pathways so you too can experience the possibilities. Linda is an intuitive who shares her skills both through healing and teaching.  When Linda moved to this property she recognized the incredible energy that it held and began to work with it.  Over time she has designed gardens and pathways for people to enjoy.  There are large rocks that Linda was guided to place at strategic points.  These rocks, that are large enough to sit on, create an energy grid that is great to work with.

We will have the opportunity to walk Angel Alley, experience Mom’s Garden, Hosta Heaven and Dragon Fly Dream and the enchanting The Faeries Dream.

For those of you who are thinking “more fluff”:  Come and bring your pendulums and an open mind and experience the energies for your self.  You will be truly amazed. You may be able to share some new knowledge with the group and Linda Jean!

Linda Jean will share some experiences with the pathways and a guided visualization will be offered.  There will be a dowsing contest complete with a prize!  You will also have the opportunity to experience some wonderful crystals.

Linda will make her own special tea from her garden for us.  Bring your lawn chair, goodies to share and water for what promises to be an exciting afternoon. As parking is limited carpooling is an option.

To register or for further information call: Carol 519 759-4742 or carolheath@rogers.com

4674 Greenlane Road Beamsville, Ontario
Directions:  Take QEW Niagara.  Take Exit #64 - Ontario Street Beamsville.  (This is also called Lincoln  on my map quest)  Take the ramp and go right to the second stop lights.  Turn left onto Greenlane.  At the end of this stretch you turn left on Bartlett and then immediately over the railway tracks you turn right onto the continuation of Greenlane. Number 4674 is the first house on the right.  Yellow mailbox with ducks.  House is barn shaped.

The following programs are tentative, as the events have been discussed but not confirmed.  Please remain connected with the website, as confirmations will appear on the website.  You can try calling me, but do not depend on me getting back to you.  If you are not on Internet please make your own connection with a Toronto Dowser who is.   You can find one of these really nice folks at the June 8th meeting.

Why are these events "tentative"?  Because altho I set up discussions with each of the principals some time ago, I did not have time to firm up details and am writing the newsletter in 2 days.  The coordinators of these events and I have not been able to connect w one another, due to my current narrow time constraints. ....

*            *            *            *            *            *


July 1st - August 31st --- (almost) daily events at:
The Omega Centre - 29 Yorkville Avenue

The Omega Centre, Toronto's largest new age bookstore, located at 29 Yorkville Avenue, which is 2 blocks north of Bloor Street and between Yonge Street and Bay Street, has evening programs.  The programs from July 1st to August 31st will be offered at half price to members of the Toronto Dowsers.   You have to show your membership card to be eligible for this discount.  Their current monthly listing is posted at: /www.freespiritcentre.info/events.html.  We have had difficulty getting  a confirmation from the Omega Centre. We have a verbal, but not, as of this printing, written confirmation.  When I have the written confirmation, or not, I will post the info and their calendar on the website.
BRUCE MAGILL, master dowser
took us to the Peterborough Petroglyphs last year.
He may be arranging another outing for us this summer, but we won't know until the beginning of June. Stay tuned for the website for info.

An Invitation to the
Annual Dowsers Corn Roast
One August Sunday
at the farm home of
Les & Sharon Kato, Vanessa, Ontario
(about a half hour SW of Brantford)

Les has sponsored a corn roast at his home for the dowsers for the last 4 or 5 summers (and I've attended most of them, as a friend of Les'.  The members of HAHN, from the Hamilton area, a related group, are invited and do attend).   A retired tobacco farmer, Les has a nice piece of land.  On this property, he and his son built a magical 9 circuit 90 foot in diameter Chartres Labyrinth,  whose borders are composed of plants.   He has also made a working "Cloudbuster" and has and uses "French Coils" to help the bring dying trees back to life.   Les is very good with earth energies.  He led our dowsing practice at our March 2003 meeting.

Les supplies the corn, and that is a reason why the date has not yet been set.  It depends on the best time for the harvest.  You are asked to bring a dish for a pot luck, suitable for 8 servings.  The food in the past has been so delicious, its one of the best reasons to come.  And the energy of the place.  And the air.  And the stillness.  Especially around dusk.  Yes, some do bring wine.

You are asked to contribute $5 per person to our hosts that go towards cost of paper goods, et ceteras.

We are not sure of the date as of yet.  It will be either August 8 or 15 or 22 or 29.   The web page:  www.TorontoDowsers.com/toronto/leskato.htm will be posted as soon as this information --- date, time, location ---  is available.

At our January 2002 meeting, a segment of a recording was played and you were asked to name the source.  Guesses were:  choirs, opera singers, etc.   This came from a recording of the sound of crickets, slowed down.   Beautiful, soothing music.  This came from a group called the Ishayas, and, they are coming to Toronto for an introductory talk,  June 3, at 7:00pm @ Wonderworks Bookstore, 79A Harbord St. then for the June 25th weekend: The Ishayas' Ascension, "Move beyond the Mind, beyond suffering.  Ascension is a practice that returns your mind to its natural state". For info: Mary (416) 920-1280.  A workshop is being offered after that time.


with Alicja Aratyn
July 10, 2004
Location: so far undetermined. Call for info.

The Universal Pendulum is the most sophisticated pendulum known. Its unique method of use is different from  any kind of dowsing or dowsing tool you have ever used. Due to the strength and enormous power of this pendulum it is only taught via hands-on practice and not through books.  Users of the Universal Pendulum must know &  follow certain rules.

During this workshop you will learn about:

I invite you to open a new door to healing and understanding dowsing tools!
- Alicja -
Investment: $80.-
To enroll call Alicja @ (905) 848-1233

Advanced Dowsing Workshop   /  Radionics
July 11th, 2004     10:00 - 4:00.  Richmond Hill
  • This workshop will focus on the many applications possible with dowsing.
  • We will work with man's 'upper bodies': chakras, miasms, and, cellular memory from traumatic experiences in our lives (past and present).
  • You will learn about the homeopathic principles ... sarcodes, nosodes, homochords and how these vibrations are used in broadcasting for health through the principles of RADIONICS.
  • We will co-ordinate color, music, flowers, gems etc. into a harmonious healing symphony through the Radionic Principle.
  • Cost:  Before June 30th:  Members:  $70.00   Non Members:  $80.00
             After   June 30th:  Members:  $80.00   Non Members:  $90.00

    A Registration fee of $20.00 must be received by June 30.  This class is limited to 20 people.
    Send to: Margaret Ball; #720 - 309 Major Mackenzie Drive East;  Richmond Hill, Ontario  L4C 9V5
    Questions?:  Contact: margaret.ball@sympatico.ca   (905)  770 - 9012

    To the ROM and the Egyptian Exhibit, with Daniel Kolos

    Daniel Kolos, Toronto Dowsers member and Egyptologist, Egyptian tour guide, poet, author, and farmer, took us to the Royal Ontario Museum, May 9th and 10th.  He came back down to Toronto again (from his home near Owen Sound) to take Robert and Elizabeth Gilbert, and myself on May 13.  The mixture between the sacred geometry teachings and the history of ancient Egypt, the explanations of their hieroglyphics, symbology and culture, was mentally provocative.  Daniel can read the hieroglyphics and has written a book explaining them.

    As we stood in front of one of the stelae, featuring Osiris, Daniel explained that Osiris is the God of the dead, and, at the same time, when someone dies, they wish to become Osiris.  On the stelae were carvings of loaves of bread and jugs of beer.

    Daniel explained that one wishes 1,000 loaves of bread and 1,000 jugs of beer to the dead, to accompany them.  For those who are wealthier, they could also add 1,000 pieces of alabaster, 1,000 jugs of honey, etc.

    Someone in our group jokingly asked:  How about 1,000 women?  Daniel said no, that they are not that kind of culture.  They are a fertility culture and do not believe in or practice monogamy.  When asked about how things were for the women, Daniel told us that:  Women can do whatever they want.  They are free do do what they please --- as long as it is within their homes.  And their homes are much larger than ours, they have a different concept of what comprises a home.

    Such a concept!  If they don't practice monogamy --- their entire society, their thoughts, their entire way of living must be different. When we read, say, historical novels, such as the series by Christian Jacq --- these novels have little basis in fact since we have imposed our culture, morals and way of life to give a story shape.  I discussed this with Daniel and he agreed.  I can not even begin to think the way they did.  Daniel said that its almost impossible to do so.  He said that the concept of monogamy came about with Zoroaster, who brought dualism in to our awareness.

    The ancient Egyptians also had a strong focus on death and dying and the afterlife.  This could be our perception, because this is what we have uncovered in our excavations, i.e., tombs and their contents.

    We are fortunate to have available to us in our group Egyptologist Daniel Kolos and the knowledge and Egyptian dowsing tools offered by Alicja Aratyn.  Robert Gilbert said that the only places one can get the virtual cone pendulums are from Egypt, from Robert, and from Alicja.  Alicja has recently moved from the Lakeshore to Etobicoke.

    Our May 2004 Meeting, featuring:  Dr. Robert Gilbert
       Our May meeting was another stupendous event.  We met, for the first time, at the Latvian Center.  The energy was excellent, and aside from some parking problems, you seemed to like it.  Over 160 people showed up, many new people.  As there was too much traffic, Margaret Ball was unfortunately delayed and could not offer us dowsing practice.

    Here's an idea, based on something we learned from David Slater:

        At about 4:00 the day of the meeting, I started to feel as if I was coming down with the flu. You know that hot, tired, dizzy spacey feeling?  This was definitely NOT a good time.  I did not have any Oscillococcinum, the favorite homeopathic flu remedy, where, if I take one dose in time --- its gone.  And was rushing to get to the meeting.  What to do?

       I remembered what David Slater said --- that if you can't get the remedies soon enough, say their name.  So, I said: "Oscillococcinum" several times.  The symptoms abated.   They came back a half hour later.   Remembering Robert Gilbert's words about saying things a certain number of times to get in to certain subtle energy bodies, I repeated "Oscillococcinum" 7 times.   Every 10 minutes I repeated it a few more times.  The symptoms went away and did not return.

       So --- sometimes, you can say the name of a remedy and intend that the energy of that remedy come in to your energy field.  That could be all you need.  As we are still physical beings, we need physical substance and sustenance.  But as we move towards the energetic, we can move more in to receiving our sustenance energetically.

    Because of the subject of the presentation, Ajicja Aratyn was there, selling Egyptian related dowsing tools and statuary.  Bill Colclough had set up one of Alicja's pyramids.  Hugh Magill, who also got caught in traffic, had Gentle Wind instruments for people to use.

    During the announcements, I was asked if I would announce an upcoming event from another group.  This is almost always a pleasure to do, especially when it is related to our activities and purpose.

    However, this time it was different, and I wish some folks would read these newsletters.  Most of our history concerning another group has been recorded in our newsletters and those who have been with us prior to September 2002 know what I'm talking about.  The more disturbing incidents have been omitted as it was not necessary to get in to sordid detail, but to give you an idea as to the kind of energy that was being directed at us by them.  It is not appropriate for us to offer free publicity to any person or group that has attempted to undermine our efforts, that has harmed us and never apologized and that has denied me membership.

    Our Speaker, and, his weekend workshop
    Robert Gilbert's masterful presentation skills and thorough command of his subject held all of us spellbound for his 100 minute presentation.  We could have sat there longer.  Few even left their seats to go to the washroom.  The books that he brought with him sold out at the meeting and there were none left for the workshop.

    About 6 of us at the meeting had heard Robert for the last 4 years at the ASD annual convention.  This was the best, the clearest and cleanest, the most powerful and succinct presentation we have been to.  The kindness, and the understanding he exuded brought peace and joy to all of us.  The wisdom and truth energized us.

    We were scheduled for a workshop that weekend.  Before he started speaking, 12 people had decided to register.  By the end of the evening, another 23.  The day before the workshop, we were up to the full complement for the room:  50, and, were turning people away.  For those of us who attended the meeting and the workshop:

        We changed
        Our lives changed
        Toronto changed
        The Toronto Dowsers changed
        There was a shift in our universe and consciousness

    In our newsletter last month, an awareness of our need to shift to more feminine dowsing principles was mentioned.  This shift was manifested instantly in Robert's presentation to us.

    Once again, most of us have come together in our group for a reason.  There had to be a reason why so many of us were so sparked, instantaneously, and, with such deep ferocity and passion and fervor.   I am certain that Robert Gilbert's work is one of the key pieces for our connecting with one another as we are.

    We come together because we are truthseekers.  It's as if we have been consuming a lifelong diet of McDonald's.  And Robert holds out an apple.  The Egyptian mysteries were kept hidden until the 1800s.  The work he brings to us is fairly new, as for whatever reason, it has been recently allowed to be discovered.  And, the BioGeometry --- Robert has been learning this from Dr. Ibrahim Karim and is the only westerner allowed to teach it and it is still fairly new for him.

    Many, who are workshopaholics, said he is the clearest, the best teacher they had ever experienced.

    Robert will return here Spring 2005 to offer a 7 day intensive BioGeometry Workshop.

    He is offering a 7 day intensive Sacred Geometry workshop in North Carolina in August.  5 people from the weekend have registered for this so far.

    What happened?  Truth happened.  Little, if anything, that we have been previously taught is true.  Robert referenced Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda's teacher, and author of "Science of Religion".   In our November 2002 newsletter I offered an item that discussed what Robert was referring to.  Here is that excerpt:

    Are you familiar with Paramahansa Yogananda?  He passed over in 1952 and is perhaps the most well known and beloved of all the Hindu spiritual leaders who came to the West.  Yogananda is the author of "Autobiography of a Yogi", one of my 5 favorite books.  (He started the Self-Realization Fellowship.)  His direct teacher was Swami Sri Yukteswar.  Something has always stuck in my mind from a video I saw several years ago about something that Sri Yukteswar is said to have taught.

    He said that since we were coming out of Kali Yuga, the cycle of sleep, nothing we have been taught is true, none of our "wise people" knew the truth because we have been asleep and unable to know the truth.

    According to the Hindu tradition of cosmology [which is probably about 5,000 years old], we go through cyclical time periods in the evolution of our Universe.  I don't know if this means the universe, or galaxy, solar system, or what.  A sub cycle is called a "Yuga" and lasts for thousands of years.  According to Sri Yukteswar we are coming out of the Kali Yuga where according to some, there is an abundance of strife, vice and ignorance with true virtue being practically non-existent. Its the final and most negative of 4 evolutionary Yugic cycles.

    In the Kali Yuga the vibration has become pretty murky and humanity is laboring against heavy odds. Righteousness (right-use-ness) has diminished to one fourth of its original strength. Throughout our current history we have created and been assailed by all the evils of Pandora's box. No wonder the human race is having such a difficult time. But the turning point has now arrived, and the dawn once more sheds its light on a confused and ignorant planet.

    It is a time where according to ancient Hindu texts  "The leaders who rule over the Earth will be violent and seize the goods of their subjects. Those with possessions will abandon agriculture and commerce and will live as servants, that is, following various possessions. The leaders, with the excuses of fiscal need, will rob and despoil their subjects and take away private property. Moral values and the rule of the law will lessen from day to day until the world will be completely perverted and agnosticism will gain the day among men."

    Autocracies and dictatorships would have the perfect environment to flourish in the political / social sphere because people looked up to authority figures for guidance. This is how the cult of obedience -- the slave / master relationship -- was born.

    This is also a time where people are asleep, and, as we are ending it we are just waking up.  So everything we have been taught is not true because we have been asleep.

    Kali Yuga deteriorates at the end of its cycle into the present unstable civilization finally there is the realization about the unity of all religions, in to the true kingdom of God which would replace the other civilizations as the real and lasting Kingdom.

    Everything that has been happening to and for us, the Toronto Dowsers, especially the way the energies have been moving since August, shows us that we are finally waking up.

    Unfortunately, I don't have time to do full meeting notes for this issue, so here are a few nourishing tidbits:

    Sacred Geometry is a sacred language.  It is the language by which spirit manifests everything in the physical world.

    It is a divine language where every form or pattern is like a letter in a divine alphabet.

    Sacred Geometry allows communication between spiritual beings and human beings.  It is a common language that works at all levels of manifestation.  It is direct communication in a tightly packed form and is the study of patterns and forms.

    When God created the world he thought in pure geometrical archetypes.  This is how the non physical manifests the physical.

    This is a divine language, an articulate language.  Every form is like a letter in the alphabet.

    You put geometries together to form meanings.

    In the workshop, we also spent a lot of time learning how to use the Virtual Cone pendulum (also described in our January 2003 newsletter), to detect and send the 3 highest forms of energy.

    This is the Egyptian, or French, or vibrational  --- vs. --- mental --- dowsing.

    Joey Korn told us about this method of dowsing whereby you dowse for the energy field rather than asking a mental question. E.g., if you are dowsing for water, you do not dowse for the physical substance itself, but for the energy field of water.  That is where all the information is, i.e., how deep is the stream, how many gallons per minute, is it potable, etc.

    Another neat thing for the Toronto Dowsers to hear:  Dr. Ibrahim Karim, Robert's mentor, has been meeting with Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of "Messages From Water".  Imagine what can arise out of that powerful collaboration.  I have asked Robert to keep me informed of any developments from their discussions, if possible.

    May 19, 2004, we lost another good friend:
    I don't think any of you knew Adrien Carlsen.  She was one of our very best friends.  Ever.  Adrien was on the governing board of the Questers, i.e., the Canadian Society of Questers, in B.C.   Talented, intelligent, perceptive, hard working, she was one of our first and best friends.   When I'd had too much of the barking dogs and empty barrels, an email, or a present via snail mail from Adrien, would pop up.

    Several dowsing societies are in serious trouble.  There is something dangerously askew with the energy of some dowsing societies.  Of all the dowsing leaders of all the dowsing societies I knew of, Adrien was THE most intelligent, capable, tuned in and aware leader.

    She succumbed to complications of illness and an aging body.   An era ends with her passing.

    Dowsing expert, Speaker, Friend, Animal Communicator, Creator of Flower Essences, and very in touch with the Spirit World, Pat Prevost was led to strong insights on material possessions, that she asked to share with us.  Please read this, think about it, and DO SOMETHING:

    The Material World Is Burying Us Alive
    by Pat Prevost

        Have you ever wondered where all those fast food bags & coffee cups come from or go to that are all over the roadsides?  Where do all the public garbage cans & where does the waste that you generate at home & at work get dumped?  Have you ever visited your local landfill site?   Have you ever thought of the environmental repercussions of such sites?  Have you ever wondered how much material waste mass the world makes in a day?     When the snow melted this year I was spurred, by butt to butt garbage on the roadsides, to dowse while driving along to see if I could come up with a solution.  I thought of the water project that the dowsers had been working on to clean up all the water on the planet & I just knew that we could do the same for garbage.
        Here's what came through.  We need to strengthen our ties to our material possessions whether it is a drive thru coffee cup or a couch.  Then I thought,  "Will that make us more materialistic?" & the answer I dowsed was a "No".  We would be more aware of the enormity of the challenge that we, both locally & globally, face with the current state of the phenomena of garbage & all of the other material possessions that we have become co-dependent with in our lives.  The quest for "stuff" is burying us alive. It also dowsed that this would help us to get more out of whatever possessions that we have, like our parents & grandparents did during the war years.  I still save string, foil, & all sorts of things as my mother taught me well that "you never know when you're going to need that".  As we rush headlong into consumer frenzy to update that computer that is already obsolete when we buy it, we just keep adding to the load in the land fills.  As a matter of fact, I challenge you to find those little shops where people specialized in fixing things so that you could get more life out of your appliances or shoes or clothes or car or whatever.
        This is a job that the dowsers can take on & it's a no brainer for us.  The water has shown us the way & now it's time to tackle the material world.  Perhaps we can add a prayer or intent that asks that our possessions become more eco-friendly in nature & that they are made with clean energy sources & that everyone from the manufacturer down to the consumer be actively responsible for the recycling of these materials.
        Perhaps we can also ask that we slow down the consumer lust for the latest new fangled thing.  I know a whole bunch of people who are not willing or able to go any further with updating their computers or anything else for that matter.  Most folks I know seem to be withdrawing from the consumer fray & with a little "10 out of 10"  intent we can help others to be clearer about our collective "stuff", the health of our planet & ultimately our own health.

    If we don't like it:  Kill It!

    Hundreds of Thousands of cattle have been killed recently, in Europe as well as North America because of an imagined threat of disease.  Not too long ago, all the poultry, every single chicken and duck and duckling and goose and gosling --- was killed in Hong Kong, again because of imagined threat of disease.  The only tool our society has been able to figure out so far, if there is a hint of disease is:  genocide.

    Afraid of West Nile Virus?  Kill all the mosquitos.  Spray the cities with poison, put it in the catch basins.

    This happens with the trees, too.

    Hundreds of Thousands of beautiful trees have been cut down, by orders of the Canadian and US Forestry services, because of threat of insect infestation.  About 8 years ago, they cut down thousands of trees in the forests of Maine.  This spring, it is literally in our own backyard: Oakville.  As its in Oakville, guess what kind of trees?  Oak trees, of course.

    About 5 years ago, Bob Kerr, of Kerr Farms in Chatham, told us a story.  He said that he had a favorite cherry tree that the crows would strip of cherries before he could get any.   So what he did was to radionically broadcast the energy of a red tailed hawk to that cherry tree.  The day he told us that story was the day he brought in delicious cherries for all of us to sample --- from his favorite cherry tree --- that not one crow went near.

    Raymon tells us of his agreement he made with the copperheads.  They stay off his property and he doesn't kill them.

    Machaelle Small-Wright, in her book (and my favorite book ever) "Behaving As If the God in All Life Mattered". tells us how to live in harmony with nature --- how to leave for the insects, etc., what they need, and, they leave you and yours' alone.

    I'm including this section --- the 3 successful solutions just above this line, and the statement of problem below, in the hope that at least one person reading this will DO SOMETHING --- similar --- to --- help the trees in Oakville, or the trees --- anywhere.   If you do, would you please let me know so I can share your story and together we can encourage at least 2 more people?

    Who wants to help the trees in Oakville?  And beyond?  Please?!

    Beetle spells doom for 5,000 Oakville trees
    Oaks to be cut to stop the risk of more infestation Chestnut borer native to Canadian woodlands
    MIKE FUNSTON, STAFF REPORTER, Apr. 8, 2004. 01:00 AM
    More than 5,000 of Oakville's majestic oak trees, some over a century old, have been attacked by a beetle known as the two-lined chestnut borer and must be cut down to prevent the infestation from spreading, the town's forestry manager says.

    The insect, native to Canada and much of the United States, attacks white and red oak trees that are already weakened from drought and other factors, John McNeil said in an interview yesterday.  "As our name suggests, Oakville is indeed full of oak trees," McNeil said. "So the problem is more noticeable here."

    The pest was detected in 2003 at the Iroquois Shoreline Woods Park. A follow-up study also revealed infestations at Bayshire Woods Park and Winston Woods Park, he said.  Another 22 woodlots containing large stands of oaks were identified as being at risk but not yet infested. McNeil is confident action being taken by his staff can contain the outbreak.

    The strategy, utilized successfully by the U.S. Forest Service, is to use a few already infected trees as bait by cutting a ring around their trunks. This technique releases a pheromone, a chemical signal that attracts the insects and keeps them away from healthy trees.

    The bait trees are then cut before the adult beetles — slender and black, 5 to 13 mm long with two golden stripes along their backs — can emerge.  The beetle, named for being the primary pest of the American chestnut tree, lays its eggs in cracks in the bark. Larvae hatch and burrow into the tree, cutting off its water supply.

    Large-scale replanting of oaks and other species such a black cherry and white pine are planned in the damaged areas.  About 4,000 infected oaks — almost half the forest cover at Iroquois Shoreline — had to be cut down. Only about 10 per cent of the oaks were saved.

    This spring, 20 bait trees at Bayshire Woods and eight at Winston Woods have already been removed. Another 940 oaks will be cut at Bayshire, 18 per cent of the park's forest cover. At Winston, 460 oaks — about 24 per cent of the park's trees — will be cut, McNeil said.   His department originally sought help from Ontario's natural resources ministry, but discovered that it does have a mandate to deal with urban forestry issues, and as a result Oakville got advice from the U.S. Forest Service.

    Death of Larry La Prise

    With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment,  it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person which almost went unnoticed last week.

    Larry La Prise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey", died peacefully at age 93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in.  Then the trouble started.

    My recipe for Happiness

      I often get asked why I devote (and it is a devotion) so much time to the Toronto Dowsers.  About 8 years ago I defined a main goal which is:  TO BE AS HAPPY AND HEALTHY AS POSSIBLE.   I can get there on my own, but it doesn't mean as much if my friends aren't happy and healthy.  So if I can help my friends become happy and healthy too, then I will be happier and healthier.

      There's a bunch of frustrations and grumbling going on at times and it totally melts away when I get a phone call from one of you telling me that a piece of information provided for you from the Toronto Dowsers gave you what you needed to reverse a serious illness.  Or help your child.  Or other person close to you.  Or you made a new friend.  Or found something important.  That is the biggest and best payoff.

      One especially heightened moment came during Joey Korn's October 2003 presentation.  He was demonstrating dowsing the Human Energy Pattern.  You were all standing up, craning your necks.  I could feel your understanding open up and the appreciation you were experiencing as you, too, could feel as well as understand this important piece of wisdom and incorporate it into your growth.  And I knew that this is why I do what I do.  It was the biggest rush.  Moments similar to that occur with other speakers as different people in the audience get different pieces of wisdom that change their lives.  All our speakers, and dowsing practice leaders, give you huge chunks of knowledge and wisdom.  Different people, different areas.

      There is no better joy than helping another person with something that is important to them and makes them happy.  Because this is one of the ways we get closer to God.

      Around the same time, I remember finishing a good novel, and, was let down because it was finished.  Everything ends.  A good meal, a good book, a good movie, a good song.  There is one item that brings joy and never ends, that is not transitory:  God.

      So bringing happiness to family and friends and focusing on God joy is a pretty nifty way to spend more time being happy.

    On the flip side:  Too much of a Good thing

      I had taken the Silva Method of Mind Control course in Dartmouth, New Hampshire with an extraordinary teacher by the name of Bill Stevens.  There were 6 of us in that class.

      One of the other attendees was a fellow named Thom, who lived at lovely Bailey Island, Maine.   So of course, as an army travels on its stomach,  immediately, I thought LOBSTER!   We all became pretty good friends in that class and visited with one another.  When I visited Thom, after the first 10 minutes, he said "let's take a ride".  We ended up at the lobster pond which is an enclosed area in the bay.

      Thom said "How many do you think you can eat?"    Hesitating, I said  "Three??"   He bought us 6 lobsters.

      That night, for dinner, I dug in happily and greedily.   Until I finished the first.   Halfway through the second:  "Please.  No more."  It was  cold lobster for breakfast and lobster salad for lunch.  The first time in my life I had way too much of a very good thing.  Until now.

      Too many good activities, too much to do, too much amaaazing information.

    Life Coach

    About 10 years ago, being betwixt and between, I actually spent $100 on a Life Coach, one who helps you determine your path and what is truly your heart's desire.  Couldn't believe I was doing something so flakey, and spending beaucoup bucks to boot on it.

    We sat in her backyard, on lovely spring day, went through the verbal warm up and in to the nitty gritty.  She started asking me what I wanted in life.

    I described the first scenario of what I thought I wanted and she said "Ok, now close your eyes.  Picture yourself in that environment, doing what you described."  She added additional descriptive details.  When I told her I was "there", she asked me if that was what I truly wanted.  "No", I responded, about a dream I'd held for 5 years --- tossed aside in 5 minutes.   We did this several more times.  I finally got to what I wanted.  It didn't matter what I did or where I was.  What mattered was that I was at one with God.  That was the only thing that really mattered.

    Which further reinforced that "All of our problems come from our feeling of separation from God."  Not that we are separate, but that we feel it.  Every single problem on every single level.

    Try that exercise yourself, with a good friend, one in front of whom you won't feel foolish when you open up to what you feel is your heart's desire, when you have a quiet and big space time for yourselves, where you actually feel that you are in the goal you think you want.  And see if that is truly what you desire.  I'm glad I spent the hundred bucks.

    It is requested that you repeat the following words once a day, every day.
    And then: Email your name and location to:  Freedom@TorontoDowsers.com
    Please say the words, daily --- with firm intention, belief, conviction and Passion

    The 5th Dimensional Freedom Project

    "Scramble the frequencies of all harmful subliminal messages, transmitted by electronic devices, such as TV, video and computer games, HAARP, HAARP projects, radionics, and electrical current.  Adjust these to the frequency of 5th dimensional energy.

    Scramble the frequency of war, fear, hate, greed, terrorism, & martial law.   Adjust these to the frequency of FREEDOM and COMPASSION.

    Scramble the frequency of all chemical, biological, and radiological pollutants of the water, earth and air and adjust them to the frequency of pure water, earth and air.

    Scramble the frequency of all oppressive governing bodies, groups, individuals & religious groups and adjust their frequency to 5th dimensional energy."

    The 5th Dimensional Freedom Project  began March 3, 2004.  Questions have been received as to What is 5th Dimensional Energy.  Here are some answers:
       With 3rd dimensional energies, we move within the 3 physical dimensions, that we experience with our 5 physical senses.   With the 4th we can move up and down the timeline, with the 5th we approach the dimension of space.   So we can now move freely, in and out of:  within our physical dimensions, time and space.

       When we are in 5th dimensional energies, if we think something, we can manifest it, in whatever area of time and space we wish.  While this does sound groovy, it also requires a good amount of control and responsibility.  And respect.   For each other.

       It was demonstrated somewhat in the Matrix (I have not yet seen Matrix III) when Mr. Smith would pop up wherever, whenever he wanted to --- as many of himself as he wanted.   So that part showed --- what looks like to us --- the power of this ability ---- but not the responsibility and the respect.  It showed the scary stuff that our nightmares are made of but not the power we experience in the dream state.

       When I saw Matrix II, I realized that we do not have to die.  If we want to, we can.  We can hold our bodies for however long we wish, at whatever age we wish.   I experienced this with one of those powerful but seldom felt deep "knowingnesses", a real big AHA.   For whatever reason, we have set things up ---- or become convinced ----  that our bodies become decrepit and perish.

       In the 5th, we can go in and out of our physical bodies at will, in whatever time we choose to do so.

       I am currently reading a biography of Tesla.   He held what looked like a big ball of fire, in his hands, around his body.  With absolutely no harm to him.   We will be able to do things like that, and so much more.

       It's kind of hard to overpower someone else's free will if you can not imprison their physical bodies.  So being in the 5th dimension can be  a good thing.   I don't know what the down side is ----if there is a down side, because I'm not sure if there will be the same kind of polarity.  (Actually, I'm not sure about anything about it because I don't know if its here yet!)

      So what I have described above is my own sense of it.  And, like all concepts of Utopia, it does sound kind of wonderful ---- until one is there and actually experiences it and sees the good and the not so good.

    When I asked some colleagues for their  input on this, this is what they sent me and it seems to fit.  I don't know where it comes from.

    "Please understand that you have a problem with reality: you think it is real. You are, in fact, all part of each other and not separate, as your eyes tell you. As you have now moved into the 5th dimension, that is becoming more evident that ever before. Therefore, actions that flow against the blending motion of the Universal Energy will cause more of a bulge or reaction than even those same actions only ten years ago. There is less tolerance for misdirection of energy because of your evolution. We tell you that right now, more than ever, the thoughts held within your own heart make more of a difference in the collective consciousness than anyone can foresee."


    "5th Dimensional Attributes:  The reality is that you are fully in charge of your own reality in every moment. If you watch the daily news and think you are a part of what you see, your power as a creator instantly creates that very reality. In the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension, all of your powers of creativity have drastically increased. Even as the ascension grid now connects and moves into its new location, it does so only to help you hold your true power as creators while still in the bubbles of biology that you inhabit. Please be aware that all of your powers of creation have been enhanced in recent days. Please also be aware that all powers of creation of all humans have been raised as well, for it is not possible for one to move without the others. It is, therefore, that we tell you that your intentional use of your abilities as creators is needed now. This is your call to Light. As Lightworkers, you have intent to intentionally spread the light of Home at every opportunity. That opportunity is now before you in a big way.


    As more places within the Earth begin to hold this 5th dimensional energy, you will begin to experience, first hand, changes in perception, communication, and form. The Earth at this time is in a place of evolution where she is shedding her old skin and replacing it with a new skin. This old skin is actually an energy grid system much like our cellular bodies. The new energy grid is already in place within the etheric body of Earth and it is beginning to merge with our current 3D physical world at this time. This is why at times, everything feels so out of sync. The old ideas and energies are no longer effective as the new energies begin to merge with Earth. This new energy -- 5th dimensional -- is in need of being anchored into place within the Earth, as well as into our bodies, and it is helpful if we consciously assist the process.

    Many of you are experiencing moments of connection to the 5th dimension, but may not be aware that this is what you are experiencing. Words alone do not do this justice, but since this is all that I can offer on paper, I will do my best.

    "5th Dimension is the place where we all have come here from -- and where we return to -- a place of timelessness. It is where the angels and fairies reside as well. 5th Dimension is about being fully present within the moment of now. Within the energy of 5th Dimension, you will feel yourself to be one with your higher self as well as removed from your fear based existence, fully seated in your heart center. Unconditional love and wisdom reside within this consciousness.

    At this time in our history as the old grid moves out of our energy awareness and the new grid moves in, the conditions may seem uncomfortable to many as it has the ability to bring up many old messy issues which we have thought we had resolved years ago. In order to be compatible with the energy of 5th Dimension, we must release our misunderstandings around our connection to Divinity. Within the energy grid of 3rd Dimension, we felt (feel) separated and abandoned from Divinity. As we each come closer to moving into the 5th Dimension, all of those old fears come up and need to be transmuted before your energy body can merge with the energy of 5th Dimension. The two energies (3rd and 5th D), are not compatible with one another. They are vibrating at two different rates and you need to choose to let go of the old energy in order to move into the new skin of the new energy. This is one place where the "gift" of essences can help you to fully resonate with the new energy, as well as to assist you in releasing and transmuting your fear based reality. With that accomplished, and your heart center open, becoming one with the new energy grid will be a smooth transition for you."


    The term 'Ascension' is one that has been widely used in a variety of contexts. Here are some:

        * raise the light quotient level of the physical body (mental, emotional, etc)
        * ability to "tune in" to higher frequencies and access information/ detect subtle energies
        * strengthen your connection to your soul and monad
        * noticeable shift in FOCUS of conscious awareness/ become aware of other levels of Reality

    Approximately 3-8 emails are sent each month notifying members of meetings, events, upcoming items that did not get in to the newsletter.  Sometimes, someone has an item to sell or give away.  Recently, one of our members had an extra ticket available to the "Adam" workshop. It was offered through the email and one very grateful member purchased it.  I've given away a water distiller, computer printer, stereo speakers through your replies.  Someone sold a puppy, another person gave away a canary...

    So I got the idea of a Toronto Dowsers flea market, asked the email folks about it and received 8 very enthusiastic responses.   We all have an item or more from time to time that no longer has value to us but is valuable to another person.  Postings are available to members only, but of course anyone can respond.  And, as we are gaining more and more members outside of Toronto, we hope our *long distance members* will make use of the flea market.  Until we get things "set", the following is a beginning draft.  Please send in your suggestions for changes, and your items for sale/give away.  This can be found at: www.TorontoDowsers.com/toronto/flea.htm

    Welcome to the Toronto Dowsers
    Flea Market!
    This site is available to members of the Toronto Dowsers for items to be given away, sold or even sought.
    We welcome and encourage members from outside the Toronto area to post your items here.
    People from all over read our web site.

    Please read our guidelines, at the bottom:

    For Sale: Girl's bicycle in excellent  condition
    10" wheel; 6 speeds; front light and rear reflector
    Rear carrier with side basket
    Very pretty dark turquoise green.
     Awesome Giant with an added extremely comfortable ergoflex seat.
    Maggie Robertson      416 531 5211      maggier@interlog.com
    (Palmerston Ave between Bloor and Dupont)
    Posted: May 3, 2004

    1 Q-Link, by Clarus Technologies.  $50 CDN
    This was purchased several years ago for $99 USD.
    Have not worn it often, was told that it can be re programmed for a new owner within 3 weeks, just by wearing it.
    Can be picked up in person, or, mailed.
    Contact:   Marilyn  mgang@dowsers.info   416 322 0363  9:30-9
    Posted: April 29, 2004

    Flea Market Guidelines:

    Listings available only to members of the Toronto Dowsers
    Listings are for personal, not business use.
    Current listings may be posted at Toronto Dowsers meetings
    Older listings may be removed or have their position changed
    Listings available for items you wish to give away, to sell, or even items, services, etc., you are looking for
    If you have an item for listing, email it to:   mgang@dowsers.info


        Item will be posted, when I have the time to do so.

    If your item is sold, an energy exchange is suggested and welcome.
    Any obligation for this kind of exchange is waived for the following:

      Here are some suggestions:
    If you can't think of something to do, the next best thing is $$$
    If item is sold for:
    $30-$99$ ---   10% SUGGESTED contribution to the Toronto Dowsers (of amount over $30)
     over $100 ---   5% SUGGESTED contribution

    The Toronto Dowsers, its members, Marilyn Gang; take absolutely no responsibility for:

    the items, the contents and/or veracity of the listing, the condition of an items listed; the condition of any items: sold, given away or requested; the terms of the: sale, negotiation, payment.   Listings are a privilege, not a right.  Inclusion of a listing is subject to approval by this list owner.

    Example 1:   Someone pays you for an item by check.  The check bounces.  Not our responsibility.
    Example 2:   You buy a toaster oven.  You examine it, looks fine, take it home.  You get home and the tray is missing.  Not our responsibility.
    Example 3:   You buy a case of cookies from someone, take them home, you eat one and get sick.  Not our responsibility.
    Example 4:   You buy a toaster oven.  You try it out, it works fine.  You take it home, it doesn't work.  Not our responsibility.
    Example 5:   You buy a toaster oven.   You take it home and try to eat it and get sick.  Not our responsibility.

    *                *            *            *            *            *

    This can also be used for:

    Those great vegetables you have, like zucchini :)  ---- at harvest time ---- for sale or give away.
    Are you having a "real" garage sale?    Let me know.

    Famous Dowsers

    Continuing in our "Famous Dowsers" series -- in March we were introduced to Bill Cox and Brian Disbury out West.  In April we heard from Sig Lonegren, in England.  May, 2004 we were introduced to Alanna Moore from AUSTRALIA!   This month, and especially as it is time to tend to our gardens, we are honored to receive information from PENN BELL, of Woodinville, Washington.

    Penn's focus is on dowsing for gardening.  She is a frequent and popular speaker at the ASD events.   As head of the "Next Generation Generation Dowsers chapter of ASD in Washington, she was one of the 2 Co-Ordinators of Can-Am, the highly successful and 1st International Canadian American Dowsing Conference. This section contains information that Penn sent us that describe her work, and, how to dowse for your garden.

    There are 3 parts to this section:
        A Newspaper article from New Times Newspaper
        A copy of a handout Penn gave at a workshop
        Thoughts and suggestions on better dowsing for your garden

    This is a fabulous article, filled with valuable information for dowsers who like to grow things.  Enjoy!

    by Collen Marquist,  New Times Newspaper, September 2000

    Negative earth energies often result from nature's attempt to  restore a balance that has been disturbed. Public interest is  growing in many disciplines that analyze and remove "harmful to life and vitality" effects of negative zones. Geobiology, dowsing, ley line analysis, Feng Shui, and geopathology are a few approaches used to reduce stress on the environment,   plants, animals, and humans. These reemerging skills, echoes of ancient wisdom, benefit us all.

    In the fall of 1998, three articles for this column discussed this field of work in depth and one person in particular, Chuck Pettis, author of Secrets of Sacred Space. In addition to Chuck, other earth practitioners work as subtle energy detectives.

    One such fascinated and fascinating investigator bridging science/reason and mystic perception is Penelope Bell of Woodinville, [Washington] a suburban town northeast of Seattle.  Penelope and I met when she was interim planning director for the city of Mukilteo and  I sat on the board of the Snohomish Land Conservancy (now merged into Cascade  Land Conservancy with land trusts representing King and Pierce Counties).

    Penelope has a degree in geography as well as one in planning, and specialized in environmental planning as a land-use consultant. She was a Master Gardener for six years, and is a founder of the Cottage Gardeners Garden Club in Woodinville. In the course of her 15 years as a dowser, she also learned Zenith, an energy management and healing system using light and color.

    Penelope was prepared in childhood by both parents to sense subtle energies. Her father took her on many desert trips, where she developed a passion for the healing energies of the desert and rocks. Her mother trained her in the subtleties of the art of placement, the art becoming commonly known as Feng Shui. Her parents belonged to a community that practiced principles of love, honesty, purity, and unselfishness. These were developed through a daily practice of listening for guidance from a higher power.

    Four years ago, training with Harold McCoy of the Ozark Research Institute in Arkansas, Penelope began working with the power of mind to increase positive and healing energies within people and the earth. Her McCoy education emphasized dowsing, understanding of geopathics (earth energies that can affect a person's health), and the use of intention to alter geopathics.

    Penelope found her life's passion working with subtle energies, and pursued training with Drunvalo Melchizedek (Flower of Life), Chuck Pettis (Seattle Ley-Line Project),  and Slim Spurling.  In addition, Penelope trained in Canada to become a certified facilitator for Geobiology/Earth Acupuncture workshops. Certified by the Academie of Sacred Aromatics, she works with therapeutic-grade essential oils. She acts as research  coordinator for the Elodorean Research Group.

    Slim Spurling of Geobiology Research Associates [www.slimspurling.com] and his research partner, Bill Reid, developed a series of light/life tools based on sacred geometry. These tools, which include personal, environmental, and agricultural harmonizers, light/life rings, AcuVac coils, and feedback loops, are made of gold-plated copper. They produce powerful impacts on clearing personal and environmental pollution.

    The sacred geometry tools, produced by Geobiology Research Associates, work with or without intent, but intent enhances their effect. Further increase in effect can be gained by coupling them with specific taped sounds, the recorded sound of a water molecule for example. Penelope is fascinated by the observations of physicists and philosophers sparking debate over the physics of reality vs. reality created through intention.

    She immediately began to test practical applications of the tools. Personal experiences, from cut fingers mending completely in 48 hours, plants growing more abundantly, and Spurling's accounts of increased agricultural yields prompted Penelope to contact medical researchers at a local university to run tests on the tools.

    She currently maintains communication with several physicists, and continues to solicit the involvement of research institutions, most especially those with a focus in physics, medicine, and agriculture.

    The light/life tools facilitate transition to higher consciousness. The goal in their use is to merge internal and external energies as one. They can be perceived as "training wheels" until they are no longer needed to move energy, release geopathic stress, focus intention, and reach higher states of consciousness.

    Penelope is also involved with the latest invention by Bill Reid. It is a fabric of 24-karat gold bonded to silk. This process took Bill, a metallurgical wizard, alchemist, and graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, thirty years to refine. Pat Reid, a clothing designer and Bill's wife, creates wonderful pieces out of this exquisite fabric that feels like liquid love.

    Gold Silk has unusual qualities that reportedly facilitate transitions, insights, and grounding. Some who use the silk report healing experiences. It accentuates positive rather than eliminating negative energies. Some examples of use are in meditation,  initiation, and shielding. The fabric is soft and delicate to the touch.

    At this summer's West Coast conference of the American Society of Dowsers, Penelope spoke on dowsing, subtle energy use in agriculture, and landscape gardening. She co-teaches classes on Feng Shui and energy gardening with Cynthia Chomos and Jean Haner.

    Penelope facilitates sacred science geobiology and earth acupuncture training.  Penelope uses her many trainings and tools to create impact for people, places, and things locally and abroad. At an expanded level, she holds intention to merge with the unity of life.

    For further information on workshops or to order Light Life tools and Gold Silk, contact Penelope Bell at (425) 485-8058 or bellasoc@isomedia.com

    DOWSING FOR EVERYONE - Subtle energy for agriculture / horticulture / gardening

    • The sense and cents of dowsing
    • Energy transfer and communication
    • Asking the right question. Practice: My name is Y / N I am a cabbage. Y / N
    • Energy lines/areas - All cultures, from pre-history. Australian aboriginals still use song lines to communicate - these are energy lines that transmit energy
    • Research in Europe, Slavic countries, Russia, Asia, Australia. US culture seems to want machines, rather than taking responsibility for what we all have innately and use - sometimes need to relearn

    • Dowse catalogs for seeds/plants to buy - are they genetically modified? does it matter?
    • Dowse companies to buy from, work with
    • What/ where to plant. What seeds/plants would like to be planted where. Perelandra - deviceless dowsing
    • What seeds are viable. When to plant. What, where, when, how to fertilize. When/how much to water.
    • When to harvest. What/how many seeds to save.

    • Healthier plants, faster sprouting, faster/healthier growing, increased crops
    • Architecture: green houses; planting area shapes, raised bed shapes
    • Pest control: bugs, slugs, gophers, mosquitoes, moles - locating holes, runways
    • Pest control: molds, mildew, virus etc. Identifying what kind, what method to stop

    • Earth energies, good energy lines, geopathic stress
    • Effects on animals and plants
    • Where is best energy of the growing area. Where not to grow.
    • Environmental Clearing - Non-beneficial changed to beneficial
    • Feng Shui
    • Thought forms - finding them, creating them
    • Shape matters - energy out/ energy in
    • Circle gardening - genesa crystal - energy outgoing, potatoes in stacked tires - it maybe the circle

    • Prayers or thought patterns/forms on two plants Prayers over seeds -30% increase in sprouting and production - energy! Next step - crystals pointed at sprouting seeds, 50% increase in sprouting and production - energy!
    • French Coil - healing trees.
    • Energized Water - Better for plants and animals?
    • Sonic Bloom - organic fertilizer applied with sound
    • Slim Spurling’s Light Life Tools - balance, agriculture, horticulture, garden. Harmonizers, light life rings
    • Irish stone towers - field broadcasters Cosmic pipe -Chris Bird’s ‘Secrets of the Soil’ - orange groves, sounds, birds - connect the energy fields - balance energies of soil and atmosphere. Created by an engineer in Kansas.
    • Radionics - Intrinsic Data Field Analyzer - Little Farm
    • Hopi grow corn in the desert without commercial fertilizer or pesticides. They send prayers and sing to it in the middle of the day to give it courage - to provide necessary moisture - energy/ vibration/ spirit. Resulting seeds produce even better the following year.

    • Letter to Robin - Edited by Walt Woods
    • Secrets of the Soil - Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird
    • The Secret Life of Plants - Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird
    • A Divine Search - Harry Saner
    • Divining Hands - Christopher Bird
    • Geopathic Stress - Jane Thurnell-Read
    • Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
    • Infinite Mind - Science of Human Vibrations of Consciousness - Dr. Valerie Hunt
    • Modern Dowsing: The Dowsers Handbook. Raymond C. Willey
    • Perelandra Garden Workbook(s): a complete guide to gardening with nature intelligence - Machaelle Small Wright
    • Plant Spirit Medicine - Eliot Cowan
    • Report on Radionics - Edward W. Russell
    • Spiritual Gardening at it’s Best - the Quest for the Navoti Spirit - Don Elwood
    • StoneAge Farming - Alanna Moore
    • The Field, -Lynn McTaggart
    • The Findhorn Garden - Findhorn Community
    • The Moment That Matters - Eric Dowsett
    • The Presence of the Past - Rupert Sheldrake (biologist)
    • Acres USA - www.acresusa..com
    • ASD West Coast Conf. www.westcoastconference.com
    • Toronto Dowsers - www.dowsers.info/
    • Union Agriculture - Hugh Lovel - www.unionag.net

    Written by Penn, January 2003

    The days are getting longer and my need for working with plants is showing - already buying seeds for the medicinal herb garden, and we started the orchard pruning yesterday.  It's still a bit too early to muck about in the garden much, and a bit wet too.  After an unusually dry Summer and Fall, our Winter rains finally arrived.  Living in the Seattle area, of course I get antsy if we have not had rain for two weeks.

    I am again spending evenings with  library books and borrowed books and on line looking for the new info on unusual ways to work with plants.  I find indigenous ways of getting things to grow faster, better, and 'new' ideas for pest control.  My main focus is ways of using subtle energy to get good crops or gardens.   I'm scheduled to do a plants/subtle energy lecture at the June ASD meeting, so the need for new and updated information drives this years search.

    Dowsing and related energy work is soooo useful in determining what to do, when and how.  While I've been researching and lecturing on this topic for several years, there is always more information sitting out there in people's experiences and knowledge. This can range from a small but important snippet of info, to a  large and detailed tome.

    What have you been using?
    Who do you know that has special ways of working with plants. - and how do I get in touch with them?
    Any special structures, shapes, proportions, tools, sounds, thoughts, or other techniques?
    Shamanic techniques?
    Devas, spirit guides etc.?
    Crystals, stones?   Any special configuration?
    Essences - oils, Bach remedies and similar?

    Where better to ask than a dowsing list.


    From the Stars:  6-6-6, Astronomical Event of the Year, Ethics, Integrity, Telepathy, UFOs:

    (1)  June 6, 2004 = 6 - 6 - 6

    The Oneness Celebration June 6-8th launches a global call to humanity to collaborate to achieve enlightenment by the year 2012.  Lest this goal seem like an outrageous fantasy, we can observe that the Venus Transit plays a very significant role in the Mayan Calendar. It is also a turning point in the Vedic tradition.  The latter speaks of the Venus Transit of 2004 as the starting point of the Golden Age, a process that will be completed at the next Venus Transit in 2012.

    The 3 glyphs below, from ONENESS represent June 6, June 7, June 8.  Although they are symbols from the Mayan Calendar, they have been included here because of our presentation from Robert Gilbert and the awareness he shared with us of forms and symbols.

    June 6 is a pivotal date in the Mayan calendar, when universal energies are optimal for integrating the right and left hemispheres of the brain and male/female energies. The fundamental reality shift is happening because male and female energies are coming into balance.  For millennia humanity has been left-brain, male-dominated.  Now our right -intuitive brain is being awakened.

    The Venus transit is being billed as the integration of the feminine and the masculine.  If we really want to experience this reality, we can’t just re-embrace the feminine.  We have to change the way we perceive and deal with reality.  We have to expand our definition of both the feminine and the masculine.  And we have to cultivate non-verbal personal experiences of true feminine and masculine energies and power.

    The feminine is not just the higher love of Venus. The feminine is the darkness, our emotions, our unconscious, and the underworld of Pluto.  Pluto not only makes sure the old dies, Pluto gives birth to the new.  We miss this part.  We miss it because we haven’t gone deep enough.  We haven’t persevered to the end of the tunnel.  We are stuck in the darkness that we are afraid to face head on.  This is where we have to get real, so we can move forward toward the light.

    Pluto is the Dark Earth Mother. She makes sure that we move to deeper and more complete levels of integrity within ourselves and with each other.  Pluto keeps us honest, authentic and forever searching for more profound meaning and experiences.

    Pluto opposing Venus makes us get REAL.  Pluto is teaching us that in order for planetary enlightenment to be possible, a very profound shift in our psyche must take place.  This is the core theme that serves as a context for all our high aspirations at this time.

    How do we get to the next level of consciousness?  A QUANTUM SHIFT IN AWARENESS, EXPERIENCE, EXPRESSION AND INTEGRATION OF BOTH MALE AND FEMALE POLARITIES IS REQUIRED. This is what is needed and this is what is available.  We can and we have to expand our limited reality.  We have to make ourselves available to move beyond our limited perceptions and narrow paths.  We have to want more than to just get through the day.  Focus is good.   But narrow-mindedness and restriction does not serve us or deliver us to our goal.

    Dishonesty, incongruities and lack of integrity are exposed.  What we have denied, disclaimed and keep secret must be revealed and dealt with before we can move forward.  The only route out is on the bandwidth of honesty, candor and complete integrity.

     June 8, 2004: Astronomical event of the Year: the Transit of Venus

    There are periodic astronomical events that could never be observed by any human alive today. One of these is the transit of Venus on June 8, 2004.   On this day half our globe will be able to watch the tiny black dot of the planet Venus moving across the disc of the sun. Given a cloudless sky, all you'll need is a sun filter to follow the spectacle for several hours by your naked eyes (check your eyes).

    The previous transit of Venus occurred on December 6, 1882, one of merely five events of its kind ever watched by mankind.

    Venus will appear as a small object slowly crossing the face of the Sun for nearly seven hours June 8th.  Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun every 584 days or so.  But because the orbit of Venus is on a slight angle, we rarely see the planet cross the face of the Sun. This rare passage happens approximately every 120 years, in pairs eight years apart.

    Passing during the daylight hours, through Western Europe to the Middle East, the transit will be visible in its entirety.  The beginning but not the end will be visible in Australia and parts of Asia.  As the Sun rises, certain locations in Western Africa and North and Central America will see part of the transit.

    During previous Venus transits, breakthroughs in human consciousness were initiated and significant developments in human communication (mail services, telegraph, telephone, circumnavigation of the globe, etc.) came to pass. We have only observed these transits since the invention of the telescope.

    The Venus Transit has always preceded great breakthroughs in human consciousness and played a very significant role in the Mayan Calendar.

    The question people are asking now is -- What breakthrough will the 2004 and 2012 events unleash?  Some prophesize a consciousness shift into a more heart-centered world.  With the opening of intuitive awareness and mass meditation, this transit “could trigger a major breakthrough in the development of a new telepathic field on planet Earth.”

    Being as this Galactic Cycle's consciousness is bringing in Ethics as its focus, any system not based on Ethics and Integrity will be jettisoned, along with those who are in any way "dependent" on those systems.

    Here are some of the ideas and things that are going to become extinct:

    1. The idea that any governmental or administrative body can bestow or take away any rights of a living breathing person.

    4. The idea that only powerful and rich players can generate power (electrical, oil, atomic, etc.) that you in turn must purchase at exorbitant rates to participate at a useful level in society.

    5. The idea that you can keep secret, any unethical thought or deed.

    An increasing awareness of telepathic abilities in humans.

    If we are going to get bumped towards an ethically based consciousness, this telepathic ability opening makes the most sense as the next step of our evolution.

    Advice? Get off your secrets right now. Go find someone to spill your guts to and do it. Get clean! Start forgiving yourself for everything you have ever done that you are not proud of. You DO NOT NEED permission to do this! Just do it!

    (3)  Video creates UFO stir in Mexico:  Mexican DoD Acknowledges UFOs In Mexico
    Associated Press,  May. 12, 2004 03:16 PM

    MEXICO CITY - Mexican air force pilots filmed 11 bright, rapidly moving objects in the skies that a (UFO) expert said proved the existence of UFOs, but defense officials said Wednesday no conclusions had been reached about the objects' origins.

    A videotape aired Monday on national television showed a series of brilliant objects flying at more than 11,480 feet over southern Campeche state. The tape was filmed March 5 by air force pilots using a video camera equipped with an infrared lens.  The pilots spotted the objects while conducting a routine drug-surveillance mission. Only three of the objects showed up on the plane's radar.

    The objects appear to accelerate rapidly and change course suddenly. At least one crew member testified in a videotaped interview that the objects encircled the military jet at a distance of at least two miles.

    Infrared equipment can only detect heat emanating from objects. It is unable to provide an image of the objects' exact forms.

    Defense Secretary Gen. Ricardo Vega Garcia gave the videotape to UFO specialist Jaime Maussan, who has spent 10 years studying unidentified flying objects.   Maussan claimed Tuesday the videotape was evidence that flying saucers exist. The video was especially significant since it was provided by the military, he said.

    "This is historic news," Maussan said. "Hundreds of videos (of UFOs) exist, but none had the backing of the armed forces of any country. ... The armed forces don't perpetuate frauds."

    But Vega denied Wednesday that the military had made any conclusions about where the lights came from or whether they were UFOs.  "This is Maussan's point of view, for that reason he was given (the video) so that he could draw his own conclusions," Vega told W Radio. "But that is his version."

    Vega said he decided to release the videotape to the scientific community for study after determining it did not pose a threat to national security.  Vega said he initially believed the objects were drug trafficking planes, "but when I began to see that they had those lights ... I realized they couldn't be such aircraft."

    PS:   from  previous newsletters:

    If there are any errors or misstatements or incorrect information in the newsletters please contact the Toronto Dowsers so that corrections can be made in a following issue.

    One of the biggest responses to an article was last month's article on:  CHALLENGES OF TIME AND SPACE which I wrote about my difficulty in keeping my space neat.  A great deal of "me too's" were received.  So, what does that say about us?   This month, Pat Prevost addressed the question of our "stuff".

    THE    Tuesday, June 8th 2004  MEETING FEATURES:
    A video featuring
    Dr. David Hawkins, PhD
    "Realizing the Roots of Consciousness"
    Presented by:  Paul Newton.  Discussion to follow

    "Seeing this video --- or any of Dr. Hawkins videos --- will raid your level of consciousness.  And make you THINK!" - Marilyn Gang, 2002
    (this video is said to be more  energizing, active and interesting than the Power vs. Force video)

    Dr. David Hawkins, colleague of Dr. Linus Pauling,  is the author of the powerful 1995 book:  Power vs. Force.  In this book he has created a "Map of Consciousness" (see Map elsewhere in this newsletter), that has a scale of 1-1,000.  He tell us that:

    Reading the book advances the reader's level of consciousness by a remarkable 35 points.  (The average human's consciousness advances by only 5 points in a lifetime).
    Mere exposure to the "Map of Consciousness"  advances one's understanding of  all human behavior.

    "    Mankind lacks the capacity to recognize the difference between good and evil.  By humbly surrendering to this awareness, man may be forearmed.  Through frequent practice of this  technique [kinesiology /dowsing], spiritual blindness to truth and falsehood can be  progressively replaced by a growing intuitive vision.

    Injury to man's "spiritual eye" has resulted in dimness of moral vision. and blindness to truth which affect 85% of the earth's population, which linger below the level of integrity.

    The great issue that confronts mankind as a whole is the healing of this spiritual blindness.

    We think that we live by forces we control, but in fact we are governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which we have no control.

    The universe does not work in the ways that we have been taught.  It is time to awaken and to learn the truth.  "

    Toronto Dowsers member Paul Newton has been to Dr. Hawkins' Sedona meetings several times, has most of his videos and runs a Dr. Hawkins Toronto area study group.  Paul had dinner with Dr. Hawkins last month when he attended Dr. Hawkins New York City presentation, on his (Paul's) return trip from the Monroe Institute, in Virginia.   Paul is also the one who has brought the Gentle Wind instruments to the last 2 December socials to share them with us.

    The way this video was chosen:  I dowsed for 5 videos that you might like to see.  And asked you at the meeting which one of the 5 do you choose.  This one received the most votes.  Paul agreed that yes, this is the best one.

    Paul said that this video offers a contemplative technique, a process that you can begin to practice immediately, as well as knowledge.  And, that you will get it quickly.  It will help you learn more how to surrender in your thoughts, what Robert Gilbert was telling us about, calling it the "chattering monkey".

    Discussion of the video and Dr. Hawkins work to follow.

    No articles in this newsletter may be used or duplicated without permission of the author.
    copyright © 2004 by Marilyn Gang