If you are reading this newsletter from Internet:
A newsletter is published for each Toronto Dowsers meeting.  A printed copy is mailed to each of our members.  Membership dues pay for this newsletter.  Members receive many more benefits and more information than the newsletter.  If you read these newsletters often, we request that you become a member.  We have members across Canada, in the US and in other countries.  We welcome you to join our group.  Enjoy.  Thank you.

The  Toronto Dowsers
welcomes you to our next  meeting
Tuesday, October 11th,  2005 (See last page for description)
The Toronto Dowsers is proud to present:
Magda Havas
 B.Sc., Ph.D.,Assoc Professor, Environmental, Resource Studies,Trent University
"Earth Energy, Life Energy, and
Techno Energy Interactions:
How is electrical technology affecting life on our planet?
It's a Shocker!"
at  THE LATVIAN CENTRE ---  4 Credit Union Drive
This is actually ON Eglinton Avenue
This is 2 traffic lights EAST of the Don Valley Parkway
On the South West corner of Eglinton and Credit Union.
(Parkway Honda is on the South East corner.)
Gathering, Socializing, Registration,  at 6:30 p.m., Program to begin at 7:00 p.m.
YES, Please do bring Finger Food to enjoy refreshments at the end.  We supply beverages
Please do not wear Scents of *any* sort to our meeting.  Dowsers are highly sensitive people.
We do open our meetings to like minded people who are interested in learning how to dowse, or becoming a better dowser.   You do not need to be a member to attend.  Your dowsing will improve merely by attending our meetings.  Dowsing is a form of energy. This kind of energy is caught, not taught.
Our meetings include activities to practice your dowsing and guest speakers who will share their experiences and teach you new skills.  You have a chance to meet those who you can help or who can help you.  One of the best parts of these groups is meeting synergistic people.
Requested donation (to cover costs):
         $7 per meeting for Toronto Dowsers members
          $10 per meeting for non members of the Toronto Dowsers
If you can not afford this donation, please make arrangements with us before the day of the meeting.
          $25 per year for * renewal * membership in the Toronto Dowsers
          $30 per year for *NEW* membership in the Toronto Dowsers
Do come and have fun,  grow with us and enjoy the energy.
Questions?  Contact:   Marilyn Gang   mgang@dowsers.info  (416) 322 - 0363   (9:33-9:33)
Check out the Toronto web site and our past newsletters at:

Post on your refrigerator:   TORONTO DOWSERS - 2005
OCTOBER 11th:Magda Havas:"How is electrical technology affecting life on our planet"
NOVEMBER 8th: World renowned Dowser Sandee Mac!
"Dowsing Techniques from Hanna Kroeger" (and more!)
NOVEMBER 12, 13: Workshops with Sandee Mac! (see below)
DECEMBER 13th - The Toronto Dowsers SIXTH Annual Networking Social
November 9 - 16 -  Seventh Annual Energy Psychology Conference
November 18-21 ‘  OBA (Ontario Beekeeper’s Association) CONVENTION and  INTENSIVE APITHERAPY COURSE



ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP:     If you have not renewed your membership, please do so now.  Our membership year goes from October 1st to September 30th.   All memberships expire at the end of September and need to be renewed.   A renewal form is enclosed with this mailing, or, it can be found at: RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP.

Please DO make extra contributions when you renew your membership.  It makes a big difference to all of us, helps purchase library books, equipment, etc., and helps those attend events who are not so financially fortunate.

If you join / renew by October 31st, you receive a guest pass to bring in a new person to a meeting at no charge.  Please note:  this does NOT mean it can be used for someone who has been to a meeting before, or, whose membership expired.

Renewals will be honored until December 31st.  After that time, its considered a new membership.  You can mail in your memberships, or bring them in to a meeting.

BioDynamics and Dowsing.  Booklets by Charles Hubbard: Charles was our March 2005 speaker and we created booklets based on the information he provided us with.  These booklets were a big hit at the ASD in June and we sold quite a few.  Charles was given a portion of the proceeds.

All too frequently a speaker freely offers his/her wisdom to others, because of their passion for their subject.  Then others take it and profit by it, without compensating the originator or conveyor of this work.  We endeavor to make a fair energy exchange with whoever offers us wisdom.

November 2 (Wednesday),  8:00 PM:  The Scarborough Gem and Mineral Club.  Open House  "Create your own clock.  Make a simple pair of earrings. Learn about mineral identification. Create your own soapstone sculpture."   Knox United Church Community Hall located at Midland and Shepard Avenue in Scarborough.  You pay for items used.

DHYANI YWAHOO --- This month's link for us --- between Ivan McBeth, William Henry and the Dragons.  And the Dragons link us to Masaru Emoto, and back again to Katrina and Rita.

KATRINA and RITA and URSULA:  What do they have in common?  Yes, they are all feminine names that end in "a".   They have all been the focus of destructive as well as cleansing and purifying energies this past month.   With all of them something was lost, and lessons and understanding were gained.  It is possible, and quite probable, that purposeful, directed,  not natural energies caused each of the events.  And everyone has a different take as to what that could be.

WEATHER AND MIND CONTROL Methods.  How they have been used since the 1970's, and in fact how permission to do so has been and is being legally mandated in Britain and in the US.  In the US, taxpayers will start paying $10,000,000 for Bill S.517 beginning October 2005 so their weather can be controlled.

The Book Corner:
   Here's a story about a special book that involves past speakers.   October 2004  Ivan McBeth spoke to us. He told us about a Cherokee Elder who changed his life when she taught him a special dance.   We were reminded of it, again, at Ivan, Jan and Pete's Stone Circle Workshop, July 2005, when we did the dance every morning.

     When I got home, the name of Ivan's teacher --- Dhyani Ywahoo --- sounded familiar.   In the pile of books that I brought home from Vermont this summer, there it was:  "Voices of Our Ancestors" by Dhyani Ywahoo.   Searching for more information it seems that Dhyani Ywahoo is a Cherokee Elder AND a Buddhist!  AND a Spiritual Director --- in --- Vermont!   This certainly bears further scrutiny.

       The next mind opener came courtesy CoasttoCoast Radio and William Henry.  William, our September 2004 speaker was the guest on C2C,  September 21st.   Here's what they say:

       " Symbols of Atlantis: Investigative mythologist William Henry  returned to discuss the symbols and lore of Atlantis. "It was the end and beginning of all myths," he said of the fabled continent. Plato believed the high civilization was started by gods, but when its citizens lost their "divine essence" they were destroyed by intentional cataclysms.

      " Henry suggested that these gods, might have been the "thought beings of light" written about by Dhyani Ywahoo, in her book Voices of Ancestors, which documents Cherokee Indian creation myth. These light beings were said to come from the Pleiades and were called tla, which Henry related to the word tula, an ancient name for Atlantis.

     "The horrifying collapse of New Orleans give us a glimpse of what Atlantis might have looked like during its demise, which could have happened quickly or occurred over decades, said Henry. He agrees with Dr. Paul LaViolette’s theory that Atlantis was destroyed by a "galactic superwave" which originated from the center of the galaxy and may have triggered unusual solar activity. He also discussed how the symbol for Atlantis resembles a vortex or wormhole. For more info, see William's article The Stargate of Atlantis. He also discussed the 'One-Footed Snorkel Monster,' case. "

     Here are a few items from the book:
   " Tsalagi Elo --- our Philosophy, our oral tradition --- tells how the Principal People, the Ani Yun Wiwa, originated in the Star System known as the Pleides, whence first arose the spark of the individuated mind.
    From the mysterious void came forth a sound, and the sound was light and the light wa will, intention to be, born of the emptiness: "Creator Being", fundamental tone of the universal song, underlying all manifestations....."

   " ... These star people came to Earth in Elohi Mona, five islands in the Atlantic Ocean, later known as Atlantis.  Before the star people came there were great waters upon the land, and male and female still existed in one body...."

   She wrote about the Black People who came from Africa to look upon Turtle Island:  "... they found people who were self empowered and without a need for domination and so they were unable to conquer.  Also, they were turned aside by the energy of the Uk-kuk-a-duk or Ukdena, the great dragons that used to protect this land, who have now moved into another dimension.

     The connection between these dragons and the mind of humans is significant for our understanding in these changing times.  The dragons were energy moving in the wave pattern of Earth's energy.  They used to follow the will of the great medicine people who, with certain crystals, would call them to turn aside dangerous activity and thus protect the people.  The medicine people became too few to give them proper guidance, and the dragons became weaker and weaker; many were tied into the mountains, and the intelligent ones vibrated themselves into another dimension.  The last dragon was seen in the Smoky Mountains in the 1700s.
        Basically, the dragon is the unconscious of all nations, the untamed energies of anger and fear, waiting to be called into the light of clear thought.  Until people awaken to their own minds, the dragon appears to be dangerous; when emotional are tamed, the dragon becomes  a winged angelic being.
      So it is not the dragon that is evil, and knowing one's true power and the movement of clear mind in one's own being is not evil.  Evil is thoughtless action, evil is what causes harm to others.  Evil begins in the heart of ignorance and the desire to dominate. . . "

    " Medicine was and still is a very highly developed art among the Native people; ninety percent of the world's pharmacopoeia is derived from the medicines of the Red people of the western hemisphere."

       2 copies of this book are in the Toronto Public Library.   It has not yet made it in to our library. I received  3  important  "hits" about this book.  Which means Listen Up.

Online Reviews about the book are divided:  2/3 love her work,  1/3 call her a new age fraud, that the tribe she says she comes from does not exist and that she does not express Cherokee teachings.

From the Net:
Dhyani Ywahoo tells us that the forebears of the Cherokee came from the Pleiadians to Atlantis, where they lived until its final destruction. When their homes sank into the ocean, they escaped to this continent.  The Cherokees' advanced mathematical skills, detailed knowledge of astronomy, and legends of their sources of power reflect the wisdom and accomplishments of their ancestors. Cherokee medicine people utilized crystals to capture and manage earth's energy for their protection. Ywahoo describes this positive energy issuing from forceful dragons the Cherokee called Ukdena. Ancient sacred rituals help these descendants of Pleiadians from Atlantis maintain a harmonious balance of power from the sun, the moon, the earth, and the universe. The Cherokee grew bountiful crops and lived happily for an untold number of years in the Southern US. When western civilization encroached, the number of Cherokee medicine people decreased, the shamans lost the dragon power, and their beneficial relationship with the energy currents of the universe disappeared...

 It is not surprising that Tibetan Buddhism should be embraced by Native American practitioners – the similarities in cultural and shamanistic practices suggest that the two groups might well have drifted off into different continents at some prehistoric time but never quite lost their physical or spiritual resemblance. Both traditions emphasize peace and peaceful relations with the earth.

*                    *                *                    *                    *


Shelley Bourne, Joy Goch and Angi Venning are offering a Pre Meeting Process Group:

From Dr. Robert Gilbert's  "Spiritual Initiation in the Western Tradition", page 166:    "Every person has a unique configuration of energy and consciousness, which takes on specific geometric aspects in the form of the subtle bodies.  This unique configuration is related to the capacities and level of maturity of the individual, and is what is referred to as "structure"."

There are 3 different types of esoteric groups
This concept of structure is vital when people work together in these three types of groups.

1)  The Process Group
2)   The Teaching / Study Group  (Toronto Dowsers meetings)
3)   The Action Group
There are several Action Groups whose members are Toronto Dowsers (such as the School Project).   This type of group can consist of one person or several people.

Our pre meeting activities focus on Process Group work (Group #1).   This will involve [personal] issues.  Energetic blocks that contribute to these issues will be expressed and worked through.

The  focus for the first 2 meetings will be on what is impeding the dowsing abilities of each individual in the group.  If you would like to pursue more personal work you may consider a private session with Joy or Angie so it does not tie up the whole group and/or deal with issues in a group setting that need to be dealt with in more privacy and safety.

This first group is limited to 25 people.  2 have already signed up.
You must pre register and we ask that you commit to the October and November Sessions
It starts at  6:15 sharp and ends at 6:55.
Please do not be late.  There will be homework.
Cost:  $0.    Value:   $1,000,000,000   To Register Please call   Shelley:  905 294 6858

If registration is set up by the time you arrive, please register.  Otherwise take care of it afterwards.   GO DIRECTLY TO THE STAGE.  We had to discontinue the previous Pre Meeting Practice Groups because we were interfered with when we were setting up for the meeting.  We hope that will not re-occur, so you can continue to have these groups.
*                    *                *                    *                    *

DOWSING 101       DOWSING 101       DOWSING 101
A Beginner's Basic Dowsing Fundamentals Workshop - with Marilyn Gang
Learn the "dowsing rules of the road", its purposes and uses,   When and how to use it,
When and how it is not appropriate;   How to use a pendulum and practice getting that "feel".
What is dowsing    When and how to use it, or, not     The various areas of dowsing   Answering questions, finding objects  Dowsing Tools     Dowsing Charts     An introduction in to "Energy Dowsing"      Resources
Saturday,  November 5, 2005    10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.    $55
Ajax, Ontario       (905) 426-4823    www.odysseybooks.on.ca

What Happened at:  The September 13th Meeting:
Announcements:    Questions,   Answers,   Surprises,   Revelations

This meeting completed our 5th year of existence. And commenced our SIXTH YEAR!  Happy Birthday to us!

September 30th, we closed our membership year with 331 members.  C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S!  And  THANK YOU!

LAKE ONTARIO WAS IN THE ROOM with us:   When we observed Thank Water Day, July 25th, down by Lake Ontario, a sampling of lake water was poured in to a jar.   This jar is our "Witness" of Lake Ontario, and energetically represents and is Lake Ontario.  It is similar to the use of a Witness with other dowsing Protocols.  So we sent good energy and good thoughts to that jar of water, knowing it has an energetic connection with Lake Ontario, and will suffuse the Lake with the good energies we convey.   Thanks to Ann Elizabeth Knutton for this idea.

THANK YOU ANGI!   Angi Venning, who has taken care of organizing our refreshments for us at the end of the evening, is "retiring" from this area.  Angi and Howie bought a house in the Annex area and she isn't close enough any longer to bring the refreshments via TTC.   Angi, thanks a million for being so conscientious and taking care of us, making sure the food was nicely set up, we behaved ourselves and was cleaned up afterwards.

MINERALS?  DOWSING FOR MINERALS?   Do you --- or is there someone you know in the GTA who is a reasonably experienced dowser for Minerals?   There are a couple of people, also experienced, who would like to get together with other mineral dowsers.  Please contact me and I'll put y'all in touch with one another.

ON THE SIDE SALES TABLE, some new items:

Robert Gilbert's book "Egyptian and European Energywork"
by Doug Boyd:   "Mad Bear"  (this book is out of print, and was mentioned extensively in the May 2005 newsletter)
by  Ellie Drew:  "Partnering With Spirit, Homer's Journey", Soul Journeys
William Henry DVDs:  StarGates of the Gods,  A Nation Under God

Photon Rings:   We have some available.  One of the uses, if you put the nozzle through the ring while you are gassing up your car, you can improve your gas mileage (mine has improved by 10%.  Some notice less, some notice more.)

ELANORA GASPAR  has a 100+ acre farm near Caledon.  She gave me a 5 gallon bucket of tomatoes that were brought in so you can take some home.  Thanks Elanora!  She has tomatoes, squash, beets and more to share with you if you are interested.  Maybe for our September 2006 meeting, if you have extra produce you would love to give away you can bring it in so those without can enjoy?

If you have a surplus of something you think we would like, let me know.  Last year, JoAnne Eadie generously gave us 2 cases of soon to expire Barley Gold.  That kind gesture made a customer out of me.  Fabulous stuff.  Thanks again, JoAnne.

MIKE BIRD,  MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Regional Director for Central Canada, attended our meeting.  Since the topic of the meeting is Astrology, Mike stayed right with the theme as we certainly dealt with the heavens and stars and all matter of the cosmos that evening.

Mike has held this volunteer position for 2 years, but he has been interested in UFO's ever since 1975, when he saw one hover over Lake Ontario for 2 hours (this was verified by law enforcement officers).

Mike briefly spoke about the "EXOPOLITICS TORONTO - A SYMPOSIUM ON UFO DISCLOSURE AND PLANETARY DIRECTIONS" that was to take place Sunday, September 25th at Convocation Hall.

Not only is this a MUFON event, but former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer was  to address the Symposium's theme:   "Why information concerning Extraterrestrial-related phenomena and government involvement with these issues is still being withheld from the public by specific western nations."

    Mr. Hellyer is getting roasted and ridiculed for his stance --- coming out to talk about the UFOs, and how the information has been hidden from us for 60 years.   Newspaper articles:  you can find out more by following: Paul Hellyer  links.

   Mike wants to raise his children in a good world.  He says that "UFOs are the keys from our past to unlock our future."

He saw a UFO in 1975.  His wife and parents were there, they were watching it through a telescope.  It sat there for 2 hours and then it moved.  They knew something is there.

He started to research UFOs and that is when he realized that they are real.   The whole system --- the media --- the government --- not only ignores it but refuses to admit it

This is what Exopolitics is about, trying to turn the system around.  Its the connection between the fact that we are not alone, and, how do we want to continue our planetary politics.

If we continue the path we've been following for 2,500 years, we continue in to a death spiral.  Something radical has to happen.   Mike thinks that UFOs are the key.

This movement will not stop until we get to the source.   Realizing we are not alone will transform our planet.  This is the Starting Point for Planetary transformation.

MUFON and Exopolitics is trying to help a lot of people get to that point of understanding.  Its about challenging the planetary paradigms that we have been locked into.

A Dowsers Dowsing UnCovery: CRITICAL  ROTATION  POINT
by Hugh Magill, Toronto Dowsers

Hugh Magill notified us of his discovery about the Critical Rotation Point (CRP).   The Toronto Dowsers is assisting Hugh to gather data  on his discovery.  Please read the explanation and help us gather the data as specified, below.

The full text of this article and some other articles that have been "snipped" is in the complete issue which is sent to Toronto Dowsers Members.  A printed copy of the newsletter, mailed, is one of the many benefits of membership in the Toronto Dowsers.  Your membership dues not only make it possible for you to receive a full copy of our newsletters, but they also support our activities and make it possible to bring this information to you.  Our members live in Toronto, the rest of Canada, the US and other countries.   Please read the BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP which will take you to the membership form.   THANK YOU!

Naturally, since we are dowsers, we can dowse for the CRP.

"It appears that we each have an individual Critical Rotation Point position in relation to how we are physically aligned with the Earth.

When lying in that position, I feel little or no resistance within my body and a feeling of deep peace and all body functions slow down (pulse, etc.)  I believe that all things have a critical position in relationship to the earth and this has proven effective for relieving pain in animals."

To find your CRP:


"....   In 2 weeks my resting pulse has dropped from 68 to 60, my body feels more alive,  I have more mental clarity and I need fewer supplements.   Since I discovered this phenomenon last month, I have introduced the CRP to 2 dozen people who are also using it.  All have noticed similar results.   The CRP has been dowsed to possess the BG3 energies."

Call  Hugh   [SNIP]   by December 22nd to tell him your results so we can add your data to our study. We will present the results at our January 2006 meeting.

A Fun Dowsing Exercise for the October Meeting:
Who do you know who:
Dowse the following:    Many of us have intriguing  accomplishments in our past.    See if you can match by dowsing the  5 accomplishments listed below, numbered 1-5,  with the correct people, currently represented by:   A, B, C, D, E

Bring your answers to the October 11th meeting.   A prize will be given to the person who brings in the correct answers.

1.   Which Toronto Dowsers sailed for Canada in the Admiral's Cup boat races
2.    Which Toronto Dowser was a  fashion model in Paris and London and a professional ballet dancer
3.    Which Toronto Dowser ran a dating service
4.    Which Toronto Dowser
5.    Which Toronto Dowser  had a hip record company in Yorkville.

[NOTE:  #4 was just plain forgotten..... My goof.   Sorreeeeee]
More information on this section appears elsewhere in this issue.


An Unforgettable Evening with Ursula Fugger
Either you were at the meeting or may have spoken with someone who was or read an email I sent out afterwards about it, and know that our invited speaker, Ursula Fugger, lost consciousness 20 minutes in to her presentation --- not having felt well for 8 minutes before that.  She was on her feet, continuing, about 30 minutes after the fall, but of course what she continued to speak on was not the teaching and exercises she had planned for us.   (See her article, below).   She deeply deeply regrets not giving you what you had come to hear, especially those of you who had to juggle and hustle to get to the meeting, and, those who came long distances.

 There were many interpretations as to what happened.  I shall list a few here:

  • Someone tried to change the energy in the room and made a mistake, opening the space up for detrimental energies to attack us
  • One of the people in the meeting sent very negative, almost demonic,  energy to her.
  • Someone in the group that she had bad karmic experiences with in the past attacked her.  This was not known to the "perpetrator".
  • Right where Ursula was standing, a vortex opened up and detrimental energies came up and sucked out her vitality.
  • Because of the positive energy that we had created in the room, color balancing it and entering the room with a blessing, and did not increase protection, the energies were unbalanced which opened up an energetic vortex which debilitated Ursula.
  • There are those who want to hamper the activities of our group.  They feel threatened by us because we expose their crimes.
  • Ursula did not have a physical problem. Whatever it was, it was energetic.  Many are doing more energetic work.  We have to increase our protection.  This doesn't mean we are in danger of being attacked, just that when you start increasing in one area, you always have to take care of things.  For example, if you are getting more money, you may have to buy a bigger wallet.  The same old wallet won't do.  Or, if you are getting promotions and more money at work, you may have to get better clothing.  If you buy a newer car, you might want to increase the value of your liability insurance.  If you are doing more energy work and clearings, please DO INCREASE YOUR PROTECTION.

    A simple way to do this, is to talk with your Spirit Guides and ask them for more protection.  If need be, tell them to ask their colleagues for help.  If you like, suggest to them where they can go to for help.  Maybe they would want to borrow Spirit Guides from someone else when need be.

    Ursula said she was most helped by Sher Smith and Janice Coverly who used Polarity Therapy on her.  She said she could feel herself  strengthening in 15 seconds after they started.  Sher is the Director of a Polarity Therapy school in our area.  Sher was invited to write an article to explain Polarity Therapy to us:

         Sher Smith on Ursula:

    Myself and my colleague Janice Coverly who was there for the first time were very glad to support Ursula on Tuesday night, in her process. What we were doing comes from our understanding of the energy currents as taught in Polarity. For an over simplification of what we were doing. It would be easiest to think of a tuning fork in a given vibration. When that happens the person is like another tuning fork and is reminded of a healthy state and models the vibration through a resonance that is  being held, thus returning to a state of health and balance.

    Polarity is based on the sacred geometric symbols. In the body these symbols become vibrating patterns of energy. When a human is created, there is an energy grid put in place of energy patterns from the sacred geometric symbols. All the patterns together are referred to by Dr. Randolph Stone DC, ND, DO founder of Polarity as the wireless anatomy of man or the energetic matrix.

    Polarity works on body, mind, soul & spirit. It does this through working with bodywork, nutrition, exercise, thought processes and meditation. Polarity work integrates the orthodox anatomy and physiology with eastern energy techniques. It is a methodology that creates a Health Building process. It is both an art and a science.

    Tuesday night was a clear example of how portable the work is. Given the right circumstances it can work anywhere, with anyone, anytime. It can appear to be simplistic which in fact it is. Enhanced naturally by studying, class work and experience.

    For more information please contact me at info@realizingyourpotential.ca  I am very thankful that we were there to be of assistance. Blessings to all.

    Sher Smith RN, RPP, RCST has been involved in the Holistic healing field since 1979. Her professional training is varied and comprehensive including studies in Cranial Sacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills and the Upledger Institute and certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Educational Kinesiology,  and Touch for Health. Sher is the founding President of the Ontario Polarity Therapy  Association, a member of the American Polarity Therapy Association, a member of the Cranial therapy Association of the United Kingdom, and is the Drector with the RYP school of Polarity Therapy teaching an approved APP & RPP course, Brain Gym® and more. www.realizingyourpotential.ca    info@realizingyourpotential.ca

    In view of what has taken place, it seems wise to bring back the prayer that Joey Korn made up for us:

    A Dowser’s Meeting Prayer

    If it be Thy Will
    May the Powers of Nature converge
    To charge this room and each of our beings
    With the Life Force
    To increase and enhance the beneficial energies
    And balance any detrimental energies
    Within our beings and in our living environments
    To create an ideal energy environment
    For all of us to get exactly what we need
    From being together and sharing with each other tonight
    To draw us ever closer to our Highest potential
    As spiritual beings of Light
    Ever closer to the Universal One.

    Created especially for the Toronto Dowsers, with love, by our friend, Joey Korn   March 2003

    Upcoming to UPCOMING

    Magda Havas will be our October 11th Speaker presenting on the Biological effects of Electrical Pollution.   Before we read about Magda, a brief (?!) mention about other man made energies, not electrical, but microwave.   The misuse of all of these physical energies is connected and we are concerned about all of them --- because dowsers understand the implications and connections better than most and can DO something about them.  The following is something you want to know about.

    (1)   Research and articles about the TETRA system have been written by Tim Rifat.  I strongly urge you to investigate these articles and figure out what we can do about these systems.   You can find out more about Tetra, etc. by starting at:   TETRA

    Here's the beginning of one of the articles:
    "The new Home Office microwave system called TETRA is to be the mainstay of British police force communications and will be placed in every major population centre. The British Government is spending 2 1/2 billion pounds on a 400 MHz pulse modulated microwave transmitter network which broadcasts 17.6 Hz into the brains of all Britain's police and anyone living near the planned 30,000 transmitters.

    The first place these transmitters will be deployed is Glastonbury. the effects of these transmitters, which entirely duplicate CIA research in optimal mind-control technology, are:

  •  Destruction of short and long-term memory by disrupting calcium reflux from synapses, due to the effect of the 17.6 Hz ELF.
  •  Disruption of synaptic neural networks, leading to behavioural and character changes.
  •  Manic behaviour, followed by nervous exhaustion after use, or exposure.
  •  Disruption of higher brain function, leading to the so called 'zombification'.
  •  Enhanced suggestibility.
  •  The development of pre-cancerous cells, which can lead to long-term tumour growth.
  •  Effects on the Limbic System, leading to emotional and behavioural modification.
  •  ELF frequency in the TETRA system strongly affects calcium ions, causing them to efflux out of brain cells due to psychotron resonance.
  • [SNIP]
    (2)   Years ago I'd heard about the problems caused by electricity.  Lynn Himmelman told me that she got moved everything electrical out of her bedroom.  3 years ago, I removed my clock radio, from the dresser next to the bed --- and too close to my head --- out of the bedroom.  Instead, I have a battery operated Zen alarm clock that emits beautiful chimes.  When I really have to be sure to get up on time, I set an electrical  clock in another room.   The room does feel better since I did that.

    OCTOBER 11th: 


    (Please review the information on Magda in our September 2005 newsletter.) 

    I heard her speak at a Breast Cancer information workshop in the spring in Port Dalhousie.   This workshop will be repeated October 15th.

    The woman who ran that workshop had lived in BC for 14 years, moved to Toronto, started work in a Call Centre and developed Breast Cancer.  Her cancer was traced to the Call Centre --- to the very very dirty electricity there.

    Magda will be talking about it, and, information will be shared about changing situations.  Joey Korn  is preparing some information for us which shall further assist us.

    Do you remember hearing that land changes when it is plowed by a motorized plow?  The metal blade of the plow touches the earth and an electrical charge goes through that land.

    2 related web sites: Health Effects with Power Lines  *  Cell Phone, Cell Tower Problem

    NOVEMBER 8th

    Sandee Mac,  from Texas:   Inka Shaman, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regressionist, Feng Shui  (Black Hat), Certified Trainer, NLP --- and of course --- a superb and intuitive dowser,  nationally known as a leader in the field of personal growth and spiritual development.

    She will speak on Dowsing Techniques from Hanna Kroeger

    Sandee would spend a couple of weeks studying with Hanna Kroeger every summer.  Sometimes, she used to help Hanna.  The basis for her dowsing techniques are what she learned from Hanna.

    She has so many tools that she uses and says  "Dowsing is the center part of my life.  I use it all the time.  It's the connecting thread of all the different systems I work with in my practice."

    Many people in our group have Hanna's blue book workbook.  Some of what Sandee will be doing will be to show us how to use this book.

    Hanna would tell people:  "Good health is a treasure often neglected until the messengers of pain and illness get our attention."   Reverend Hanna Kroeger, the late pioneer of natural health, taught that there were 7 physical causes and 7 spiritual causes of ill health.

    Do you ever take tons of supplements --- that are supposed to clear up a condition?   and they don't?   Sandee's comment can explain in part why this happens:   "When you have toxins, radiation, electromagnetic interference, etc., the tissues don't radiate with nature's life force.  The body begins to break down.  Then nature's clean up crews arrive.  If the body has that stuff in it its the same as that dead squirrel on the street.  Roadkill.   Bacteria arrive.  No matter how many vitamins, etc., you take, you can not kick it until you eliminate those causes."

    Sandee met David Slater through Hanna's sessions.  She says David takes Hanna's work deeper.

    Her work is Shamanistic and she trained with Inca Shamans in Peru.    You can also find out more at: SANDEE MAC  scroll down to her name.

    Tuesday:  November 8th:  Presentation
    Wed, Thurs, Fri:  Private Sessions
    Sat/Sun:  Workshops
    Private Sessions last  1.5 - 2 hours
    She works with mostly Shamanic processes, clearing beliefs, family patterns, soul retrieval. etc.   She can approach a problem 5 or more different ways.  The issue is stated, dowsing is used to determine the issue and then she muscle tests to see what the body wants in what order.  Issues can deal with fears, phobias, health concerns, "stuckness", recurring dreams, etc.   She uses the fastest most efficient methods avialable to her.  Cost will be either  $150  or  $125.   We will start taking appointments after  October 20th


    Margaret Ball:   "Sandee is a powerful healer.  She helped me tremendously with regression and past lives, after my husband died.  It was powerful stuff.  She has woven a brilliant cloth."

    Joe Smith     Remember Joe's stories of Harve Bodine?   Joe was Harve Bodine, a western outlaw, in the 1800s.

     "Sandee Mac is an angel and a heck of a dowser,  healer,  Shaman and what else.  If you have a chance to see her in  action,  by all means, do it. She is the one that did the past life on me so I could write about Harve Bodine."  Joe

    Raymon Grace:  Some of the techniques Raymon taught us he learned from Sandee.

       WORKSHOPS::  We have not yet selected the workshops.  We need your help to determine which workshops to offer.  She will be giving either 2  full day or  1 full day and 2 half day workshops.  Maybe a Friday night one, too.  I don't yet have the costs for the workshops --- will have to discuss the world of CDN vs  US $ with her first....

    Please get back to me by  October 20th   with the NUMBER of the workshop that interests you.  NOT more than FIVE choices, please

    Some workshops can be a half day or they can go to a full day.  It depends how involved she goes.  For the workshops without explanations --- they are without explanations because I don't have them.   The following are the choices for the workshops,

       #1 --  Soul Retrieval

       #2 - Shamanic Days of Power:  Learn about death rites, find your power animal, do a soul retrieval

       #3 - How to change Core Beliefs.  (Using dowsing or muscle testing)

       #4 - Clearing Family Patterns:  people inherit Values, attitudes, characteristics.   Our beliefs determine our behavior.  We behave according to our beliefs and never question them or the behavior.    Through her teaching, we see where a pattern is, where it comes from (which ancestor, no matter how long ago), change the belief and bring it forward.   We make the belief available to the other ancestors and descendants in the lineage as well.   You walk out of her class knowing how to do this.  Sandee has gone back  40 generations at times.

       #5 -  What is my Soul Lesson Plan? / Karmic Astrology ---- Sandee says this is a fun one.  It involves focusing on the North and South nodes.  One node is for learning, the other is for our strengths.  Knowing which is which helps you understand yourself or your children, the soul intention  and encourage  the strengths to fulfill the soul intention.

       #6 -  Focus your Attention to Achieve Your Intention:   Its about how we manifest things.  So you can put your intention in to manifest form.  We put our authority outside of ourselves, we have a different way of looking at Cause and Effect.

       #7 - Self Healing, From Hanna and David:   This is practical, Hands on, learning things such as:  Spleen drain, tail bone adjustment, adjust hips, broken bones heal in 72 hours, and more

        #8  -  Past Life Regression --- She's been doing this for 30 years

        #9 - Working with your Spirit Animal  (this is a discovering and fun class)

       #10 -- Survival & Preparedness  (she trained with Tom Brown)

       #11 - Psychic House Clearing::.   Positive Psychic Protection, Entities, cutting Cords, how to clear your house

       #12 -- What is my life's purpose, Why am I on this planet?  The 5 things people need to learn and How

        #13  -  The Future is Now

        #14 -- Day of Power

        #15 -- Life's River, Love's Symmetry --- This is Bert Hellinger's Work on Family Constellations

       Again, if you are seriously interested in taking one or more of these workshops, please reply via email, with up to 5 numbered choices, maximum.

    *            *            *        *            *
       December 13th:   The 6th Annual Toronto Dowsers Networking Social
    December is our Annual Networking Social.  Be prepared to come for an evening of fun and re-connecting with your dowsing friends.  This is the time where you can show off your more commercial side as we have a market like ambiance.  It becomes a big, fun filled fair.

    Members are eligible to have a free table to offer products, advertise services, etc, as space permits.  We also ask you to bring some food if you like.  In the past 5 years this has been very high energy with constant activity, surprises, fun and friendship. GREAT FOOD!

    Check out our GREAT Pictures from our last 2 annual socials: December 11th, 2002December 9th, 2003  |  December 14, 2004

    For the last 3 years we have had more requests for tables than we had tables available.  So we dowsed to see who would get a table.  This does not mean that those who did not score were not worthy.  It could mean that circumstances would not be beneficial for that person.  Curious about one person, who scored very low, I called her to ask her if something was going on.  She told me she had sold all her products at a previous show and could not get any more in time.

    If you would like to have a table, your request for one must be in by November 21st.  Either an email can be sent out by November 24th, asking people to dowse which vendor requests are the most beneficial to the Toronto Dowsers and to them as well, and/or members will be contacted at the Whole Life Expo.  Each vendor is assigned a random number --- even I don't know who has what number --- we dowse, you give me your answers, I total the scores and get back to the vendors who we have space for by  December 1st so they can prepare.

    If you are interested in having a table:

    NEWS FROM A TORONTO DOWSER ON THE RIVIERA:    If you know an Italian Speaking Dowsing colleague, they would probably be interested in the following article.  Please do share:
    Chi parla italiano da queste parti?

    Salve Toronto Dowsers!  Mi chiamo Federico Marincola, sono un musicista e radiestesista  italiano (di Roma)  e vivo in Costa Azzurra (in Francia, vicino al confine italiano).

    Grazie al bellissimo, dilagante, esplosivo e tentacolare web di Marilyn, ormai conosciuto da tutti i radiestesisti internettari dell’universo, ho avuto modo di diventare socio dei Toronto Dowsers lo scorso giugno. Vabbè, lo so, Toronto non c’entra niente con la Costa Azzurra, ma grazie a internet le distanze si accorciano, no?

    Sono socio dell’ A.I.R. - Associazione Italiana Radiestesisti che ha sede a  Milano, ma in quella città ci vado raramente perché preferisco non allontanarmi troppo dallo splendido mare della Costa Azzurra!

    Recentemente ho creato su internet una nuova mailing list italiana di Radiestesia, Rabdomanzia e Radionica chiamata "radiestesia_it". Se capite e siete eventualmente in grado di esprimervi nella lingua di Dante Alighieri siete caldamente invitati ad iscrivervi! L’indirizzo della mailing list è :

    La lista sta andando benone, e in sole due settimane abbiamo già avuto più di cento messaggi interessanti!

    Se vi va potete anche fare un salto nella mia “Lute Page”: http://www.marincola.com.  Avrete così modo di condividere con me la mia grande passione per il liuto e gli strumenti a pizzico antichi. Marilyn dice che le piace ascoltare le mie clip online in MP3 (liuto e chitarra rinascimentale dai miei CD) mentre scrive, perché questo l’aiuta a calmare quella bestia selvaggia… Nel Blog del mio sito web troverete pure delle ricette di cucina tipica romana, in particolare quella dei miei famosi “Bucatini all’Amatriciana” di cui vado molto fiero!

    Più avanti condividerò con voi parte di quello che i radiestesisti stanno facendo in Europa, particolarmente in  Italia e Francia.

    A presto!
                Federico    marincola@yahoo.com

    our   Tuesday, September 13th 2005 Speaker:
    Ursula Fugger, Astrologer
    Since Ursula was unable to give her presentation, as explained above, she wrote much of her talk in this article for us, and at the end of the article makes note of the workshops she is preparing for us in November:
       What is Astrology?

        A brief history of Astrology:

        Branches of Astrology:

        What is Divination?

         Sacred Time:  Meaning and Intention.

    The Method:    Using the pendulum to dowse a horary question.

    In my short time as a dowser, I have investigated further by using my pendulum with what is known in astrology as "The Wheel" of the houses. The circle represents the sky, with lines of division which divide up the circle like a pie, into 12 sections, which are called houses. They represent the domains or area of experience of one's life. The houses, along with the planets, signs and the angular relationship of all 3 to each other constitute the basic delineation method of a horoscope

    I have gotten some very timely answers to the questions asked, using the  technique I am about to describe to you. It is my own particular kind of synthesis using dowsing and the astrological principles. It is a simple way to get a feeling for a particular area of life.

    What this simple technique shares with the principles of Horary, is that it is asked in the centered moment, and the vitality (movement) of the pendulum allows me to get a direct feeling as to whether I can go on - much like the strict rules that are adhered to in the everyday practice of  horary astrology.

    Right off the top, I am going to make only one assumption, that since you were at the dowsers meeting on the 13th, you know the basics of how to dowse.   There are many excellent dowsers out there ... so find a buddy and practice, practice, practice.

    Here is what I found to be one way (among the many) to use my astrological knowledge and have dovetailed it into a technique that seems to --- for me --- work.

    [BIG SNIP]

    (Note:  The above is "uncharted territory".  Ursula does not know anyone else who does this and says that We are bending our field of consciousness by using this technique.  The combinations that she has found to use, thus far, is with the "pairs", noted above.)

    Houses are fraught with meaning.  They really signify much more then they appear to....  There's a psychological meaning, a mundane meaning, and much more.

    [BIG SNIP]

    *                            *                        *
    I hope that these and the following real life situation that happened as my evening unfolded on the 13th of September illustrate to you how, these two divinatory systems can be used to complement one another.

    In my short time as a dowser, I have investigated further by using my pendulum with what is known in astrology as the 'Wheel of the Houses'. The circle that is inscribed to represent the sky, with lines of division, dividing up the circle like a pie, into 12 sections, are called "houses".   Houses represent the domains or areas of experience of one's life.  I have gotten some very timely answers to the questions asked, using this technique.  It is my own particular kind of synthesis using dowsing and the astrological principles.

    I had asked before I left the house on the evening of the lecture 'What would be the area that I would focus on most closely this evening?" The pendulum moved between the 10th (my professional life, being out in the public) and the 4th house. (My private life, foundation and of course, my home, where I have my 'roots' so to speak.)   As many of you who were there saw, a very interesting occurrence came about to illustrate this answer in a way I shall never ever forget.

    It was approximately 15 to 20 minutes into the lecture, and I started to experience problems seeing my notes.  I had also felt as though there was fog around my ankles.  I found this to be a bit distracting, and tried gamely to ignore it.   Unfortunately for me, I went off my notes, as I had the feeling, a sense of losing my peripheral sight.  Perhaps at that point, I should have said something, but I am if nothing else, determined to go on under any and all circumstances.  The sensation of fog or something travelling up my backside was overwhelming, and just at that moment I had asked a question of the crowd --- then while waiting for a response to what I had asked, the air conditioner came on.   Within seconds I lost consciousness, and felt myself far away from everyone.  Fortunately for me, those wonderful people who ran up from their seats (and you know who you are - so thank you) saved me from doing a serious face plant on the hard floor.  Then, when I came to outside, with the feeling that I had been gutted in my lower abdomen, I was afraid to look down, in case I was bleeding through my navel -  at least that's what the sensation felt like.   I held myself and tried to stay present with the assistance of four other dowsers. Thankfully I got back to a place of stability within 10 minutes with the very powerful application of Polarity Therapy that was kindly shared by Sher Smith and her colleague, Janice Coverly.  (My profound thanks to Sher, Janice and to Joy Goch as well for their efforts in transforming the detrimental energies that had affected me so adversely.)

    Relationship of my public life (10th house) --  Speaking and being seen in public contrasted with my not being grounded (4th house) enough to deal with the energies in the room, certainly left me with an experience that somatically, I shall remember always.

    The 4th house also represents, according to Rob Hand in the book, "Horoscope Symbols", (an excellent book, if you see it out there, buy it) "at the level of our conscious relationship to other entities, the 4th house symbolizes our most intimate ties, to those involving our family, and others who support and nurture us."  Thus it shows the most personal and inward aspects of our social existence, those usually unseen by people outside our most intimate circle.  It also represents our community, in the sense that we are all the family of man ... and the larger family of spirit.

    Whoa Nellie! It all came together for me as a moment of pure transcendence. I walked in that room a stranger, and walked out feeling like I had gained a family of friends.  There was that 4th/10th house axis at play to the hilt.

    This may be pure idealism on my part, but I sense that an almost 'near death experience' (as it was for me... the last time I fainted was at summer camp in grade 4) was necessary to awaken me to the arrogance of what I thought I was going to do. So I want to apologize for attempting to do something that as a technique cannot be shown in an hour.  But thank you for the opportunity to see that what actually happened was far more important (for me at least) than the lecture.  That all of you came together to assist in supporting someone who was in dire need of it.  Like family. To those of you who had come an hours' drive or more --- I apologize to you and hope that we can meet up again under different circumstances.

    In closing this article I would like to comment on the outpouring of emails I have received from Toronto Dowsers in this last week.  Thank you for your heartfelt caring and for your utmost kindness and generosity of spirit on that evening.   And, because I offered and you responded,  I have enough interested people to put together at least two comfortably sized workshops. I will let everyone know about dates, on or about the 3rd of October.

    Continue to be the fabulous energy and light workers that you are.    It was a truly life altering moment for me, so thanks for allowing me to have it with you.  Peace, joy and have a stellar week.

    Ursula Fugger  "Ursula Fugger" <urfugger@sympatico.ca>   416 469 2840

    Ursula would like to make up for not being able to go on with the lecture and will be offering 2 workshops in November, maximum 3 hours, dates to be announced, on Saturdays.  There will be a nominal cost to the attendees, to cover costs.  It will consist of hands on discussion about astrology, horary.   Real hands on work.   Discussion and answering any questions that were not answered during her presentation.  Everyone will walk away with their own computer chart.  Between now and the time of the workshop, find out your birth time, as Ursula will do your birth chart up ahead of time. Ursula does not dowse for birth time.  She can explain why at the class.   She uses astrological methods.

    CONTINUED FROM:  Who do you know who (near the top of this issue)

    The following listing contains the names in the contest, above.  Naturally, there are more names than choices, to make things more interesting.  See if you can figure out who "a", "b", "c", "d" and "e" represent from:  Pete Coles, Peggy Groom,  Ron Dmytrenko, Judy Cole, Lillian Swanson, Dennis Barnett, Peter Clayton, Diana Atherton Davis, Richard Fogg, Suzanne Foote, Marilyn Gang, Carol-Lee Gordon, Brian Harris, Suzanne Holub, Harold Johnson, Vera Ketter, Hugh Magill, Maralie Martin, Richard Martin, Joan Parker, Marilyn Ropeleski, James Thompson, Kathy Wilson

    Katrina and Rita
    With all the changes in the earth taking place, it does not quite seem believable that Katrina and Rita and --- the Tsunami --- 3 relatively large cataclysms all taking place in a relatively short span of time --- were Acts of Nature.


    (1)  Weather modification technology is here, has been and is being used.   February 2003 Mary Hardy spoke to us and told us about the weather modifications that were taking place in the USSR in the 1970's and the effects they had, causing severe blizzards in the US.  This was not intended.  They were trying to make better weather for their own wheat crops. Big goof, huh?   The hurricanes today, and the damage wrought by them may not entirely be the result of an act of nature.

    It has been long suspected that weather modification has been taking place in the US.  Now, it is to be made legal:

    New Weather-Control Board to Set up Shop in U.S.:   Set forward as Bill S. 517 on March 3, 2005, and scheduled to take effect on 1 October 2005, is the Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Act:.  $10,000,000 / year for 10 years is being set aside for this project.

    109th Congress
    S. 517: A bill to establish a Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes
    Introduced: Mar 3, 2005    Sponsor: Sen. Kay Hutchison [R-TX]
    Last Action: Mar 3, 2005: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. (text of measure as introduced: CR S2025-2026)

    One of the many pieces of information about weather modification concerns the work of Dr. Bernard Eastlund who, while working as a consultant for Advance Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI) in the 1980s, patented devices that are described as capable of  "causing total disruption of communications over a very large portion of the earth. missile or aircraft destruction, deflection or confusion. weather modification." (Angels Don't Play this HAARP, by Nick Begich & Jeane Manning, 1995, Earthpulse Press, www.earthpulse.com).  Archived is an article by Scott Gilbert, an environmental engineering student, written for The Ontarian at Guelph University and posted on www.globalresearch.ca January 2004:
    *            *            *            *            *
    An excellent articleWeather Modification a Long-Established, Though Secretive, Reality

    New legislation not designed to foster pleasant or productive weather, but planned as tool of weaponized weather control, already well tested and in use since 1976. Amateur and hostile weather-makers alike likely to lose their technology to the military.

    by Mary-Sue Haliburton,   Pure Energy Systems News,  Copyright © 2005
    What Kind of Weather Control Will this Be?

    Bill S.517 sets up an eleven-member board of directors to oversee all the research on weather control, and to direct funding to projects. The wording sounds typically bureaucratic and innocuous. Except for the fact that the title of the act includes the words “technology transfer”, there is no specific reference to possible confiscation of privately-held equipment. However, there are gray areas, such as "and for other purposes" and other vague phrases that periodically appear in the text.

    One of their  statements only partly conceals an expectation that they will be recording evolutionary – probably genetic – changes, and that this will regarded as merely be a “normal” part of data collection. Because the word "anthropogenic” refers to "the origin and evolution of humans" we should be asking, “What sort of testing is planned here?” Is this new Board going to be approving weather experimentation that includes genetic modifiers, treating whole human populations as guinea pigs?

     In his article The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: "Owning the Weather" for Military Use, professor and independent analyst Michel Chossudovsky cites  official documents to arrive at his conclusions that weaponized weather control is already in use. He also explores how public opinion is being misled. At the time this was written, the UN was avoiding dealing with the issue of deliberate human-caused climate change.

    More recently, the UN has showed more concern about weather and climate change. In July of 2004, they granted official advisory status to the Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE), which served as "NGO in Special Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council of the United Nations". PACE members with scientific expertise have been doing analyses and opinion concerning the overriding nature of the climate-change issue. [NOTE:  PACE is the organization founded and directed by Andrew and Monique Michrowski of Essentia, in Ottawa.]

    Covert Harassment of  Humanity?
    Evidence from the environment and from independent researchers and analysts suggest that this type of weather control is already being exercised as – in effect – a weapon of mass destruction. Public disclosure occurred at an April 1997 counter-terrorism conference. Secretary of Defense William Cohen stated:

          "Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations and it's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts."

    According to Lt.Col. (Ret'd) Tom Bearden, the Russians developed weather control several decades ago, and have been using it over North America since 1976. Using over-the-horizon (OTH) radar, the beams are transmitted in the 3-30 megaHertz band. His website explores the theory of scalar interferometry, and explains how such beams can be used to direct the weather patterns as well as to transmit disease patterns of interaction to cells of living beings, affecting bio-electrical functioning. No chemicals are necessary to cause disruption of living tissues, if this alarming theory is true.

    Russia continues to operate its “Woodpecker” system. In his view, it is these outside rogue weather controllers working hard to make our lives difficult by causing storms and droughts. However, some of these economically displaced Russian scientists are attempting to benefit humanity and agriculture. One group ended up in Mexico, where they have built an effective rainmaking system that has gained the blessing of that country. Mexico plans to have 19 more of these rainmaking stations installed in the dry north by 2006.

    HAARP: Pure Research or Active Manipulation?
    Ostensibly, HAARP — the High-Altitude Active Auroral Research Program – is a research station, gathering data about the atmosphere and “radio propagation conditions”, presumably for the benefit of scientists in general as well as for civilian and military communications. Their public website states that they are “monitoring and archiving the naturally occurring variations that take place in response to the sun's day-to-day and long term variability.” This phrase “in response to” implies that this is passive research. Continually-updated, colorful charts are available online  for each type of instrument, ranging from magnetometer readings to spectrum monitors and total electron content.

    However, there seems to be much more going on behind this public face. Weather-control patents have been issued for several decades. Patent No. 3564253 is summarized as: "A system and method for generalized irradiation of relatively large surface areas of a planet, such as the earth, the moon, etc. for illumination, heating, weather control, etc., employing one or more planet-orbiting self-erecting planar-reflector satellites controlled in attitude and orbit position to reflect energy from the sun to a desired area on the planet's surface."  Although this patent called for a satellite, HAARP ground installations are capable of directing energy to any spot on the planet, as is the Russian system.

    That “Woodpecker” system uses the 10 Hz frequency, which by coincidence or otherwise is the frequency at which the human brain operates when in “alpha” rhythm (made famous by the “Silva Method of Mind Control”). This mental state fosters active imagination, and if the user learns to work with guided imagery, he or she can achieve some interesting effects both in personal health and also in influencing others’ moods and behavior. Some believe that it’s also possible for human thoughts and empowered wishes to influence even the air, water and earth. Why not? If 10 Hz/alpha is the same frequency that HAARP and Russian weather-control systems are using, perhaps we humans need not think of ourselves as victims of any weather-weaponry systems. Maybe we should all try sending out our positive thoughts for equalization of rainfall, for the health of the planet and for the integrity of its vital envelope of ozone.

    Looking for Evidence from Meteorology
    One of the primary indications of manipulated weather is the anomalous blocking high, a “ridge” in the jetstream that stays locked in one place for months instead of moving around in its normal fashion. These stationary high-pressure areas tend to occur just off the coastline, and are noted for preventing rain systems that would normally come inland from bringing much-needed moisture.

    Typically, the weather reporters on TV refer to this as “Mother Nature” being contrary, but it’s neither maternal nor natural for the jetstream to lock in place like this, guiding all rain to be dumped uselessly over the ocean instead of onto land. Such a stationary high persisted over British Columbia for several months in 2003 and 2004, drying out the coastal rainforest as well as the interior to the point of creating two of the worst forest-fire seasons known. Why on earth, you might well ask, would anyone want to burn up the forests of B.C.? In reply one can only ask another question: “Who would benefit from doing this?” Would it have anything to do with the “softwood lumber” dispute between Canada and the United States? American lumber businesses don’t want competition and have vigorously opposed imports from the north. Despite the “free trade” deal between the two countries, the American lumber industry succeeded in having an exorbitant tariff charged against Canadian wood products.

    Tom Bearden’s website presents numerous photographic evidence of cloud and weather patterns apparently being controlled by non-natural means. Grids, radials and other peculiar structures do not seem to be created by winds.  While admitting that in a few cases it might be possible for natural forces to form unusual shapes, he believes overall, there are too many such occurrences to be accounted for by unassisted nature.

    (2)  The Failures of the Feds:   2004 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed to study how New Orleans could be protected from a catastrophic hurricane, but the Bush administration ordered that the research not be undertaken. After a flood killed six people in 1995, Congress created the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, in which the Corps of Engineers strengthened and renovated levees and pumping stations. In early 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)  issued a report stating that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S., including a terrorist attack on New York City. But by 2003 the federal funding for the flood control project essentially dried up as it was drained into the Iraq war. In 2004, the Bush administration cut funding requested by the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for holding back the waters of Lake Pontchartrain by more than 80 percent. Additional cuts at the beginning of this year (for a total reduction in funding of 44.2 percent since 2001) forced the New Orleans district of the Corps to impose a hiring freeze. The Senate had debated adding funds for fixing New Orleans' levees, but it was too late.

    The New Orleans Times-Picayune, which before the hurricane published a series on the federal funding problem, and whose presses are now underwater, reported online: "No one can say they didn't see it coming ... Now in the wake of one of the worst storms ever, serious questions are being asked about the lack of preparation."

    The Bush administration's policy of turning over wetlands to developers almost certainly also contributed to the heightened level of the storm surge. In 1990, a federal task force began restoring lost wetlands surrounding New Orleans. Every two miles of wetland between the Crescent City and the Gulf reduces a surge by half a foot. Bush had promised "no net loss" of wetlands, a policy launched by his father's administration and bolstered by President Clinton. But he reversed his approach in 2003, unleashing the developers. The Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency then announced they could no longer protect wetlands unless they were somehow related to interstate commerce.

    In response to this potential crisis, four leading environmental groups conducted a joint expert study, concluding in 2004 that without wetlands protection New Orleans could be devastated by an ordinary, much less a Category 4 or 5, hurricane.

    *            *            *            *            *
    A listing of far reaching articles on the hurricanes from GlobalResearch Canada

    KATRINA:  A consensus that I'd heard about Katrina was that although there was the ability to reduce its effects, permission to do so was denied.  That this had to play itself out.

    People were told to evacuate, but poor people have few places to go to and don't always have their own transportation to get there.   Looking at the pictures of the people in the Super Dome, the faces were 90% Blacks --- or was that just media?   Once again, the Blacks were disenfranchised and torn from the roots they had set down in New Orleans.   The poor, who lived mostly in rental accommodations, won't be back.

    An absolutely excellent hour long interview with David Icke you can listen to on Internet.   He opines that corporations will be buying up what's left of the now ravaged land in the New Orleans area and obtain federal funds to rebuild --- to turn it in to another Las Vegas or Atlantic City.

    RITA:   Rita had been turned away from Houston --- and got turned back to it a couple times, before she got turned away.

    Again, we are dowsers.  Dowsers find water.   Water is more than a commodity, it is a precious gift we are allowed to use, it has a spirit and many purposes.  In these three calamities, Water and the Spirit of the Water have been horrifically misused and abused as instruments of destruction.   This is not right.  We must not permit this to continue.    Heed Masaru Emoto's words here.   Compare the following message from him to the report of his May 2005 visit to Toronto in our September 2005  newsletter.

    Urgent Messages from Masaru Emoto
    "  My thoughts in regards to the Hurricane ‘Katrina’:
    We must learn more about water. "
    The above two major natural disasters occurred in a developed and developing country: at the different ends of the spectrum, and under predicted and unpredicted circumstances. However, the reason for all the death that occurred in these two instances was the same: water.   I have researched as to why this has happened, and how we can prevent the reoccurrence of such tragedies and would like to share those thoughts with you here.

    In the Japanese newspaper, ‘Yomiuri Shinbun’ (a daily newspaper which has a circulation of over 10 million and is the biggest in the world), the following article was reported on the 30th of December 2004.   Copyright (c) DigitalGlobe/HitachiSoft

    To my surprise, in the aerial picture of the tsunami that attacked the coast of Sri Lanka that accompanied this article, when looked closely, a figure that clearly resembles a dragon can be seen amongst the waves.

    The title of the article: ‘The Rampage of the Dragon God”. In Japan, dragons have long been worshipped as the god for water. In other words, this article is expressing that the irony of the tragedy that hit the coast of Indonesia on the 26th of December, was a result of the God of water, the dragon, expressing its anger.

    However, as a researcher of water, I felt that this expression was completely justified. What I mean by this is that water is essential for the sustenance of life; however, for how long have us humans been ignorant about water? Answer: Forever, and do not know anything about water. I don't think that it is an exaggeration when I say that people are really, ‘ignorant’ when it comes to water.

    For instance, some of the questions are such things as: why can’t we survive even for a single day if we were denied of water; why do ice float in water (with other substances, the solid weight is heavier than its liquid form so will always sink to the bottom); why are there things such as surface tension (theory) and capillary phenomenon; why is water its heaviest when the temperature is at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit; how can water dissolve anything; how can water change its state interchangeably from its solid, liquid and gas form? Although these questions can be answered scientifically, the root of the mystery has not been uncovered in an adequate fashion.

    Speaking of humans, we are all composed of mostly water. When we are just a tiny fertilized egg, the water content is at 96 percent. A newborn has about 80 percent, and at the adult stage, we are composed of about 70 percent water. Therefore, it can be said that physically speaking, we are mostly water.

    Despite these facts, we still do not know anything about water; thus meaning that we really do not understand who we really are. Although we no longer protest the fact that, ‘water is the source for all things’ (which was taught by the Greek philosopher, Thales, about 4000 years ago), and understand the importance of water, we really do not understand the essence of it.

    The dragon, the God of water, probably wants to say, “You humans! When are you going to try to start understanding the essence of water, your birth mother? Contrary to this, all you do is not only ignore water but worse, pollute it! I am angry now….!”

    Then why are we so behind in the scientific knowledge surrounding water? That is because under the traditional measuring methods, water could not be measured. Why is this, I hear? Firstly, what I can say is that this is because water is actually not from this planet. NASA and the University of Hawaii reported this information in the month of May and August 1997. Simultaneously, both NASA and the crew from the University of Hawaii reported that all the water on Earth actually came from outer space in the form of ice comets.

    The issue here is that although we were able to obtain such important information, no one really deduces from that point and take it seriously. This information was reported over 8 years ago; however, to my knowledge, I have not heard a single meeting of any sort to further understand the importance of this finding. How could this be? This is because if this finding was accepted, then all the theories that have been ‘discovered’ in modern science in the past will be nullified. This is particularly because if this theory is accepted as a fact, then it means that us humans really came from outer space. Furthermore, this forces our thinking to leave the parameter of science and then enter the realms of ‘God’ or other spiritual reasonings, which, is one of most despised thought process (or theory) by scientists.

    I believe that the attitude towards this news was to ignore it for the time being and is better untouched. Therefore, the research in regards to water is taking the back seat, and the knowledge and skills needed to combat these natural disasters occurring around the globe is not adequately developed.

    There was another pertinent information in the newspaper article that announced this finding by NASA. That is: “The ice comets are about 100 tons and about 10 million of them hit the earth every year. It can be predicted that this will continue for a long time as it has in the past since the birth of the planet Earth.”

    If this is true, it is a major finding. In the distant future, this planet will be full of water and no land will remain. In that instance, many more water related disasters will occur around the globe. At the same time that this hurricane attacked the U.S., flooding started to occur in some of the European countries that were close to the Danube River. What’s more, due to the steady increase in global warming, the ice glaciers are melting on both ‘poles’, and is swallowing not only the uninhabited small islands but are starting to consume some of the islands where people already reside. What I can theorize is that this Earth is now acting like a ‘full’ sponge and can no longer absorb enough water to prevent flooding and other water related disasters from occurring. Furthermore, I am seriously worried that a part of this Earth will really be consumed by water and disappear, just like in the case of the continents, Mu and Atlantis.

    There is a saying in Japanese: “Water is a reflection of your heart and soul.” In the past 11 years, I have been taking countless photographs –and the technique that is utilized to take these photographs was developed in a small family owned business without all the most up-to-date equipments. Therefore, in the beginning, it was truly a challenge to create a space that was conducive to taking crystal photos. However, it lead to the researchers understanding the importance of the photographer’s emotional state and the surrounding environment when the crystal pictures are taken. This means that the saying I have introduced to you in the beginning of this paragraph is true.

    For example, the beauty of these crystals is vastly different when they are taken by either a photographer that is at peace or by someone that was aggravated. Yes, when the feeling of Love and Thanks’ was sent to the water, the crystal formation was at its best. On the other hand, ugly crystals formed when the feelings of, ‘You Make Me Sick. I Will Kill You.’ was sent towards the water.

    I am confident that through my long years of research, I understand now that harmonious and positive energy creates beautiful hexagonal shaped crystals and not for all other negative energies.

    ‘Water is the reflection of your heart and soul.” Based on this information, it feels like the human population is currently being questioned about their way of living so far. Are modern day people living a life on a daily basis that is full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy? The answer is obvious: no. On the contrary, we are all immersed in fear and resentment and living a life that is full of gluttony, over consumption and worries.

    If so, then the water will reflect that as well. If we do not come together and lead a life full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy, the water will retaliate furthermore and create water related havoc on this planet and may attack your city next.

    To avoid such horrible atrocity to happen to you, and to offer aide in rescuing all the people who are currently being ‘bullied’, there are several things we can do. These are: to send ‘Love and Thanks’ to your nearby water; to think about what water means to you; realize that you are water; to feel that water is not only your parents but your siblings; and approach water with much more respect.

    So let’s send our energies towards our nearby or local water and for all the water in the world. If we can all come together and send this positive energy into the universe, the fury of the dragon may cool down for a little while. This is because I believe that the ‘m’ in the energy equation of the late Einstein, ‘E = mc2’ is the number of people and the ‘c’, equals consciousness.

    “Water, We Love You.”
    “Water, We Thank You.”
    “Water, We Respect You.”

    Masaru Emoto      September 4, 2005

    What is so, What is Not?
    The information you have read about Weather and Mind Control, above, do you think it is truly taking place, or not?  I did include it because I do think it is so and that many who read this newsletter might not have had this information previously.  If you already know it, please let me know and I'll be even more careful in the future.  There is so much dis-information being disseminated, even with our detectors, discerning becomes challenging.

    Jim McCanney says:    "Hurricanes cannot be created by man but they can be steered and the spin either sped up or toned down. Only our own US satellites are needed for this. If you read that planes, another country, or bs scalar wave/hyperdimensional technology is behind this, you're in the thick of disinfo. This garbage/info is being put out by the ptb to make it appear that weather manipulation is nonsense. They do this to cover up their GUILT behind their callously killing tens of thousands of our own citizens with their weather manipulation satellites and gouging the public with their fuel price increases along with granting themselves huge contracts to rebuild, paid for by the publics money. Even the vast majority of the billions given to FEMA goes directly in their hands and never benefits the public.

    THERE HAS BEEN A RECENT SURGE OF MISINFORMATION REGARDING WEATHER CONTROL ... THERE IS A NEW GROUP OF IMPOSTER "WEATHER CONTROL EXPERTS" ....YOU HAVE BEEN HEARING A GROWING LIST OF IMPOSTERS ON MAJOR NEWS MEDIA AND THE "ALTERNATIVE RADIO SHOWS" WHO ARE TRYING TO DIVERT THE TRUE STORY REGARDING WEATHER MANIPULATION ..the term "scalar weapons" is a mythical term invented to divert the real topic and make ridiculous claims like katrina and rita were products of the yokahama momma japanese mafia using russian scalar weather control technology ... PURE GARBAGE  ... the USA has been subverted from within ... the weather is being manipulating WITH USA BUILT AND OPERATED LASER SATELLITES ... (yes ... built and operated right here in the good ole USA) "

    FEMA:  The bungling by the US Government and FEMA, this time in New Orleans, is also 'said' to be deliberate.  It is again 'said' that with 2 major presidentially declared disasters, Martial Law is declared then FEMA steps in and takes over.  Which is what 'they' are angling for.  Am I accepting all this because it supports my dislike of the behavior of the US Government, or because it is true?  Please ask yourself similar questions.

    A Story from Toronto Dowser Juanita Ott, Edmonton, Alberta:
    This story took place about 2 years ago. For several months my husband Les was experiencing some fluttering and discomfort in his chest, usually at bedtime but it was also known to occur at other times throughout the day. Finally one Saturday morning he woke up and was feeling awful he came into the kitchen and informed me, this is it he was going to the doctor. Now this in itself is not a good sign as he doesn't like to go to doctors. It did not help that both his parents had just gone through bypass surgeries within a week of each other. Anxiety was running high in house.

    Anyway it being Saturday morning he didn't want to go as the wait would be long. So I got out my pendulum and using a Chart Book by Dale Olsen I was dowsing to see what he needed. Well it took me quite awhile and Les had wandered off tired of watching.  I finally dowsed that he needed more EFA's and then checked the amount that he needed. So I went to the fridge and took out a bottle of Udo's and asked if that would do the trick, checked the dosage on the bottle which of course was a lot more than what I had dowsed. But I went with what I dowsed and poured him his dose in a little medicine cup. I called Les into the kitchen and told him he needed to drink the contents of the cup, he looked at me really funny but did as he was told. Darned if he didn't feel better almost instantly, literally within seconds the fluttering and discomfort stopped. He never did go to the doctor either, 2 years later and still never made that trip to the doctor.


    MIGRAINES? NAUSEA?   --- More headaches abounded these past 2 weeks with the intense energy changes.   Sometimes the energy is changing but your body can't keep up with it and so it gets clogged up.    There are many causes for headaches.  Headaches are often liver connected.   Our livers get sluggish and clogged up.

    Why?  Because we do not give our liver what it needs.   Our liver --- especially the gall bladder --- needs BITTER!   Bitter is Better!  Ayurvedic Medicine, the 5,000 year old Science of Medicine of India says we need to have 6 different tastes at a meal.   We probably don't even have all of those tastes in a week.  Sure, we get plenty of Sweet, Salt.  Maybe Sour.  Maybe Astringent at times.   Bitter?  No.  Pungent?   No.    I'll betcha a looney you haven't had bitter this week.   Or longer.   And WE NEED BITTER!    It cleanses the blood, improves digestion, removes sluggishness.  The bitter helps "squeeze" the gall bladder to produce bile and emulsify fats.  Why?  So we are not clogged up.   Clogging -->  Sluggishness -->  Headaches.

    As soon as that headache-y feeling comes on, I take some Swedish Bitters.   1/2 - 1  teaspoon in as little water as possible, to keep that bitter taste which is why you do it!.  Swedish Bitters is a wonderful combination made up of Bitter Herbs, of course.

    It might not clear it up, but it sure can help.  That is, if your headaches are liver related.

    I got a nauseous migraine this summer and was directed to:  GRAVOL.  Wow.  I don't know what it is --- despite reading material on it --- but it is definitely effective.   And very sleep inducing.   Gets rid of the nausea for sure, by numbing the inside of the stomach.  It's not something I'd want to use more than a few times a year, but am glad to know about it when necessary.

    *                *                *                *                *                *                *
    LOSING THE GUT:  Last month CLEANSING was written about, and that cleansing properly is one of the good ways to reduce the gut as it can get rid of the dried fecal matter stuck to your colon.   Here's another reminder and one new item:

    Reminder:  The Slant Board (again).  A reason we have the gut is because of gravity and a "prolapsed colon".  Using the Slant Board on a regular basis helps put that gut back where it belongs.

    Mummy Tummy?   Julie Tupler, RN in her new book "Lose Your Mummy Tummy" says:  "Pregnancy naturally separates a mother's outermost abdominal muscles to make room for her growing uterus.   The uterus expands over months of pregnancy, the abdominal muscles stretch and spread to make room for it.  Unfortunately, the muscle separation that often occurs as the uterus expands doesn't always disappear after giving birth.  Called a diastasis, this separation doesn't fully close up in 98% of new moms.  The larger the diastasis, the weaker the muscles and the bigger the belly that just won't seem to go away until after baby's delivery.

    Pelvic Floor muscles are weakened even if you have a C section.  Its not the method of delivery, its the weight of the organs during pregnancy, regardless of delivery metho.

    Lose Your Mummy Tummy introduces the Tupler Technique, a set of simple abdominal and breathing exercises that decreases the diastasis and results in a firmer, flatter and stronger belly no matter when you had a baby, even if it was decades ago..  It also reduces or eliminates back pain.

    Cleansing again:  Gabriel Cousens was on CoasttoCoast radio during Hurricane Katrina.  He was talking about the benefits of fasting and cleansing.  It seemed ironic that he was talking about choosing to fast at the same time that people in New Orleans were very very hungry because they just didn't have food to eat and had no choice.

    Why are Green Drinks so important:  Green Drinks have the Life Force.  They awaken DNA.

    "By consuming live (uncooked) foods a person can raise their biophoton levels and thus be more connected to the "living field" and have greater energy, he said.  And, eating less has been scientifically shown to increase longevity. Further, supervised "green juice" fasting for a period of seven days can be helpful in turning around such conditions as diabetes and high blood pressure. Fasting for this length of time resets certain biological parameters and can activate a person's anti-aging genes."

    In his 2003 book, "Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine" he talks about GE foods":
           "GE foods may be missing important elements or have changes in the nutrient ratios.  Genetic engineering may accidentally or intentionally remove or inactivate substances in food that the engineers consider undesirable, but the new food or the missing substance may have particular qualities that we do not quite understand.  For example, the nutrient chemistry in genetically engineered soy reveals 29% less choline, needed for nervous system development, and 27% more trypsin inhibitor, which inhibits protein digestion, and 200% more lectins, which are associated with greater food sensitivity.
            GE foods can cause allergic reactions. One of the problems of these newly identified proteins is that the human body is simply not programmed to deal with them. One of the responses of the body to unnatural and toxic food is to have an allergic reaction.  Reports of increased allergies to GE soy products are already coming out.  Soy, which is now 70% GE in the US, has moved into the top ten allergic foods.  It is now associated with significantly more allergies."

    Later on, he talks about PHYTONUTRIENTS, where they come from.    Phytos protect the body and fight disease. Plants stay healthy because  they make their own disease-fighting chemicals we call phytochemicals - phytos for short. Phytos provide medicine for cell health. They help the cells repair themselves by stimulating the release of protective enzymes or those that rebuild damaged cells. Other phytos inhibit cancer-producing substances, reducing their ability to damage cells. When the repair squad can stay ahead of the damage, degenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis, can't get started. Phytos also keep cancer and cardiovascular disease in check.

    Carcinogens can enter the body from all kinds of sources: tobacco smoke, pollution, pesticides, or just plain bad luck. Carcinogens attempt to enter cells and change how they develop. If the carcinogen manages to infiltrate the internal controls of the cell, other kinds of phytos help to shut down the precancerous cell so it does not multiply into a gang and overrun the neighborhood. This phyto protective mechanism explains why cultures whose diets are rich in plant foods have the lowest rates of cancer. The Mediterranean diet, for example, emphasizes garlic, tomatoes, onions, fruits, whole grains, and olive oil - all of which contain cancer-fighting phytos.

    Phytos seem to be the most cancer protective against epithelial cells, those that form the lining of organs, such as the mouth, lungs, bladder, uterus, and digestive tract. These cells are the ones most exposed to carcinogens.

     It may be valuable for you to research phytonutrients and the individual roles they play in health:

    Reds Reservatrol, Ellagic Acid, Quercitin Tomatoes, Strawberries, Cherries, Raspberries, Grapes, Pink Grapefruit, Watermelon
    Oranges Carotenes Carrots, Peppers, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Pumpkins, Apricots, Cantaloupe, Mangoes
    Yellows Limonene Lemons, Grapefruit, Oranges, Citrus
    Greens Indole-3-Carbinol (prevents Breast & Prostate Cancers), Thiocyanates, Zeaxanthins (Protects the eyes, against Macular degeneration)  Sulforaphane, Isothiocyanates, Lutein Arugula, Cabbage, Beet greens, Collard Greens, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Kale, Mustard Greens, Watercress
    Blues Bilberry Blueberries, Bilberry
    Purples/Indigos Lycopene, Terpines Raspberries, Grapes, Strawberries
    Whites Allylsulfides, Quercitin Apples, Cauliflower, Radishes, Chives, Leeks, Scallions, Garlic, Onions
    *            *            *            *            *
    One of you told me how Suzanne Somers book:  "Suzanne Somers' Slim and Sexy Forever:  The Hormone Solution for Permanent Weight Loss and Optimal Living"  changed your life.   Because you were tired and totally depleted of energy and everything else.   This book is about Hormones.

     The Toronto Public Library produced her earlier book, "The Sexy Years" and in one area Suzanne writes, about Mercury Fillings and menopause  "The mercury behaves as estrogen in the body, so you get a kind of setup where you have a sluggish liver and an estrogen level that's too high relative to progesterone.  Mercury is one of the biggest problems.  The older the fillings the more they leak, and they leak to a certain threshold point over the years, and that is when symptoms occur.

    Root canals are in a different category and one of the few areas in medicine where dead tissue is retained within the body.  You can cut out a person's gallbladder or appendix, but with a root canal, the nerve root is dead but there are so many tiny canals in one single nerve root that it is almost impossible to keep all the canals completely free from infection.  So the thinking is that some of these canals are still infected and the infection is able to seep through the bloodstream to other areas.  Plus, each tooth is connected to an organ, if you are using the meridian system.  So frequently a root canal tooth, say, the upper molar, would connect to the stomach meridian, which connects to the thyroid and the breast.

    Cortisol and DHEA are the two hormones made by the adrenals.  Initially when you are stressed, cortisol levels go op, and if you take stress home, you have a hard time sleeping.  Because cortisol levels are very high at midnight and that turns off melatonin and growth hormones.  Growth hormone is secreted in the first two hours of sleep, which really allows for the physiological regeneration in the first half of your sleep.  If your cortisol levels are high at midnight, you are not going to sleep very well, and you will wake up not feeling well.  So its important to get the adrenals under control because so much is affected by them.

    If you go through life with both feet planted firmly on the ground, you'll never change your underwear

    For all you Internauttes
      Have you discovered the new Google Maps feature?  It's wylde!   It takes a little getting used to:
    Go to:  Google  -->   More  -->  Maps.

    You see a map of North America, with a scale in the upper left corner.
    Place your mouse over Toronto
    Left click, holding the button down, move Toronto to the center of the window.
    Go to the scale, left click on the zoom level 1 or 2 bars higher than where it has been set
    Go back to the map to move Toronto to the center again.
    Keep playing with the zoom level, and moving the map around
    You can move that map all over the place!  And increase or decrease your zoom level.

      A pretty good suite of Freeware, some think that PhotoPlus is equal to PhotoShop: http://freeserifsoftware.com

     "In a just world, spammers would be prosecuted, thrown in jail, and share cells with men who have enlarged their 'body parts', taken Viagra, visited too many porn websites, and are 'lonely'."!

    Sleazey, even for the US --- Notify your US friends who have teenagers

    High Schools are giving personal information about kids to a private marketing firm for use by the Pentagon without parental permission. You can opt-out of this database by following instructions at  www.LeaveMyChildAlone.org.

    A little known provision in the federal Leave No Child Behind law is forcing public high schools all across the country to disclose the personal information of 30 million teenagers and young adults to a private marketing firm and the military. The Pentagon announced just this summer it had been collecting and using the data—including such sensitive personal information as Social Security numbers, ethnicity, GPA, personal email addresses, height  weight, and even the cell phone numbers of our kids, without their parent's permission. They had been keeping this announcement secret for more than two years—a violation of federal privacy laws and the privacy of tens of millions of young Americans.

    While the law compels schools to violate the privacy of ordinary Americans it also creates a way for families to "Opt Out" to stop the mega-database
    from being used.   If you know someone between the ages of 16 and 25, inform them.  (query: or does this put teens in a different, and even more intrusive database?)

    Congress is just starting to realize the implications of what they have done by going around parents in this way, to get at their kids

    One of the groups sponsoring this site is a Long Distance phone service --- with a social conscience!  In the US, sign up for Working Assets Long Distance Phone Service and you can even get FREE ICE CREAM!!!

    PS:   from  previous newsletters:

    If there are any errors or misstatements or incorrect information in the newsletters or questions about the content please contact the Toronto Dowsers so that corrections/responses can be made in a following issue.

    A reader wrote, inquiring:    "Tonight going through the September newsletter, I could not help but wonder about some conflict in us.  We try to be aware of the negative or detrimental programming of some people on us, and do our best to counter act it.  Yet I notice that we do the same thing sometime to ourselves. For example, when we say: " the flu season is starting soon..." we are automatically and subconsciously preparing the body to expect the sickness. Same thing in the spring; " allergy season is upon us...". And we even found something for the summer: West Nile virus.. Lets see, who can overlook the stigma we created for the winter season..."

    QUESTION TO YOU:  What do you think?  Are we programming for flu / continuing the mindset of this illness -- when we say something like "The flu season is approaching"?  Or, acknowledging that this can happen and encouraging reasonable preventive measures?  What do you think?  Your replies, with your opinion and the best way to work with this, are appreciated.

    THE   Tuesday, October 11th 2005  MEETING FEATURES::
    Magda Havas
     B.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University
    "Earth Energy, Life Energy, and Techno Energy Interactions:
    How is electrical technology affecting life on our planet?

    Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University where she teaches and does research on environmental pollutants currently researches the biological effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation and is the only person in North America to teach a university level course on this subject.

    Organisms live in a delicate balance with their environment and are exposed to natural and man-made sources of energy.  Electromagnetic energy can be classified into three categories based on its source:  techno energy, earth energy, and life energy.  Public concern is focused on electromagnetic energy generated by our technology and includes radiation and fields produced by power distribution networks, computers, microwave ovens, cell phones, wireless communication antennas, and satellite communication systems worldwide.  Techno energy is increasing and a key question that needs to be addressed is:  “Is this energy benign?”

    Living organisms are also exposed to and affected by naturally produced energy fields generated by the earth, the sun, and the rest of the cosmos (earth energy).  Earth energy may fluctuate unpredictably (solar eruptions), it may be cyclic (diurnal, seasonal), or relatively stable (earth’s magnetic field) and it may have electric and/or magnetic properties.  Ley lines and other forms of earth energy have been described since ancient times.

    The third form of energy is generated by all living organisms during metabolic activity, (life energy).  Life energy tends to be much weaker than either earth energy or techno energy but can be measured and has been used to monitor metabolic activity and to diagnose ill health (ECG, MCG,  EEG).  Some use biological energy to restore energy imbalance and to heal (therapeutic touch, reiki, acupressure).

    These three forms of energy interact and it is these interactions that most interest us.  The areas of current concern are the interactions between living organisms and technologically generated fields at frequencies from 16 cycles per second to billions of cycles per second.   An overview of the science as it relates to wireless technology (cell phones), dirty electricity, electric and magnetic fields as well as ground currents will be presented with suggestions on how individuals can minimize their exposure to these ever increasing forms of technologically generated energy.

    Come and find out more about detection and correction of these energies.

    Magda Havas is an Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada).  She received her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 1980 where she trained as a biologist, ecologist and environmental toxicologist.  She completed two years Post Doctoral Research at Cornell University with Professor Gene Likens and then returned to Canada and worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and later as an Associate Professor at Trent University.  She has served as a member of the Mayor’s Committee on Sustainable Development; as a science advisor to CBC; as a member of the Emerging Issues Subcommittee of the International Joint Commission (Canada/US); as a member  of the Environmental Appeal Board of Ontario (Ministry of the Environment); and as an advisor to Tribhuvan University in Nepal on their Environmental Sciences Program.  At Trent University she has served on the Board of Governors and on Senate (the two key bodies responsible for university governance).  She is a member of the Health Research Group and founder and past Chair of the Energy Working Group which consists of physicians, alternative health care practitioners, environmental scientists, biologists, physicists, and electricians who are interested in the biological effects of energy fields from natural and man-made sources.

    Her expertise is on the biological and environmental effects of environmental contaminants.  She has worked on acid rain, metal pollution, drinking water quality and more recently electromagnetic fields.  For the past 15 years she has taught a course on Pollution Ecology which deals with the environmental and health effects of chemical pollutants (asbestos, metals, chlorinated organics, hydrocarbons, air pollution, water pollution, among others) and for the past 4 years she has taught a course on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields.

    She is concerned about the adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields generated during the production, distribution, and consumption of electricity, studying this for the past 12 years with growing intensity and growing concern.

    Based on the literature and her own research she is convinced that power frequency electromagnetic fields can and do cause biological effects; that these effects can be both beneficial and harmful; that we know some of the mechanisms involved and are close to understanding others but that more research in this area of mechanisms and in the area of exposure remains to be done.

    Regarding Public Policy and Scientific Evidence:  "I do not think that it is necessary for public policy makers to wait until ALL the scientific facts about electromagnetic fields are in before they act to protect the public by minimizing exposure.  We already have considerable information. "  For example:

    -  We know that high electric fields and high magnetic field have adverse health effects based on studies of residential exposure and childhood leukemia, on studies of occupational exposure, and on laboratory experiments.

    -  We know that magnetic fields above 2.5 milli Gauss (mG) (the range being debated is between 2 and 4 mG) are critical for children under the age of 14 and that magnetic fields at 12 mG (value is between 2 and 12 mG) are critical for adults with estrogen-sensitive breast cancer.

    2 related web sites: Health Effects with Power Lines  *  Cell Phone, Cell Tower Problem

    No articles in this newsletter may be used or duplicated without permission of the author.
    copyright © 2005 by Marilyn Gang