If you are reading this newsletter from Internet:
A newsletter is published for each Toronto Dowsers meeting.  A hard copy is mailed to each of our members.  Membership dues pay for this newsletter.  Members receive many more benefits and more information than the newsletter.  If you live in the GTA, and read these newsletters often, we request that you become a member.  We have members across Canada, in the US and in other countries.  We welcome you to join our group.  Enjoy.  Thank you.
The Toronto Dowsers
welcomes you to our next  meeting
Tuesday, October 9th,  2007 (See last page for description)
The Toronto Dowsers is proud to present:
"The Art of Creation"
at  THE LATVIAN CENTRE ---  4 Credit Union Drive
This is actually ON Eglinton Avenue
This is 2 traffic lights EAST of the Don Valley Parkway
On the South West corner of Eglinton and Credit Union.
(Parkway Honda is on the South East corner.)
Gathering, Socializing, Registration,  at 6:30 p.m., Program to begin at 7:00 p.m.
YES, Please do bring Finger Food to enjoy refreshments at the end.  We supply beverages
Please do not wear Scents of *any* sort to our meeting.  Dowsers are highly sensitive people.
We do open our meetings to like minded people who are interested in learning how to dowse, or becoming a better dowser.   You do not need to be a member to attend.  Your dowsing will improve merely by attending our meetings.  Dowsing is a form of energy. This kind of energy is caught, not taught.
Our meetings include activities to practice your dowsing and guest speakers who will share their experiences and teach you new skills.  You have a chance to meet those who you can help or who can help you.  One of the best parts of these groups is meeting synergistic people.
Requested donation (to cover costs):
         $8 per meeting for Toronto Dowsers members
          $12 per meeting for non members of the Toronto Dowsers
If you can not afford this donation, please make arrangements with us before the day of the meeting.
          $25 per year for * renewal * membership in the Toronto Dowsers
          $30 per year for *NEW* membership in the Toronto Dowsers
Do come and have fun,  grow with us and enjoy the energy.
Questions?  Contact:   Marilyn Gang   mgang@dowsers.info  (416) 322 - 0363   (9:33-9:33)
Check out the Toronto web site and our past newsletters at:

Post on your refrigerator: TORONTO DOWSERS - 2007!!!
October 9 (meeting)
October 13
Phil Gruber
November 1st
ORMUS with Barry Carter
November 20
Dr. Cass Ingram
December 11
8th Annual Networking Social

Details for our latest activities can be found at: MEETINGS
OCTOBER 9, 2007 Meeting: JANOSH
"The Art of Creation"
November 1, 2007 INFORMATION NIGHT: on ORMUS, with Barry Carter

DECEMBER 11,2006:  The 8th Annual Toronto Dowsers Networking Social
[There are many more events described within this newsletter.  The above events are those sponsored by the Toronto Dowsers.  Read within to learn about events of interest to our community, by or for members.]



It's that time again!   Time to  RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP!

Membership cards will be included with the NOVEMBER 2007 newsletter for those requesting renewal and/or membership, if forms and fees have been submitted prior to October 16th.

Membership runs from October 1 to September 30.   All memberships need to be renewed for October 1st.   Membership forms are included with this issue.   USE IT!

   Fees have NOT increased this year.
   CANADA:      NEW Registration:   $30     |||   Renewal:     $25
   US:       NEW Registration:    $36  USD     |||     Renewal:   $32  USD
   OUTSIDE  CANADA or the US:  NEW Registration:  $49 USD  |||  Renewal:  $45 USD

You can also find membership forms at:  MEMBERSHIP
Please hand them in at the meetings at the registration table  FILLED OUT, with payment   OR
Mail them to the address provided.
Checks, cash or money orders.
We are not yet set up for electronic payments.

Memberships RECEIVED by October 31st --- receive a free guest pass, for meetings only.  Value $12.
JANOSH, OUR OCTOBER 9th SPEAKER:    Janosh has created holograms he has received from the Arcturians.   His material does not feed the left side of our brain with mental teachings.  What many of us have experienced when Janosh was in Toronto a year ago and we attended his multimedia presentation at the Bloor Cinema, we came out of there --- feeling different, better some how, as if something unwanted was gone and we have been lifted to a higher and better level --- a level of something good.   They say that the 'Arcturian Frequencies' offers a revolutionary Multimedia Experience that touches anyone who will witness it on a deep level.  That is, probably, the best way to describe this.  Yes, it is an experience, not necessarily a teaching as we know it.  This clearing and uplifting makes us better dowsers and human beings.

* Please note Janosh's other activities in Toronto, October 11, 12, 13, 14.*
Go to their website the-arcturians.com/  Scroll through the codes.  Doesn't it feel good?

REFRESHMENTS!  YES!   OF COURSE!  PLEASE DO BRING munchies, finger food for us to share pot luck style at the end of the presentation.


PHIL GRUBER's WORKSHOP:  Saturday, October 13, on using L Rods to detect earth energies -- shall be held downtown, at the Delta Chelsea Hotel.  We usually do not 'do'  downtown as the energy is usually difficult for sensitive energy folks to handle.  As TORONTO Dowsers -- downtown Toronto is a big part of where we live and affects what happens to us.   After the morning's oral teachings, we will be going to the Toronto Public Labyrinth and dowsing that area and one other spot which you will find out that afternoon.   Be prepared to walk a little.   Part of our job is to clean up this energetic pollution.  Jeff Levin gave us more info as to what causes this in his talk to us September 11th.  We may not ameliorate the area this day, but we shall get a better handle as to the task before us.

 WHY OUR FOCUS ON ORMUS?::   One of the scientists wrote:  ConclusionIt looks like the ORMUS materials might provide the keystone for the bridge connecting physics and metaphysics. It looks like they may help us to understand and access the non-physical realm. It also looks like they may finally begin to provide an understanding of the links between matter, consciousness and All That Is.

Other scientists postulate that:  "...they modify the tubulin in microtubules to create a quantum non-local interaction between cells and perhaps between individuals. ... We believe that the ORMUS elements may provide a clear bridge between mind and matter.  ... They appear to be involved in several biological processes and they also seem to be related to psychic and kundalini effects. Various folks who have eaten them for long periods of time report that they produce many of the kundalini effects spoken of in the Vedic texts.  ..... These materials match the descriptions of materials in alchemical traditions from China, India, Persia and Europe. ....  Modern chemical and mechanical processes allow us to obtain or make these elements in relatively quick and easy ways, though some have followed ancient alchemical recipes as well."

Many members have expressed their interest in ORMUS (White Powder Gold) over the years.  I've been following it, haphazardly as it is rather elusive, for over 10 years, knowing there is something very powerful for many in understanding more about it.

Heck, if ORMUS does even a tenth of what it is believed it can do AND if enough of us understand how to make it and use it --- oh so very very carefully --- we shall become THE most phenomenal dowsers ever!

We very much regret the passing of
Inventor, Author, UFO Contactee David Hamel
David Hamel lived somewhat north of Rice Lake and died at home around September 15.  Most never heard of him.  In other circles he was very well known.  In one of his books, David offered free energy and anti-gravity technological developments, as he described the many events that led up to his Close Encounter of the 3rd kind, showed some early photos of his prototypes and described the workings of his machines, his personal life and his experiences and encounters in the war and of the great government cover-up.

In books and videos David Hamel's story details his heroic story from his first witness of a UFO joining a group of Canadian Air force jets in mid air, to his present day contact. He was given advanced information from these Extra-Terrestrials enabling him to build some unusual devices. It shows RARE FOOTAGE of David in his work shop, describing his free energy and anti-gravity machines. It also revealed some of his drawings and theories in his blueprint room, and the social hardships of being a UFO Alien Contactee as well as the Government and Men in Black Visitations. David deciphered the meaning of the Aztec calendar and explained the invisible Kriptonique forces, and the unseen forces of magnets. David also talked about the purpose of Stone Henge and some Ancient Egyptian ET Artifacts and how the entire plans of his space craft propulsion system have been depicted on the walls of the pyramids for centuries.  UFO, Paranormal, Extraterrestrial contact, Aliens, Teleportation, Alien Physics: these ET's would show David the principles of Free Energy, Perpetual Motion, Antigravity, Alternate Realities, and Saucer Construction.  During David's 20 years of contact, David Hamel also set straight Ancient Architecture and Early Religious distortions regarding the Bible, the Book of the Dead, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Atlantis, the Pyramids, Stone henge, and many other ET artifacts left behind during the first two evolutions of planet Earth.

He showed the 'early' drawings that he used to build the prototypes of the Flying Saucer, whose Antigravity forces were so strong, that the Saucer flew through his Roof!

David gets into energies and scalars and revealed the mystery of the spider. "Spiders use scalar technology!..." says David. "Did you every see a spider weaving his web?, and then suddenly the spider jumps horizontally to another branch without any apparent gravitational forces affecting him? This is the scalar" says David.

"The Granite Man and the Butterfly" is his best known book in our area.  This story is NOT building castles in the sky.  This man was very much for real and several of our members knew him, cared about him and knew he was for real.  May God Bless you love you and care for you David Hamel yesterday now always and forever.

If you are reading this newsletter from Internet:

A newsletter is published for each Toronto Dowsers meeting.  A hard copy is mailed to each of our members.  Membership dues pay for this newsletter.  Members receive many more benefits and more information than the newsletter. If you live in the GTA, and read these newsletters often, we request that you become a member. We welcome you to join our group.



 Saturday, October 13th
9:30  until  5  or a little after

Phil Gruber, our February 2007 speaker returns to us October 13th to offer an all day workshop SHINE or RAIN!

The Divine Spiritual Art and Science of Dowsing Earth Energies

Tuning In:  What Dowsing Really Is:  Dowsing earth energies, ley lines, grids and MORE!
This workshop has been designed to teach us and give us more practice with our L RODS.   BRING YOUR L RODS TO CLASS!

When we learn and work with the earth energies --- any energies --  How can we know anything if we are not -- already in tune with it?  We understand what we seem to understand because we go into  co resonance with it.

As Dowsing is about Getting in Tune, in this workshop Phil will help show us how to better tune into ourselves, each other, and of course earth energies.  The dowsing rods just give us confirmation of what we already know.

We are all ultimately and intimately connected to the grids of the Earth, for it is through these 'grids' that we birthed here into the world.  Our evolutionary imperative IS to be more in tune with ourselves, each other and the planet by 'tuning in' to the vast network of grids of energy, lines of  force ... the net or webwork that connects all sentient life on the planet!  These grids are reflected on our bodies, as well!  By doing so, we develop the higher spiritual attributes, such as compassion, the greater capacity to catalyze the experience of higher love and the ability to generate greater health, healing, abundance and manifestation in any form we choose!  We also deepen our relationship with Source, the Unified Field of Consciousness and Energy; whatever we choose to call the wholeness of consciousness that has given us life!

Dowsing is a great tool that can help us to develop our own higher senses and intuition, greatly facilitating our search for answers and to 'locate' our sense of place, meaning and purpose here in this world!

Making that connection is what makes us good (or better) dowsers,  it makes us more sensitive to vibration, to spirit, to ourselves and to and with each other.  It makes us more compassionate, less judgmental.

In turn, as we tune more into the earth, we tune more into ourselves.  We do all of this ultimately for healing, and for greater self realization.

One of Phil's main areas of focus is Morphogenetic fields.  He talked about them extensively in his February 2007 presentation.  The Morphogenetic Science is the "bottom" of all grid work and all dowsing.  They connect that web --- that grid work   The earth energy lines come out of that framework.

Special sections on the unique republic of Damanhur, situated in the foothills of the Italian Alps, and an introduction to it's founder, FALCO, and his work with what he calls "THE SYNCHRONIC LINES", and

A brief discussion on "The Dance of the Dragon", Paul Broadhurst's and Hamish Miller's ground-breaking book so vividly and elegantly detailing their incredible odyssey dowsing earth energies and following the trail of the Apollo/St. Michael Line.

The morning half  will be more conceptual, though highly experiential, with exercises aimed at developing intuition and sensing energy!

The second half will be actual field work, where we will, as a group, dowse:   The Toronto Public Labyrinth and other spots.

Phil will show us exercises for energy sensing, to become one with the dowsing tool (L rods)

We will cover:
What is the Grid?  How does it affect us?  What is so important about it?
VORTEXES, LEY LINES, pathways of light for the breath of Spirit
HARTMAN LINES - hooking into
CURRY GRIDS - hooking in to
Why the Sick get Sicker Quicker
Get into into the study of morphogenetic fields, the grid that connects us to everything in the planet
Phil will talk about:  standing stones, megalithic, temples,  spirit,  the power spots on and around ourselves and the planet and more

You don't have to be an expert with L Rods but it is recommended that you are reasonably comfortable using them.  Dowsing will not be taught at this workshop.   A limited supply of L Rods will be available for purchase.

Registration will be accepted at the Toronto Dowsers October 9th meeting and at the door the day of the workshop.  Come a little early so we can start on time.  This workshop starts a little earlier and ends a little later than usual to give us the extra time to get to the spots to be dowsed.

LOCATION:   DELTA CHELSEA HOTEL,  33 Gerrard Street West, just west off Yonge Street.  Gerrard Street is a few blocks south of College Street and north of Dundas Street.  You can take the TTC to either stop.

PARKING:  On Gerrard Street, next to the main entrance of the Hotel.  $8 + tax on Saturday from 6 a.m. to 6 pm.  Regular rate:  $2 / hour.

Questions:  contact:   mgang "at" dowsers.info  or  416 322 0363   10 am - 9 pm  EST

Why is it
What is it
History, Biblical References, How it is used
A brief overview how to make it.

 7:00  PM   ----   $10   ---- The Latvian Centre --- FIRST FLOOR


Cosmic Connection

Various folks have proposed that a quantum non-local connection between the ORMUS elements and some sort of non-physical reality is a component of consciousness.

David Hudson claims that these ORMUS elements connect with this non-physical reality through something called the zero point. David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake, Amit Goswami and others have postulated that there is an "implicate order" or "morphogenic field" from which consciousness influences matter. The "hard problem" of quantum physics is to figure out what the exact connection is between mind (or spirit) and matter.

Barry Carter was interviewed on CoasttoCoastam February 9, 2004

ORMUS  was written up in a recent issue of NEXUS Magazine, by one of Barry's colleagues:  www.nexusmagazine.com/

Between the Thursday night Overview and the weekend workshop, Barry shall endeavor to cover:

ORMUS – What is it?  How?  Why?
Is it the monatomic white powder of gold?   *   Who discovered it?   *   Is it the Biblical manna?   *   Is it a room-temperature superconductor?   *   Is it a cure for cancer?   *   How can one get it?   *   Is it the alchemical Philosopher's Stone?   *   Is it the dark matter that keeps the universe together?   *   Where is it found in nature?   *   Is it the source of the force that holds the stars apart?   *   Is it the prana spoken of by the yogis in India?   *   Is it the key to anti-gravity?   *   Is it the fountain of youth?   *   Is it the medium for the flow of energy along the acupuncture meridians?   *   How might it affect the weather?   *   Is it the connector between mind and matter?   *   Is it the clear gold glass spoken of in the book of Revelation?   *   Can it be used to store tremendous amounts of energy?   *   Is it the universal remedy?   *   Is it the precious metal elements in a non-metallic form?   *   Is it an essential nutrient?   *   Is it responsible for the properties of water?   *   How can we learn more about it?   *   Is it really easy to make?   *   Is it the key to future agricultural productivity?

Cass  is a well known much beloved favorite in Toronto, for his presentations on the uses and effects of Oil of Oregano [anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti microbial, anti viral  Immune-enhancing, antibiotic, anti germicide, anti-rheumatic, bechic (curative of cough), carminative, disinfectant, etc., actions], herbs and overall excellent health.

Dr. Cass Ingram, physician and researcher, is the author of over 12 books, including "The Cure Is In the Cupboard", How to Eat Right and Live Longer, Self-Test Nutrition Guide, and Lifesaving Cures. He is a popular radio/TV personality and has appeared on over 3,000 media interviews.  He holds a Doctor of Osteopathy degree from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences.

Dying from a fungus infection in his blood American physician, Dr. Cass Ingram, claims that pure wild oregano was the only thing that saved his life.

Cass was accidentally stuck with a used IV needle several years ago while working. "For a doctor, that can be a catastrophe, l slipped into a state of ill health and had to close my clinic" he recalled, breaking out in psoriasis and was too weak to walk, often having to crawl to the cupboard for medication. His body temperature dropped to 94.2 degrees and touching his skin was he said like touching a corpse.

"A kind soul brought me oregano oil and said try it, l took some each day but it was not enough, but then l started to investigate it and found that the wild herb of oregano was available in the Mediterranean region and having relatives there asked them to pick some and send it to me in the US".

Oregano found in grocery stores was not the wild kind he stresses, some of the bottled kind on the shelves actually comes from the sage bush in Mexico. Cass started taking the wild oregano by the spoonful and his condition was cured. He still takes oregano today "if l don't l notice it, it is the only thing that helps me - there is no doubt in my mind that it works"

According to the International Journal of Food Microbiology, wild oregano and the oils of the wild plant totally destroy fungus. It is a plant antibacterial says Ingram. "Researchers took the oil of oregano from Greece and put one drop with 50,000 drops of water, and that tiny amount stopped bacteria growing"

A cold or flu can be knocked out in a day and Cass says he has used oregano oil to remove warts - "you put it against the wart and it is gone".

Since he attended one of our December Networking socials several years ago, Cass has been seeking an opportunity to speak to our group.  As his schedule of speaking engagements have him in demand around the world, it has been difficult to make the match.  We finally have a golden opportunity to hear him speak to the Toronto Dowsers at a special presentation he is designing for us on

How the Energetics of  Herbs, knowing them and using them can help one to become a Better Dowser.

Stay tuned for more information on Cass' Special Presentation to us.
NOTE:  This is NOT the monthly meeting.... (well, not so far, anyway)

December 11th:   The 8th Great Annual Toronto Dowsers Networking Social
December is our Annual Networking Social.  Be prepared to come for an evening of fun and re-connecting with your dowsing friends.  This is the time where you can show off your more commercial side as we have a market like ambiance.  It becomes a big, fun filled familial fair.

Members are eligible to have a free table to offer products, advertise services, etc., as space permits.  We also ask you to bring some food if you like.  In the past 5 years this has been very high energy with constant activity, surprises, fun and friendship. GREAT FOOD!

Check out our GREAT People & Pictures from our last 5 annual socials:
December 11th, 2002December 9th, 2003  |  December 14, 2004December 13, 2005 | December 12, 2006

For several years we have had more requests for tables than we had tables available.  So we dowsed to see who would get a table.  This does not mean that those who did not score were not worthy.  It could mean that circumstances would not be beneficial for that person.  Curious about one person, who scored very low, I called her to ask her if something was going on.  She told me she had sold all her products at a previous show and could not get any more in time.

If you would like to have a table, your request for one must be in by November 24th.  Either an email can be sent out by November 26th, asking people to dowse which vendor requests are the most beneficial to the Toronto Dowsers and to them as well, and/or members will be contacted at the Whole Life Expo.  Each vendor is assigned a random number --- even I don't know who has what number --- we dowse, you give me your answers, I total the scores and get back to the vendors who we have space for by  December 1st so they can prepare.

If you are interested in having a table:

If you would like a table, please re read the instructions above.  Let us know if you have any questions.

If you are reading this newsletter from Internet:

A newsletter is published for each Toronto Dowsers meeting.  A hard copy is mailed to each of our members.  Membership dues pay for this newsletter.  Members receive many more benefits and more information than the newsletter. If you live in the GTA, and read these newsletters often, we request that you become a member. We welcome you to join our group.


JANOSH and the ARCTURIANS:  October 11, 12, 13, 14

Toronto Dowsers Member Discount

Any Toronto Dowser members who would like to attend the upcoming October Arcturian events can purchase tickets online at a discounted rate.  Enter "SEE MEMBERS ISSUE FOR DISCOUNT CODE (HARD COPY)" at checkout in the web coupon box.  Members will automatically receive 10% off their ticket purchases.

Sacred Geometry and the Quest for the Holy Grail
Thursday, Oct 11, 2007, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Bloor Cinema - Toronto
Price: $44.00 + GST (10% Discount for Dowsers members)

The Search for the Holy Grail is being recognized as one of the greatest of all spiritual undertakings. In the search for the Grail we connect with the ultimate creative mystery that is present in everything including ourselves; the remembrance of who we are, where we come from and why we keep existing. (new multimedia presentation by Janosh).

Two activations as a meeting point of 'seen' and 'unseen' worlds.  When we have a basic understanding of Geometric principles that mirror and clarify the act of creation, growth and evolution of all apparent shapes in nature we can become a bigger part of conscious concretion,  evolution, manifestation and healing.

The Keys of the Arcturians - full day workshop
Sunday, Oct 14, 2007, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Bloor Cinema - Toronto
Price: $144.00 + GST (10% Discount for Dowsers members)
Refreshments and vegetarian lunch are provided
Be Your Own Master - Engage the Secret - the Law of Attraction Through Sacred Geometry, Powerful Music and the beautiful art of Crop Circles, explore life's deepest questions and unlock your highest potential. This presentation created by Dutch artist, Janosh, will guide you through a series of Activations - powerful visual meditations using Sacred Geometry - to help You shift your sub-conscious programmes, releasing old patterns that no longer serve you. A multimedia presentation based upon the same teachings of the   Secret and the Law of Attraction. The combination of animated holograms, information on power of thought, geometry, the Golden Ratio, bio-geometry and powerful music serves as a guideline for anyone who wants to learn how to use his power of thought optimally.  It is explained how we can give our life a positive turn when we become more aware of our thoughts, that geometry can play a key role in our process of consciousness-raising to liberate ourselves from our convictions, fears and programs. The Keys of the Arcturians presentation helps you discover who you truly are and what endless possibilities you have at your disposal.
Private Sessions with Janosh
Friday Oct 12, Saturday Oct 13
There are a limited number of private session times available for one on one consultation with Janosh.  During a session, which will take approximately one hour, you will be lead into the Arcturian energy by Janosh where you will experience the power of a truly inspiring and profound process. Janosh's sessions take place on a deep level of soul contact. Through a long and intense eye contact with the higher self a communication will be started on your patterns, programs, pitfalls and intentions. Janosh will help you to look closer at the possible obstructions that are slowing you down or keeping you from achieving your goals and dreams. Together with you Janosh will work on these possible restraints and traumas in order to delete these and therefore free your path in life for pure creation and manifestation.
For more information, tickets or appointments for any of the above:
www.the-arcturians.ca     canada@the-arcturians.com    877-949-2425

Internationally renowned metaphysical teacher

 A special one evening seminar
MONDAY OCTOBER 15, 2007  -  7 P.M.

and the

Tickets: 50.00    416-844-5507
Venue directions with registration:    info@spiritualcentre.com




The June 23-24, 2007 Happy workshop ==>>>

ONE OF ONLY  2  LOCATIONS IN CANADA,  TONG REN IS IN MISSISSAUGA!   The Oriental Culture Institute (OCI) is operated by Nicola Lomangino D.TCM.  Nick is a  Graduate of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ITCM), Toronto, a previous faculty member of the  ITCM, teacher of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, has had Clinical experience at the Ren Ji Hospital in Shanghai, China,  actively studied Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong for 16 years and opened the  OCI in Mississauga in 1996.

He offers ongoing seminars for lay people and TCM  practitioners, is an instructor of classical  Yang style Tai Chi Chuan and  medical  Qi Gong and is regarded as an innovative holistic health care provider combining ancient wisdom with modern science.

On Going Guinea Pig Tong Ren Healing Sessions:

Saturdays:  3-4pm
Location: Oriental Culture Institute (OCI) 1735 Lakeshore Rd. W. Mississauga
Contact: Nick 905-822-9368    /www.qihealing.com/classes.asp

These classes are open to anyone interested in exploring Tong Ren Qi Healing - you will learn the basics of how to do treatments for your friends, family and yourself.  Individuals experiencing pain, illness, and long-term disease or cancer are most welcome to attend.  This is a great tool to use in addition to your other treatments - whether it be the Western medical system, Traditional Chinese medical system, Reiki, Healing Touch, or other styles of massage.  We look forward to seeing many of you at these FREE energy healing sessions.  Bring a friend along too!

The October 20-21st Tong Ren Healing Seminar:

Dates: Sat & Sun::  OCTOBER  20  and 21  -    10 am - 4 pm
Location: OCI  Oriental Culture Institute  1735 Lakeshore Rd. W, Mississauga
The entrance is thru the back parking lot, underneath Michael's Health & Beauty Spa
[A few steps EAST of CLARKSON ROAD, or 1/2 mile EAST of SOUTHDOWN ROAD]
Cost: $265  ($250 + gst) ***
Contact: Nick 905-822-9368   /www.qihealing.com/events.asp
How to Register:   By Phone: 905-822-9368 Visa or Mastercard
By Mail: Check payable to OCI, send to OCI, 1735 Lakeshore Rd. W, Mississauga, Ontario. L5J 1J4

"This seminar will enable the experienced practitioner or beginner to access the Qi (energy) immediately with effective results for healing. The principles are based on the collective unconscious, therefore as the system grows more practitioners contribute  making this an easy and powerful healing modality.

"Training Materials: Please bring paper, pen, and Tong Ren Materials or purchase at the door.  The materials, which cost $125.40 (taxes in): Tong Ren Doll, Magnetic Hammer, and two books "Beyond Acupuncture" and "Lazy Bum Book". - Nick Lomangino


The Institute of Holistic Nutrition Presents
Guest Speaker: HAWKS SHADOW
Tracker, Philosopher of the Wilderness Way
Come and be inspired to Magically connect with the natural world
Hawks Shadow    For as long as memory serves me, I have always been drawn to the natural world. Animals, plants and all the forces of nature have lured me and steered my path. I have seen the comings and goings of forty winters, during which the elements have taught me the wondrous joy and rapture of living close to our Earth mother. These years have also taught me of the perils of walking this particular path. I have walked in the footsteps of my forest brothers.  The Wolf has taught me how to care for my family and the land.  The Deer has taught me the wisdom of being always alert.

   The Chickadee and Otter have shown me that life is really not all hard work if you have the right attitude.  The Blue Heron has shown me patience.  The Hawk helps to guide my steps.

   I  firmly believe that the Earth is alive, all living creatures forming a colossal multifaceted being, each integral to the whole.  I feel that we, as humans, have the awesome task of taking care of the earth's life systems.  This is a task which we have sadly abused.  The earth is now struggling to cope with the resultant lack of respect.

   By connecting with the Earth, we gain our rightful place on her.  We see her as the beauty she is, and we cherish each sunrise as if it were our first.  The only way to connect with her is through the senses, touch her soil, feel her breath upon your body, see her red and purple sunsets, hear her rage as a storm sweeps in on an eastern wind.  Only through this will you find that which we lost.

   I learn the Earth's wisdom so that I may pass it along.

Date: Tuesday October 23rd, 2007, 7:00 PM 
Cost: 10 dollars per person, all proceeds go directly to the preservation of wildlife. Tickets must be purchased in advance, tickets will not be sold at the door.
Location:  The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, 18 Wynford Drive, Suite 514, North York, Ontario, M3C 3S2
RSVP: Please RSVP at (416) 386-0940 or e-mail info@instituteofholisticnutrition.com to reserve a seat. *Space is limited.

Toronto 2007 Energy Psychology Conference
Visions of the Future Mind
October 25-27, 2007
Pre-conference workshops, October 24,   Post-conference workshops, October 28-31
A weekend of learning and spiritual processes with like-minded professionals and seekers. Over 30 amazing presenters, authors and method developers, leading innovators in the field of Energy Psychology.  Participate in numerous intensive workshops, listen to leading-edge keynote speakers while enhancing your professional and personal development.

Illustrious speakers include: Lynne McTaggart, speaking on her widely acclaimed book, The Field, Lee Pulos, Visions of the Future Mind and Toronto Dowser Arlene Anisman.

Arlene will speak on:  " Tools for Transforming Trauma:  EDxTM and Essential Oils (B-I-A)"

Thursday and Friday evening presentations are open to the public: TORONTOEPC:

More details and background on this event can be found in our September 2007 newsletter and in the above links

His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet will speak on the topic of his internationally acclaimed book titled, “The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living”. The public talk is scheduled to take place at Rogers Centre  October 31st, 2007.

Event starts at 4:30 pm.  Gates open at 2:30 pm.  Tickets have gone on sale at Ticketmaster and are available online at www.ticketmaster.ca or (416) 872-1111.  Ticket prices are $30, $40 and $50. 

Around 1994, I became acquainted with Dr. George Merkl and his Life Crystals. That whole connection is another lifetime of stories for another time.  These connections led me to the Eclectic Viewpoint and KeelyNet people where a transcript of David Hudson's Dallas workshop was brought to me.  David Hudson, you may remember is the farmer who "discovered" White Powder Gold.   This discovery led to hundreds, perhaps thousands of people sending emails, doing research, flying all over the place, spending time in the labs, libraries, antiquarian bookstores, research establishments, etc., to find out more about this Manna, this White Powder of Gold which is said to bring one back to perfect health, full psychic power, increased longevity and more.

After waiting 13 years, some one is finally coming to the Toronto area to talk about WPG:  Barry Carter.  Since 1996, Barry has been working full time to get the word out about ORMUS, what it is and how to make it and he has been connecting with anyone who is willing to help disseminate this information.  He is "the Man" when it comes to ORMUS info.

ORMUS:   Why is it  What is it  History, Biblical References, How it is used A brief overview how to make it.
 7:00  PM   ----   $10   ---- THE LATVIAN CENTRE --- UPSTAIRS

WORKSHOP  with  BARRY CARTER:   November 2, 3, 4
ORMUS:  What it is, How to Use It, How to Make it.
Friday evening is an informational  Q & A lecture.  7-9:30  pm.  Suggested donation:  $10
Energy exchange is $ 100 for the entire weekend, Friday included. Or $125 at the door.
Saturday and Sunday are from 10 am - 6 pm.
For more information or to purchase tickets: 519.582.1064   ormusworld@hotmail.com



                                           BY  BARRY  CARTER   /www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/

ORMUS Quantum Theory

     Various researchers, working independently, have identified these materials in this different state of matter. They have made many of the same observations. These m-state elements have been observed to exhibit the quantum physical behaviors of superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation.
    All of these behaviors are associated with a phenomenon called quantum coherence. We suspect that quantum coherence in the body might explain many of the properties that the ancient alchemists claimed for these materials.
    In order to better understand the ORMUS elements we need to take a look at ordinary water.  Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one part, but there's a third thing which makes it water and nobody knows what that is. -- D.H. Lawrence
    Double distilled water weighs more than water that is made by burning hydrogen in oxygen though science has not explained this discrepancy.  We believe that all natural water is more than just two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. There is something else, which enables water to change its structure. We have evidence that this "something else" is ORMUS.
    The ORMUS elements appear to have the ability to initiate coherence in water and in biological systems that contain water. This means that changes to one water molecule in a glass of water will instantly transfer to all of the water molecules in that glass of water. (The same would be true of changes in any biological entity.)
     It might help to think of ORMUS as a communication medium like the air, which carries sounds from a source to our ears. Where the air is denser the sound travels faster. If you have something as dense as steel, sound will travel faster than in the thickest air. This is why you can hear an oncoming train by putting your ear to the track long before you can hear it through the air.
Suppose there was a substance that was infinitely dense. Such a substance might carry information instantaneously.
Keep in mind that with air and railroad tracks we are talking about materials that transfer information (sound) at a definite rate. We can measure the speed of sound in the air or in steel. The ORMUS elements, on the other hand, appear to transfer information instantaneously. They are not limited to the speed of sound or light.
There appear to be other factors at work here too. I like to think of the ORMUS elements as having three legs. Two of these legs are in the physical world and one is in the spiritual world. When we concentrate the ORMUS it looks like we establish a better connection between the physical world and the non-physical (we can call it love or spirit).

The Bridge between Spirit and Matter?


If you are reading this newsletter from Internet:

A newsletter is published for each Toronto Dowsers meeting.  A hard copy is mailed to each of our members.  Membership dues pay for this newsletter.  Members receive many more benefits and more information than the newsletter. If you live in the GTA, and read these newsletters often, we request that you become a member. We welcome you to join our group.

BODY SPIN is one of the techniques created by Dr. Jeff Levin, our September 11th speaker.  One of Jeff's teacher practitioners shall be teaching this course in the Toronto area in November.

Saturday Evening Lecture With
Brian Clement C.N., N.M.D., Ph.D.
“Longevity: Enjoying Life Without Limits”
Saturday, September 15. 2007

ERIKA WOLFF,  Hippocrates Educator and Lecturer:, Toronto's raw food guru and Toronto Dowser, recently sponsored Dr. Brian Clement, Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, Author and International Lecturer, at an evening event September 15,  based on his latest book, “Longevity: Enjoying Life Without Limits”.  The room at St. Paul's church was filled and as promised there was a superbly information filled extensive question and answer period at the end of his talk.

Brian is remarkable.  Yes, as advertised he is a powerful and passionate speaker.  Males half his age would be lucky to have his power of voice, head of hair, outlook on life, vitality and sense of humor.   Here are some notes from his talk:

I spent 3 ½ years in research on my latest book, Longevity, and 27 International studies.  They all said the same thing:
 People who have the least disease and ate the longest
 Ate the highest quality food and in the very smallest amount
That is what we learned.  That it completely opposite from the North American gluttony.  We have been trained to consume.  And boy, are we good at it!  The economy of Canada, the United States and Western Europe, depends upon your over consumption.

You have to realize that indirectly, you have been a puppet for a system that is sad and broken.
It is time that we here, in Canada, with the millions of people we are joining around the world
relinquish our additions and ties to that insanity that is considered normality

There are people sitting here among us who have been told by the medical profession  that they were going to die.  If they had listened to what they were told they would not be here tonight.  In my post graduate studies I was told that I had to tell people that they would be sick if they did not eat meat or dairy food.

What I realized is that health is the exact opposite.    I have watched tens of thousands, literally hundreds of thousands  of people in my 38 years of work now, bring about recovery and sanity into their life.  To fight the premature aging process and to join the ranks of the human race.  That is what each of us should enlist ourselves to do.

Today our normalities are war, sexism, racism, hatred and what we do is we allow it to happen by our mere acts of not standing up and doing something that is going to stop that level of insanity.

The first and foremost way to do that is to make food choices that will give you the energy, not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually, to become whole.  We may have aspirations, mentally,  to become better people but if you don't have the fuel to become a better person it is literally an impossibility.

I see person after person, day after day, become a better person just by the mere act of changing their diets and supporting life rather than destroying life.

The powers that be are slowly but surely trying to take total control of the health system and of the food system.

Codex began with the man who was the president of the pharmaceutical industry and the war machine industry in Germany.  He went to the Nuremberg trials, but unlike the others who were executed, was put in jail for only 7 years, and came out in the 1950's with another devious plan that made the 2nd World War look tame.

He went to the United Nations in the 1950's and purported that he and other industrialists from all over the world wanted to end world starvation and bring medicines to sick people in third world people.   Unfortunately, he convinced the naive United Nations leaders that his ideologies were proper.

 His real plan back then, 50 years ago, was to slowly but surely globally take control of all food and all medicine.  It has begun in Europe.   In Ireland, 3 months ago, Goji berries were about to be taken off the shelves.  The plan of the Codex Commission is to make it so that no supplements will be available to you other then under the auspices of a medical physician who is under the control of the pharmaceutical industry.  Those supplements will be of such a low amount that they will have no effect on the human body.

They also are going to come to a point where if you are growing wheat grass in your home, you will need a permit from your town, your city or your village to do so.

There will be no more organic food as we know it, globally, all foods must be radiated.  They are now doing a test pilot project in California — where all the nuts ---- the almonds in California must be cooked and irradiated before leaving the state.  They are watching public sentiment.

A CD containing the complete talk, including the informative Q&A session, ought to be available, soon, through Erika:  erika@powerofraw.com powerofraw.com  416-428-1039.

Our September 11th speaker:  Jeff Levin

Jeff offered us a very smooth, professional, competent, intriguing and absorbing presentation.  It was perfect for our first meeting after the summer break.  It will be reviewed in our next (November issue).  Please see the info for the November BODY SPIN workshop which is given by one of Jeff's Student Instructors.
Dr. Karim's Presentation -- September 18, 2007
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ibrahim Karim, D. Sc,  made a special presentation to the Toronto Dowsers prior to the 6 day Advanced BioGeometry course he taught to 60 students and aspiring practitioners, later on that week.   19 Toronto Dowsers attended that session.   Californians comprised the next largest contingent, there was a renowned musician from Austria, several from the Carolinas and New England.  There were architects, designers from many disciplines, energy workers, those who work with the land, etc.  More than last year (his first Advanced course in BG), music played a larger part, in the teachings, the experiments we ran and music was played at the start of every session, the BG qualities measured before and after.   A great week and all too short.

In a case where art and life imitate one another --- again --- Nicholas Cage recently starred in the Hollywood production "Next".   Nicholas Cage plays a man who can see a few minutes into the future and change it any way that he wants.   He says:  "Yes, yes, I can see into the future.  But be careful.  When you see into the future, you change it."

Many times this past week, Dr. Karim pointed out:  "When you look at an object, you affect its future.  All objects in the universe are in constant evolution as a result of your perceiving them...."

["Next" was based on Philip K. Dick's "Golden Man".  Somewhat interesting, the movie "Blade Runner" was based on "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is a 1968 science fiction novel also by Philip K. Dick.]

Presentation notes were requested from members of the audience for this newsletter.  2 people sent them in.  It is interesting to see what resonates with each one of us, to make us want to write it down for future reference.   PLEASE SEE Comments at the bottom of the 2 sets.

The first set was sent by Sher Smith, owner/operator of "Realizing Your Potential" an Education Centre in Richmond Hill, for Polarity Therapy, Cranial, Brain Gym® and other Holistic/Energetic courses.  realizingyourpotential.ca

(1)  "Turning left..." ---  A question was asked about walking counter clockwise --- around the Kaaba, when the pilgrimage is made to Mecca.  Why is it done that way rather than clockwise, since the clockwise spin brings life energy?   He responded that when you walk clockwise you are casting off the physical energy and taking on the spiritual energy.  Please note that there is a lot more to this than this all too simple explanation.

(2)   He spoke about the meaning and purpose of Ramadan, what happens in the sky during Ramadan and the purpose of fasting during that period (NOTE:  During the 30 days of Ramadan, observants do not consume any nourishment from sunrise to sunset.  Unfortunately, in practice, many people gorge themselves past the point of fullness at different times from sunset to sunrise, totally obviating the spirit of this solemn event.)

    Also --- when Brian Clement was here, just 3 days earlier.  He spoke about fasting as well.  How to do it properly what happens to the physical body and why.

(3)   Dr. Karim spoke about his upcoming move to Canada, where he will be moving his operation to,  and that the paperwork is almost complete.  He had expected that this would have been completed some time ago, but there were too many unforeseen bureaucratic complications.

(4)   We were shown slides of, and treated to, a brief explanation of the first BioGeometry designed home in North America, which is currently under construction in Mississauga..



     Every dowsing group is under attack, as are many other spiritual groups and those that lead them.   This is an article not about groups, at this time, but about how individuals are used, and used successfully, largely without their awareness.

 If someone uses the --- languaging -- or vocabulary -- that we use and understand accept and approve of -- we believe.

If a person wears certain clothes, hairdo, talks about certain books, workshops, personalities - they are believed and accepted.

If a person speaks about love, peace,  love and light, and proclaim that they are spiritual -- that is all that is needed for many to accept them.  Despite the fact that their actions might prove otherwise.

Several years ago the following statement was made and still holds true:

All you need to be a new age guru is:  Big Hair, Big Teeth and Great Clothes.
   One of you said you got a good nasal cleansing when you read that cause you were drinking orange juice, burst into laughter, and the OJ spurted thru your nose!  I sigh that I can never become a new age guru because I don't have big gorgeous teeth or the right guru robes.

  "New Age" people have become one of the most gullible and exploitable segments in our society.  This can be proclaimed as truth because this newsletter is going on Internet and then you can say "I saw it on Internet."

  "New Age" people, horrified that any individual on this planet with less than half a brain -- would consider them judgmental -- have lost much of their good judgment.

   "New Age" people having totally rejected and stomped on the parental version of good (hard work) and bad (laziness) have developed their own concretized credos such as vegetarianism, Peru, meditation (good) and meat eating, profit, government, discipline (bad), etc.

   It has become wrong to insist on a certain level of quality (like Barbra Streisand does) because then Goddess forbid!  one might be called a Control Freak!  It used to be that words such as Thief!  Embezzler!  Cheat! marked people as outside the group.  Now they are words such as Judgmental!   Manipulator!   Control Freak!  Critical!   And one would do anything to avoid those appellations --- just as a 14 year old would do anything to avoid not being considered popular.

What in the world has happened?  How have we been turned, from individuals who valued individuality, thinking for oneself and critical thought -- Many have become sheep, unable and afraid to think for ourselves and to voice an opinion that might not be popular.  Afraid to be scoffed, we have become what we have been scoffing:   Manipulated sheeple!

*                *                *                *                    *
    Yes, it happens at times, to all of us.
    Everyone gets hoodwinked at one time or another.  Every one.
   New age people are particularly susceptible because of our desire to be fair, accepting as non judgmental.  Which can mean that we don't hear, or don't listen to that voice inside us that says "This is not exactly right."  or  "This is hokum."   Or the voice has gotten tired of warning us, seeing we have ceased to listen.

   Discussing this at Dr. Karim's Advanced Biogeometry course last week, with one of the most spiritually enlightened people I have ever met, he supposed:

"If you wanted to destabilize the spiritual evolution of a nation -- who would you start with?   Answer:   The New Age Community.  You derail the engine and the rest of the train follows."
   This rant come up now because of a meditation that went "all around internet" and "all around the world"  ???  July 17, called Fire The Grid, which was started by a woman in Nova Scotia, Shelly Yates, who had an NDE and tells us that the voices she heard on the other side gave her instructions as to help heal the world.

     More than 2 months have passed since that event.  And not a peep, so far, from the organization.  The web site has not changed since July 18th.  It appears they achieved their goal -- which was definitely not to Fire The Grid --- whatever that was supposed to have meant.  Or to really bring love and light and peace to the world and other meaningless concepts by people who do not have the foundation, means, understanding, etc.  to do so.

     The woman who started it, Shelly Yates, was probably totally well meaning.   Most people start out well meaning, wanting to do good, and then something happens, they change -- a system changes them.

   Because they talk about love and light, and meditate and think of your greatest joy, folks jumped on board, without considering the source.   Or even without understanding what they mean by their grid or what they mean by fire their grid.  Which grid are they talking about?  Is source important?  You bet your bippy it is!  Source is CRUCIAL and the topic of a whole 'nother discussion.

    It has been told to me:  "Well, we are meditating, focusing on love, light and joy so good does come out of it."  Maybe yes.  Maybe not.

    Here's one good thing that has come out of it:  Shelly Yates is now way more materially successful.  She's now on the Guru Circuit!  She will be speaking at the Prophet's Conference the weekend of October 26-28, 2007 at the Palm Springs California Convention Center.   A big step up from being a low income single mom in Nova Scotia.  New hairdo, new makeup, too, in the past year.  Congratulations, Shelly!

   Check out the photos below.  The left one shows Shelly on one of 8  YouTube videos, spring 2007.  Her spiritual guides, who gave her the instructions to give to the world, told her to tattoo an ouroboros on her arm.  The true Ouroboros  is a serpent or worm who eats its own tail, a representation of the continuous cycle of life and death, as pictured in the center photo, not the thick gross figure 8 on her arm, more reminiscent of a slave owner's brand or concentration camp tattoo.  See the new Shelly, on the right.

     She was also repeatedly sexually abused from from age 5-21, then spent the next 20 years on Prozac.  These kind of  substances  lower our vibration the longer they are used.  Being on a mind altering substance makes you open to dark manipulation through you, as you are unable to tend your own energies and protection while under the influence, dulling the mind, so it can not or does not want to pay attention to intuitive signals.  This further complicates global meditations if participants are in any way under the influence.

      IMO, she is not at all a person deliberately trying to mislead.  Rather, because her normal boundaries keeping her safe from emotional and physical defilement have been horrifically violated and corrupted from a young age, she has a perfect background for someone  who can be easily influenced and taken over by mind control.  I do not believe that great spiritual beings chose her as their messenger to the world, and had her tattoo that symbol on her arm.  Among other things.

    What happened since the big FTG thrust?  Their extremely well executed internet campaign has been dropped.  There is nothing new there since July 18th.

    You say --- well, even if it was not exactly what it seemed to be, it was still a good thing because it is good for people to meditate on what they love, and its a good excuse for group meditation.  True, good things do come out of bad events.  Wonderful babies are born as a result of violent rapes.  Remarkable people are born and raised in prison camps.  Yet I would not recommend either scenario.

    More important:  YES!   Your energies, what you focus on in meditation  CAN  get hijacked and used for nefarious purposes.

   Just as --- when you contribute to a charity with very good intent, the money sometimes gets misallocated.  Sometimes charities are set up for those purposes.

     This whole sham is a shill for the New World Order --- remember the part where she talks about "a  global council ruling and controlling the money that will no longer go to little charities but will come to the one big charity to feed and house everyone?"   I know you don't believe that one.   Please tell me you don't.  Please tell me you can see through it.      This has been a  classical instance of Disinformation.  Find something which sounds good, presented by an innocent person, and sow it with lies.

      They are trying to set up a data base, and will use the names and email addresses of those who sent them in for their next putsch.

*                *                *                *                    *
     Can energies, which people believe they are directing towards the good --- be pulled in another direction and be misdirected? YES!   I've seen it happen, its happened before and will happen again. It is not widely talked about so as not to scare people.  We are all right as long as we remain reasonably clear on as many levels as possible, exercise discernment and not be afraid to say something is "off" when we darn well know it is --- even though the con man talking to us has a great smile and all the right words and our friends think he's great, and establish a strong link with what we KNOW to be positive when we go into meditation.

    Most dowsers are familiar with Ouija boards, and using the board and the planchette to get answers to questions.   Unlike using a dowsing system, you don't know who you are calling in with a Ouija board, what energies you are opening up to.

   Machaelle Small Wright, of Perelandra fame, who wrote the MAP book, is very clear when she instructs us as to how to open up the MAP Coning and what to do and not to do because non beneficial entities can pass themselves off as beneficial ones and mess with your head.

  Do you remember hearing about Stewart Swerdlow? [see note below]  I asked him about this -- not the specific event, but in general, when an event of this sort takes place, can energies be hijacked?   I asked him for a reply that could be used in our newsletter.  His answer:

         "Anytime there is an internet/ new Age request for a group meditation at a specific time, it is designed to access a large group of people for mind-control purposes. It is, in fact, a group astral ritual where the energies are "grabbed" and redirected for another purpose. If anyone wants to send peaceful or loving thoughts out, it should be private and unpublicized."

          I then questioned the answer and asked How:

      "It is a bit technically complicated to explain this.   It  is accomplished via frequencies for those using the focal point of the meditation. They tune into all on that frequency range and bombard them. If I had a blackboard I can show it better than write it."

         One of my best, and former teachers was a former Eckankar master.   I watched as he, too succumbed to temptation and used his prodigious abilities to go from the lightest of the light to an energy vampire, at which point I left him.   Many were not so lucky and did not catch on until a year or two later.  Some because seriously ill.  This is someone many in Toronto know --- or knew -- because when I first met him and he was "good", I brought him to town....

         One of the teachers I brought here in the past few years, many of you liked (Me too!).   A couple tried to tell me she had too many dark forces around her.  Its not that she was bad, but she was heavily influenced in a detrimental way.  I did not want to see this, so I did not listen.   A few months ago, I got slammed.   Just as we help and look out for one another in other ways, we have to help each other in this way, too.

        GoGratitude,  TheSecret, the Live Earth Concert,  human caused Global Warming --- all have elements of hype and hoax.   (You can read David Icke's commentary on the Jeff Rense site about Live Earth at:  www.rense.com/  Our discernment is continually being tested.  Especially for lightworkers.  Even now.  Its like breathing.  The tests never stop until we do.

     Its pretty simple.    Don't be fooled by pretty words, a pretty face and nice clothes.  When you find this package, ask if it's true. Sometimes it is!  Look beyond, look beneath.  Just be reasonably cautious and vigilant, awake and aware.  Listen to your gut.

    Nature is generally looked at as being "good".  Yet if one goes into Nature, ignorant, one can get poisoned by eating the wrong berries, freeze or drown crossing a frozen lake when it breaks under their weight, get attacked by an animal, get rashes from plants or starve when there is no food.  We know about these things.  Why do we suddenly lose our good sense and discernment when a mother tells us to focus on love and joy and expect everything will be hunky dory?

[Stewart Swerdlow was one of the "Montauk boys", where he was experimented on biologically due to his rare genetic make up.  Although this resulted in extreme and ongoing discomfort, it also brought him enhanced abilities, such as clairvoyance and medical intuition.  Today, Stewart and Janet Swerdlow offer classes showing how to use more of the mind  by teaching you how to access the 90% of the unused portion of the brain via color, tone, and archetype (symbol).    They have planned and October 5, 6, 7 Fifth Annual Expansions Teaching Conference: Hyperspace & Oversoul Basics Email janet@expansions.com or register using the Online Store www.expansions.com]

 WHAT YOU DO:  Note the Birth Days of your friends, below.
Using  Mary Stinson's October 10th birthday as an example:

As you are -- transitioning from the sleep state -- that morning, intend -- with passion! -- and/or say out loud:
"Today is  Mary's birthday.  In her honor, please bless me with a glorious day and help me deal with anything that comes up in the best way possible.  And bless Mary with the same.   AMEN!"
[ of course repeat this anytime during that day And really lock it in! ]
Our thoughts are programs.  We can, and do, program and reprogram ourselves.

DO:   Say, Repeat:   Intentions, Blessings, Affirmations For Yourself  For your families, friends and neighbors  For those who have passed over   With   OOMPH!  *  Determination!  *  Confidence!  *  Passion!  and of course:   100% Belief
THANK YOU JOEY  KORN: www.Dowsers.com For giving us the blessing, and much valuable guidance

If you would like your Birthday added to our Birthday Brigade email: mgang@dowsers.info  -- and thank you for giving us the opportunity to exercise our intention muscles!

3                Clair Sinclair
5              Michelle Godfrey
10                 Mary Stinson
23                Nancy Frank
15                Marna Ehrech
19          Marilyn Ropeleski



These notes on TEETH are included here for 2 reasons:

I knew that Dental Care has not changed since before the time of Canada's Confederation / the US Civil War.  This was confirmed when a statement  by Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-Los Angeles), on mercury amalgams, November 5, 2001 was found:    "Dentistry says amalgam is fine because it has been in use for 150 years. This statement makes no scientific sense. We have abandoned other remnants of pre-Civil War medicine, and we have abandoned all other uses of Mercury. It is no longer a question of if, but when, Mercury dental fillings will be history...."

Good --- really good --- dental care seems as scarce as hen's teeth :) .  This observation comes about as a result of feedback and queries and stories from our many members, who go through incredible pain and discomfort for long periods of time --- searching for --- and trying out -- different dentists:  locally, within hundreds of miles, on the other side of the planet.

So many tales of woe have filtered through to Toronto Dowsers central about pain for years, infections, continuing abcesses, failing anesthesia during an extraction, and more.  People who have endured years of  pain and infection, poor care and high expenses.   I have had my own experiences, too, of careless care by a supposedly holistic dentist with a good reputation -- that was so unpleasant that I did not go to a dentist for several years.  And am still looking for a good one, as are many of us.  This means someone who is not so eager to fill and drill, swap parts, do root canals and crowns.  Someone who not only will consider and do repair and rebuild but is also good at it, you can get an appointment and is not outrageously expensive.  Is that possible?

Yes, many of you are quite happy with your dentists.  Not enough.  Despite all awareness to move away from the drug, numb, slash and burn schemes of western technological medicine, it does not appear as if dentistry has, in effect, substantively progressed.  Probably because dentists are first dealing with bone and have not developed  adequate means to really see  beneath the bone and what is actually taking place.  Alternative care, energetic medicine does not seem to have made it yet, to the hallowed halls of dentistry.

Some dentists who have called themselves Holistic Dentists -- really weren't and did not take proper precautions.  Others who are well regarded, too many tales of careless care surround their practices.

The March 2006 newsletter did address this issue in part and asked for your recommendations for dentists --- that I could put in a follow up issue.  A few of you kind souls sent in some recommendations and with all the hullabaloo soon after that (frantic preparations for the Total Health Show, Robert Gilbert, Dr. Karim, the Biogeometry course, all in the following 3 weeks) --- GULP!   I misplaced the info.

So once again, your kindness is prevailed upon to send in the info --- PLEASE!   I have a place for it now.

I like to include definitive articles in the newsletter.  I don't have definitive articles on this topic with happy conclusions --- yet.

The information that follows is not about good definitive dental care in Toronto or any other area available to us.  Rather, it addresses peripheral dental news, perhaps, in the hope that it will help create good dental care.  The following has come my way that I have not really researched due to large volume and little time, but may be of value.  So please check it out --- and report back to me -- okay?

*            *            *            *            *            *
Why can't we --- why don't we --- know the states of dental decay/disease --- that is, while they are still in the "blueprint" stage before they get into the physical stage --- as we do with the other parts of our body with the energetic medicine tools we have today?   Why is dentistry so primitive?  antiquated?  so CRUDE?!   Surely we can do better than extractions and false teeth, however they try to disguise them?!   Why can't our vaunted (and expensive) dental carers do HEALING?!  Why not?!

Two health gurus teach us about the crucial importance of the teeth.  From their perspective, all good health and all ill health originates from the teeth, and I do not dispute their teachings.  Their methodologies however are worlds apart.  Hulda Clark suggests that you have your teeth extracted.  David Slater, who created Healers Who Share, and was our April 2004 speaker, uses remedies that he has developed to rebalance the many different kinds of infections, etc., that arise.

You may have an abscess in your teeth that you do not feel -- yet.  It can be a small one, but even if its small it can be draining the immune system.  This can go on for years.  If, e.g., an infection hits, the immune system becomes doubly compromised.

It is said that folks who do Body Electronics have regrown teeth, as have several eastern spiritual adepts.  Paul Esch, a/k/a the Tooth Fairy, said he has done so.

*            *            *            *            *            *

(1)  2006: A method to regrow teeth was reported by:

"University of Alberta researchers have developed a miniaturised device that uses low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) to stimulate jaw growth and dental tissue healing in a non-invasive way.

Dr Tarak El-Bialy from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Drs Jie Chen and Ying Tsui from the Faculty of Engineering at the University have created a miniaturized ultrasound transducer on a chip that can be contained in biocompatible materials and fit comfortably in a patient's mouth. An energy sensor ensures the LIPUS power reaches the target area of the teeth roots within the bone. The team filed the first patent recently in the U.S. and hopes to complete the miniaturized device by next year.

"If the root is broken, it can now be fixed," said El-Bialy. "And because we can regrow the teeth root, a patient could have his own tooth rather than foreign objects in his mouth."

The device is designed for people suffering mechanical or chemical injury to dental tissue caused by diseases or hormonal disruption and experiencing dental root resorption. Orthodontic braces can also cause mechanical injury to the jaw and consequently progressive root resorption, limiting the duration that braces can be worn. The new device will help counteract the damage and still allow the corrective braces to be worn.

Egyptian-born Dr El-Bialy accidentally discovered the effect on new dental tissue when studying the use of ultrasound to stimulate bone formation after surgery to lengthen the lower jaw in rabbits. He found that the ultrasound helped to heal the jaw bone and noticed that their teeth started to grow as well. It can only affect the growth of the inner part of the teeth, however, not the enamel.

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A newsletter is published for each Toronto Dowsers meeting.  A hard copy is mailed to each of our members.  Membership dues pay for this newsletter.  Members receive many more benefits and more information than the newsletter. If you live in the GTA, and read these newsletters often, we request that you become a member. We welcome you to join our group.

The tooth brace sends low-power ultrasound pulses to the damaged tooth over many months. A piezoelectric crystal generates the ultrasound by vibrating at frequencies above 20 kilohertz when fed an alternating voltage from an oscillator charged by a battery.

Physiotherapists often use ultrasound to help broken bones knit back together, although the healing mechanism is not precisely understood. One theory is that pressure waves mimic the effect of strenuous exercise, loading a bone and tricking it into generating more bone cells - a process called osteogenesis. El-Bialy's work on rabbits in 2003 (American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, vol 124, p 427) first showed that low-power ultrasound also encourages growth

The multidisciplinary research has enabled the ultrasound device to be miniaturised and made more convenient for the patient. The researchers are currently working on turning their prototype into a market-ready model and expect the device to be ready for the public within next two years.

(2)   EPFX / SCIO:  One of my teeth (lateral incisor) broke in half this May while I was eating a piece of chicken.  Although not a front tooth, it is in the front.  Not pretty.   Encouraged by the information above, and reports of tooth growing success of those who have done so using the EPFX / SCIO device, I am seeing Toronto Dowser  Lina Razgaitis, who has her clinic in Markham, to regrow the tooth.  Something is happening.

Lina shares here clinic with a homeopathic doctor.  To speed the healing and the health of the mouth, they have given me 3 homeopathics:
    - Tooth Decay
    -  Mouth and Gum (healing)
    -  Calc Fluor
Having finished that course of homeopathics, and with the treatments, my mouth, gums and teeth --- feel stronger and healthier -- if its possible to "feel" one's teeth -- something about the whole area feels a lot better.

A big factor in writing this article is because of my experience with Lina, i.e., the strengthening I'm feeling in the mouth, that it somehow feels cleaner...  I'll let you know "what" --- "when".

(3)   A February 2007 article in MIT's Technology Review states that "a group of researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) recently regrew tooth roots in pigs using adult stem cells from wisdom teeth."

(4)  New toothpaste can regrow teeth - Sunday, July 8, 2007

      The $3 billion global market for toothpaste is on the verge of a shake-up as new biotechnologies come through that not only curtail sensitivity problems but will also enable teeth to re-grow to fill in small cavities. Today’s toothpaste comes in a plethora of flavours and can of course whiten teeth but from a medical viewpoint, little has progressed in the 40 years since fluoride was added to fight decay.
        Now though scientists in various countries have developed differing technologies that produce similar results to deaden sensitivity and recalcify the teeth, problems that have increasing significance as populations age. Researchers have found fluoride ceases to be as effective with older people. That’s because the elderly have more difficulty generating the large amounts of saliva – loaded with calcium and phosphate - necessary to combine with fluoride to resist the demineralisation of teeth. Also, said Richard Bernholt, managing director dental care company Periproducts: “The older you are the more likely you are to have gums receding and sensitivity problems because of what you eat.”
        Periproducts, which sells Retardex products in the UK, has licensed NovaMin technology from a Florida firm of the same name and hopes to be the first company to have it formulated in a retail brand in the UK later this year. Periproducts plans to launch its new toothpaste in October at the British Dental Trade Association exhibition at NEC Birmingham. The company wants to get its as-yet-unnamed toothpaste with dentists and into the retail chain before the big names in oral hygiene – Colgate-Palmolive, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever and Procter & Gamble reformulate their products with NovaMin or competing calcium phosphate compounds.

(5)   Toothpaste to strengthen Teeth/Gums:  Chinese doctor said he gave this toothpaste to his 76 year old mother.  Her teeth were loose.  She used this toothpaste and after 3 weeks her teeth were no longer loose.   It can also be placed on a finger and rubbed on the gums.   HOMEOFRESH

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A different dental practice:  The Cranial, Dental, Sacral Complex:  Dr Farid Shodjaee B.Sc., D.D.S, a dentist in Ottawa   combines CranioSacral care with dentistry.  He follows the work of Dr. Gerald H. Smith of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, specializing in chronic pain and medical/dental issues,  who created the word Craniodontics:    "The term Craniodontics has been coined by this author to focus attention on the fact that use of dental orthopedics/orthodontics or any restorative dental procedure that directly changes the occlusion will affect the alignment of the 22 cranial bones (excluding the 6 ear ossicles). The effectiveness of dental orthopedics in expanding the maxillae both transversely and sagittaly is well documented, however the time has come when dental practitioners must look beyond the parameters of the teeth and alveolar bone to the highly functional cranial system."

This area of Biological Dentistry deals with the structural balance that influences our neurological, mental, emotional and physiological health. The Cranial, Dental, Sacral Complex is composed of our cranium, dental arches and teeth, spinal column and sacrum area.

Dr. Shodjaee appreciates Dr. Smith's Biological Approach to Root Canals:    "Conventional dental procedures offer a technique which does not take into account biocompatibility of the filling materials, potential injury to surrounding tissues due to the caustic nature of medicaments used and high percentage of residual bacterial contamination. According to research by Dr. Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky, 75% of root canal teeth have residual bacterial infections remaining in the dentinal tubules. These lingering infections produce toxic wastes that enter the blood stream and can affect any part of the body."

Dr Farid Shodjaee B.Sc., D.D.S., Ottawa   drfarid.com/    613-216-2016
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As there is oodles of  information available to us on mercury, that subject will not be delved into here.  However, here are 2 worthy excerpts from DAMS, Inc and their site: :amalgam.org/

Mercury is an acute neuro-toxin. It is the most toxic non-radioactive element and the most volatile heavy metal.  When Governor Gray Davis (California) signed bills addressing Mercury in thermometers and in dental fillings, he said, "Mercury is a persistent and toxic pollutant that bioaccumulates in the environment."  Mercury is the major ingredient in each filling, about one-half gram per. In the words of Professor Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky, that is a "colossal" amount of Mercury in scientific terms - as much, in fact, as is in a thermometer. A teenager with six fillings has six Mercury thermometers worth of Mercury in his or her mouth.  The Mercury in the fillings is volatile, such that - as all authorities concede - poisonous vapors are constantly being emitted from the fillings, more so when one chews or passes hot liquid over the teeth. The Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry of the United States Public Health Service reports that those poisonous vapors go first to the brain and kidney

The Superior Court of the State of California Case No. 718228, Demurrer (October 22, 1992).  The American Dental Association (ADA) owes no legal duty of care to protect the public form allegedly dangerous products used by dentists.  The ADA's only alleged involvement in the product was to provide information regarding its use. Dissemination of information relating to the practice of dentistry does not create a duty of care to protect the public from potential injury.


When I think of October, I think of Ray Bradbury's short stories . .  13 year old boys, yearning to hold on to the end of their summer, the air and trees tinged with autumn rust as they tear around town through the leaves on their bikes, crackling, crunching, whooping with the with the vitality and hot bloodedness of boys turning into young men.

Orange.  Pumpkins, squash, yams.:  Pomegranates, persimmons.  Now is the time.  Start having your vegetables that lie just on top of  the ground, full of beta carotene.  Little later on the carrots, the beets....

Time to start thinking about a pot of Kukicha tea, sitting on the stove, keeping warm, keeping you warm, harvested during Autumn when the last tea harvest takes place and the caffeine level is at its lowest, making it ideal for children, too. Soothing and balancing with a rich flavor, and is an ideal meal's end serving.  Highly alkaline, a  perfect complementary beverage for a grain based or mostly vegetarian diet; rich in natural tannins aiding digestion of grains, able to neutralize both acids and alkalis in food we consume. Kukicha blends well with apple juice. Mix half kukicha and half apple juice for a good children's drink. Healthy body and spirit drink. Purchase Kukicha (twig) tea in a health food store. Put about one rounded teaspoon (the twigs expand a lot) in 2 1/2 cups gently boiling water, cover, oh so gently simmering for about 10 minutes, strain and drink.  No sweetener needed.  Its the kind of tea you can keep on the stove, warm, for some time.  The next time, adjust twigs:water to your own taste.  Close bag tightly and like all tea keep it stored away from light and air.

We are coming into the dark time of the year again, the cold dark time, especially from mid November to mid January.   This is the perfect time to spend alone, in your dark cocoon, resting, reflecting, dreaming, meditating, planning.

September 2006, we included an article showing that Ramadan and Rosh Hashanoh/Yom Kippur have the same customs, meaning, timing and roots.  This time of the year, more cultures are connected with regard to their indigenous traditions.  What about Chinese, IndoEuropean, African, Inuit, etc., traditions?  "Interesting" how the traditions for this time of the year are virtually the same, yet, they grew up independent of one another.

CONNECTING:   Aztec, Celtic, Christian, Muslim, Egyptian, Jewish Holy Times
October 31 - November 2:  el Día de los Muertos,  Indigenous people wouldn't let 'Day of the Dead' die

This is the time of the year when the veil between the world of the dead and the world of the living is the thinnest.
Those who are aware of this attempt to utilize this time to communicate with the other world

More than 500 years ago, when the Spanish Conquistadors landed in what is now Mexico, they encountered natives practicing a ritual that seemed to mock death.

It was el Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, a ritual the indigenous people had been practicing at least 3,000 years and one the Spaniards would try unsuccessfully to eradicate. Although the ritual has since been merged with Catholic theology, it still maintains the basic principles of the Aztec ritual, such as the use of skulls.  To make the ritual more Christian, the Spaniards moved it so it coincided with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day (Nov. 1 and 2), which is when it is celebrated today.

The pre-Hispanic people honored duality as being dynamic," They didn't separate death from pain, wealth from poverty like they did in Western cultures.

Previously it fell on the ninth month of the Aztec Solar Calendar, approximately the beginning of August, and was celebrated for the entire month. Festivities were presided over by the goddess Mictecacihuatl. The goddess, known as "Lady of the Dead," was believed to have died at birth

Today, people don wooden skull masks called calacas and dance in honor of their deceased relatives. The wooden skulls are also placed on altars that are dedicated to the dead.

The skulls were used to symbolize death and rebirth, and to honor the dead, whom the Aztecs and other Meso-American civilizations believed came back to visit during the monthlong ritual.  Unlike the Spaniards, who viewed death as the end of life, the natives viewed it as the continuation of life. Instead of fearing death, they embraced it. To them, life was a dream and only in death did they become truly awake.

In rural Mexico, people visit the cemetery where their loved ones are buried. They decorate gravesites with marigold flowers and candles. They bring toys for dead children and bottles of tequila to adults. They sit on picnic blankets next to gravesites and eat the favorite food of their loved ones.

In the United States and in Mexico's larger cities, families build altars in their homes, dedicating them to the dead. They light candles and place them next to the altar, place photographs, offer incense, flowers, play their favorite music, make their favorite food.  The altar can be dedicated to friends and family members who have died, but to others as well as The Day of the Dead is the time for the dead to return home and visit loved ones, feast on their favorite foods and listen to their favorite music.  In the homes,  'ofrendas' are the offerings which may consist of photographs, bread, other foods, flowers, toys and other symbolic items.

The Aztecs believed that after a person died, his/her soul would pass through nine levels prior to their final destination, Mictlan - the place of the dead. They also believed that a person's destiny was founded at birth and that the soul of that person was dependent on the type of death rather than the type of life lead by that person. How a person died would also determine what region they would go to. Once they arrived to their specific region a person's soul would either await transformation or linger, awaiting the next destiny.

Two months of the Aztec calendar were devoted to the dead. The ninth month was dedicated to infants, and the tenth month included a great feast for dead adults.
Western Modern
Rosh Hashanoh - Yom Kippur
Dia de los Muertos
Day of the Dead, All Souls Day
 mid September
mid Sept or Oct
October 31
Oct 31 - Nov 2
Nov 1, 2
early November
CELTIC INFLUENCE:   As the earth continues its sinuous stagger around the sun, the harvest is gradually coaxed from the fields. The light becomes low and slants golden to the ground. The mornings start dark, the days end early. And just as October relinquishes itself to November, the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is said to stretch, shimmer, and thin perceptibly.

On one continent, ancient Celtic worshippers believed the hours between Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 to be a time of spirit transmigration. Called Samhain (pronounced "sow-in"), this was a celebration of the new year, the cyclical split between the work of the outside summer and the reflection of the indoor winter.  This year, Samhain falls on November 7th and enters 14:09 EST.

EGYPTIAN:    Feast of Sekhmet and Bast: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. Feast of Sekhmet and Bast. Forerunner of the later Celtic holy day Halloween. The black cat is Sekhmet and Bast. Sometimes celebrated as the Feast of Sekhmet, Bastet, and Ra.

Sacred Rites of Koiak: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. The sacred rites of Koiak and the Koiak festivals are dedicated to the Osirian mystery cycle (special to Aset [Isis] and Asar [Osiris]).

"The Trilateralist Commission is international...(and)...is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateralist Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power - political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical." -- Barry Goldwater (1909-1998) US Senator (R-Arizona) Source: in his book "With No Apologies"
"The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government." -- Rear Admiral Chester Ward Rear Admiral US Navy (retired), CFR member for 16 years, Judge Advocate General of the Navy 1956-60
"We operate here under directives which emulate from the White House...The substance of the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the United States such that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union." -- Rowan Gaither President of the Ford Foundation 1954  Source: stated to Congressional Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd

"There is a Law that man should love his neighbor as himself. In a few hundred years it should be as natural to mankind as breathing or the upright gait; but if he does not learn it he must perish." -- Alfred Adler
"Love grows by service." -- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace. William Gladstone (1809-1898)
"When the power of love replaces the love of power man will have a new name: God." Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace". -- Jimi Hendrix
"Don't be with a person you can live with. Be with one you can't live without."
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." --Lao-Tzu

PS:   from  previous newsletters:

If there are any errors or misstatements or incorrect information in the newsletters or questions about the content please contact the Toronto Dowsers so that corrections/responses can be made in a following issue.

THE   Tuesday,  October 9th 2007  MEETING FEATURES::
Our October 9th Speaker:  Janosh
"The Art of Creation"
Dutch graphic designer and artist Janosh offers multimedia presentations that help you open up your subconscious. The presentation consists of beautiful holograms, powerful music, life’s greatest questions and several Activations, which offer insight as to how you live your life and in which way you can direct your path in life into a new direction to fits within your own truth and passion.
Part of his presentations, as one example, allows us to explore our own so-called programmes. Why do we act the way we act?  Here, understanding the keys of our own sacred geometry, we look into our DNA, the geometry in human beings and the accompanying programmes which make us operate the way we do. We  learn to 'empty our hard-drive' and change our life into a completely new direction of our own choice.

Janosh will be presenting excerpts from his new presentation 'The Art of Creation'.  This presentation, yet to be seen in Canada, offers an insight into the phenomenon that you can create anything you want. It forms a guideline for everyone that wants to learn how to use their power of thought optimally. Our thoughts and intentions directly influence our lives and immediate surroundings. By dealing with our thoughts more consciously we can create endless opportunities to direct our lives into an entirely new direction. Next to that information will be given on what energy is, how it works in our own lives and the world around us and what the power of geometry means in our process of awareness. After clearing up old convictions, anxieties and programs we can start activating our wishes and
intentions after which the real process of creation will begin.

Janosh will explain what he is doing, why and how it all works and fits together.  What is the "IT" that is working and how this all stimulates global consciousness.

With this presentation you will discover what your truth is and which endless possibilities you have at your disposal.  Janosh will discuss how this relates to dowsing and how they can help you improve your dowsing confidence and clarity.

No articles in this newsletter may be used or duplicated without permission of the author.
copyright ©  2007  by Marilyn Gang  All Rights Reserved