The Toronto Chapter
of the  Canadian Society of Dowsers
welcomes you to our next meeting,
***  Tuesday September 11th, 2001   ***
Gathering, Socializing, Registration,  at 6:45 p.m., Program to begin at 7:15 p.m.
St. Leonard's Anglican Church - 25 Wanless Avenue
2 short blocks North of Lawrence, 1/4 block East of Yonge Street
This is a 3 minute walk from the (Lawrence) subway
Our meetings take place
These meetings are open to anyone who is interested in learning how to dowse, or becoming a better dowser.   You do not need to be a member of the CSD.   Your dowsing will improve merely by attending our meetings.   Dowsing is a form of energy.  This kind of energy is caught, not taught.

Our meetings will include activities to practice your dowsing and guest speakers who will share their experiences and teach you new skills.   You will have a chance to meet others who you can help or who can help you.    One of the best parts of these groups is meeting synergistic people.

Requested donation (to cover costs):
                        $5 per meeting for Toronto chapter members
                        $7 per meeting for non members of the Toronto chapter
                        $20 per year for membership in the Toronto chapter

If you can not afford this donation, please make arrangements with us before the meeting.

Do come and have fun,  grow with us and enjoy the energy.
Questions?  Contact:   Marilyn Gang     (416) 322 - 0363   (9:30-9:30)
Check out the CSD web site at:
Check out the Toronto web site at:

Post on your refrigerator:       TORONTO DOWSERS - Fall 2001
      September 11th       - Tracy McBurney (see last page)
           October 9th       -  TBA
     November 13th     -  Alan Reed
     December 11th     -  2nd Annual Social

The NEW Toronto Dowsers Library

The library will be available to members only.  The reason for this is that the members paid for the library, through their dues.    There will be a small fee to borrow materials.   The reason for this is we need to grow and purchase more materials.

I have been listening to some of the tapes in the library, from ASD 2001.  Here's some tidbits:
Walt Woods - Grandaddy of the Dowsers, author of "Letter To Robin".   Walt talked about
        the Power of Intention.   He said that when Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa,
        he intended that her smile represent a secret that she had.   It worked.
Penelope Bell -- Penelope talks about all sorts of energy devices you can use in your
        gardens, such as the Genesas, French Coils, etc.
Alicja Aratyn - "Vibration of the Shape" - Our own Alicja here says that when you use
        your pendulum, hold your string with 2, not 3 --- fingers.  Each finger has a positive
        or a negative charge and if you use 3 fingers there will be 2 positive and 1 negative
        charge or 2 negative and 1 positive charge.  It will be unbalanced.
Carol Assa - Talks about different kinds of Feng Shui, such as the Vaastu style.  And,
        there are several books on the Vaastu Feng Shui in the Toronto Public Library.

Do you have a dowsing book or audio or video tape you would like to donate to our library?  Contributions are gratefully accepted.

Time to Renew Your Membership

Please renew your membership in the Toronto Dowsers before October 1st.   The annual membership cost of $20 goes towards printing and mailing the newsletters, the purchase of our library and we will be using some of it to subsidize out of town speakers.  The fee you pay at the door goes towards the rental of our space, supplies, speaker expenses.

Your membership entitles you to a reduced contribution at the door, discounts, Toronto Dowser library privileges, and, you support dowsing.  We are trying to increase our own understanding and abilities and educate others.   We hope to have more benefits for you as we grow and continue to define ourselves.

This cost is different than the money you pay to join the Canadian Society of Dowsers, as each group has different expenses.

A membership form is included with this mailing, forms are always available at our meetings, or, you can download it off the net at:
Thank you for your continued support and vote of confidence.

The 14th Annual Canadian Society of Dowsers Convention,
Dowsing Schools and Workshops

Took place June 22-25th at the University of Toronto at Scarborough.

Dowsing schools presented by Margaret Ball, Bruce Magill, Bill Russell and Gary Skillen on How to Dowse, How to use the Pendulum and  L-Rods, Working with energy fields, vibrational devices, geomancy and dowsing for health were given.

Full day workshops were also offered, this time by Raymon Grace and Pat Prevost.   Pat's Friday workshop taught about animals and their spirits as well as their chakras and working with animals.  Raymon's Monday and Friday workshops taught techniques that can be used to actively change energy states such as in physical, mental and emotional health, and using these techniques for yourself and for others.

Sessions were offered on Machaelle Small-Wright's processes, handwriting analysis, dowsing and shamanism, health and geopathic stress and sacred sites.

On the university grounds, Walter Huszczo set up the Flower of Life and the 5 Platonic solids that he built.  People were going inside them, turning to face each of the 4 compass points to feel the differences in energy.

There was the Annual General Meeting of CSD members on Sunday and I am pleased to announce that Joan DeNew has been elected President and Larry Huszczo has been elected Vice President.

Unfortunately, I do not have a lot more to offer you about the convention.  I was exhausted, after my father's passing and then having gone to the ASD convention and did not attend enough sessions.  Also, attendance was lower than expected, the energy was subdued and seemed to press heavily on us.  I regret this since the CSD convention is the biggest event of the year for us and a lot of time and effort went in to the planning and arrangements and a lot of good people were there.  Can we work on better energies around the convention for next year?


Muriel Murray has an excellent suggestion.  She said in Bruce Magill's talk on sacred sites, he mentioned the Petroglyphs near Peterborough and that many people would like to make a FIELD TRIP there.  Yes?    Yes????    I, too, like this idea.  If anyone wants to organize this, i.e., find out where it is, what's involved in our going there, etc., I will help organize it.   I would also like to go.  Please let me know if you would like to do this.   Or, would someone please at least get me the details so I can put it in the newsletter?  I'd like to go some Sunday.

What Happened at our First Annual Field Day  on August 18th:

For this day we had a majical change of energy from a inside midtown Toronto church at night to a farm 100+ kilometers from Toronto in bright summer daylight with fabulous air.  About 40 people made the journey, some with car pools, some people bringing friends and non dowsing spouses.   What really amazed me was what you all did with the food.  WOW!   This was a pot luck and it was suggested that each person bring a dish that would feed at least 6 people.   The 12 foot long table was totally filled up with beautiful colorful fresh tasty food.   There were potato salads, cole slaws, a caesar salad, fruit salads, bean salads, grain salads, party sandwiches, peaches 'n cream corn, bagels and 2 kinds of cream cheese, veggie munchies, sunflower sprouts, wheatless bread, cantaloupes, tzadziki, kielbasi, dips (oh oh, my mental photograph is blurring) and several desserts:  lemon squares, sugar pie, lemon cake, chocolate cookies, brownies, watermelons .... and lots more food.  I thought we'd be eating all day but the food was eaten pretty quickly.  Huge thanks to Diane Marcotte who took charge of organizing the food.

I am going to be sure to invite Stephanie & Glen Halina to every party I have.   They brought a bushel of corn, a case of Evian --- which was very useful in that heat --- and they also had this neat double hammock chair --- with end tables!  and drink holders.  And it folded up in to the size of an umbrella.  Want to know about the latest toys?  Ask Glen.

The weather was perfect.  No precipitation, no wind, mostly sunny but not too hot.

Walter told us the story of his building his structures.  A reason why we had the field day at his farm is because of these structures, which are strategically placed to ensure the best energies for the land and those who live there.

Larry helped us find the heart of a tree.   Using your L-Rod (you can use a pendulum, but for field work, L-Rods are generally better), find the height of the heart, then zero in on the spot that is closest to the bark.   Gently place your hand on it, and, you can feel it.   It was fun seeing people go all around the farm looking for the hearts of trees.   My experience with a big old maple was pretty profound.  Here was this huge humongous old gnarled tree, and I was able to lay my own small hand over its heart.   I felt that the tree was honoring me by sharing its vulnerability when it allowed me to do this.

After a long lazy lunch, 10 year old Ryan Huszczo taught us a new skill (for many of us).  Ryan taught us how to bend spoons.  Ryan demonstrated by bending a few for us.   (At the end of the day, Ryan again showed us his dowsing and focusing abilities when he found a contact lens on the gravel driveway that had popped out of someone's eye.   Ryan, you are indeed our Champ Scout and we thank you!)    The first Spoon Bender was Sierra Adamson-Viola, age 6.   Sierra bent 2 spoons on Saturday.  Another young spoon bender was Kayla Tink, age 8.   Is there a message here for us?

Walter showed us some aura balancing, using L-Rods.    People were gathered around watching the balancing of the aura, and, searching for imbalances and then sending corrections to these areas of imbalance.  What does this mean?  How do you do this?   Here are some suggestions, and, this is not an "exact formula" --- play with it:    One thing you can do is approach the person you are working with and ask your L-Rods to indicate the edge of their aura.  (Use 1 or 2 rods for this.)  You find the edge, back up and ask them to turn 90 degrees.  Repeat.   So they keep turning until they have made a full circle.  What you are doing here is seeing if their aura is balanced.  It may be "flat", say on one of the sides and then you ask for their aura to balance itself.  Then remeasure.  Yes, it works.

Next,  using 1 L-Rod, start at their feet and slowly go up the body, asking your L-Rod to show you an area of imbalance.  Once you reach the indicated horizontal level, say, the waistline area, then go around the body to further pinpoint the area of imbalance.  Once you find it, ask that that area of imbalance be corrected.   This is a good way to find areas that need positive energy.

Aleks Radojcic, Ernst von Bezold, Wafic Raouf and Maureen ?? also contributed their energetic conscious awareness to us.

Walter showed us about body dowsing, where you program yourself to do this.  You ask a question and program yourself to lean forward if the answer is yes, to lean backwards if the answer is no.  Most find it best to do this with eyes closed.

Do this when you get out of bed in the morning, or, if you are feeling poorly:  Ask if you are balanced mind, body and soul.  If the answer is no, ask your angels and spirit guides to thus balance you.

Walter offered another suggestion:
When you energetically clean out your selves, your house, and your land ----
Do you also clean out your personal property (in your house)?  If not --- DO IT!

We hid some loonies and walnuts for people to dowse and find.   It was difficult to find these.   It seems as if someone did find a loony because the rock it was under was moved.   So if you know who you are, give yourself a pat on the back.  I used the walnuts as well as the loonies because:  when I first started dowsing, I tried to find coins a dowsing buddy hid.  I could not find a one.  I was totally accurate with earth energies.  He pointed out to me that I am quite good at natural energies but not that good with not natural (i.e., man made) energies.  So I thought to offer you the opportunity to see where your strength lies.   Ryan Huszczo, again champ scout, found 2 of the loonies.

When I got home I realized the totality of the day.  Moment by moment, things seemed to be proceeding slowly.  However, looking back on the entire day, I realized there were numerous outstanding happenings that took place, of people meeting one another, learning, releasing, experiencing, being.

This was our first field day.  Naturally.  Since our group is less than a year old, it's our first.  I'd never been to a field day but figured we ought to have one so I started putting one together.  A date is needed, then a place.  It must have good energy, a place to eat, bathrooms and we need to be relatively left alone from other groups.  Food, directions, rides, activities all need to be organized.  In the areas of  People, Location, Food, and weather we get an A++.   Walter did an excellent job showing us things but I could have been a bit more structured planning more activities and getting people going.  Don't worry, I'm not getting down on myself for this because I think we did a fabulous job for our first Field Day, I just see that as a suggested improvement for next year.  We have the food down pat, that's for sure.    When there is food around this group we are somewhat too reluctant to put our moo in motion.   Do you ever notice that?   We need to change that.  Plenty of time for stillness when we are on the other side.  Not now.

Jannette & Walter ---- Thank you so much for your hospitality, your energy, seeing we had everything we needed, your continued interest, sharing and generosity.  - With heartfelt Gratitude, From all of us.

An ongoing topic

At Raymon Grace's workshop someone asked a question about recent events.   A current  news" story was the story of the mother who held her infant out of the car window as the car was speeding along the highway.   She brought up the rapid rise of the number of individual violent actions such as parents harming and killing their children, children harming and killing other children, rages, and acts of violence of individual against individual.    Increased anger.   Is there a reason for this?   What's going on?  Can we do anything about this?  I don't believe we had any resolution on this one.

Angela Adamson-Viola asked me a similar question a couple of weeks ago.   All of a sudden a formerly copacetic neighbor turned pretty hostile.  I've been experiencing this myself as well.  When I was in Florida  last month, going over our father's estate with my sisters ---  they were hostile to me.  One sister even attacked me physically.

I bring this up because I don't think this is going to improve unless we do something about it and I think we need awareness on this issue.  I would like your feedback on it, i.e., are you noticing this?  what suggestions do you have as to the causes and solutions?   Do you think that I am making the situation worse by bringing this attention to it?  How do we realistically see problems in this world while maintaining a positive outlook and feelings of love and goodness?

Are you familiar with Dr. Nick Begich, the man who has brought HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in to the public view? (Thanks to Maie Liiv who brought me more info on Dr. Nick.)    In his latest book: "Earth Rising, The Revolution", Nick tells us:

"We have uncovered over 40 United States patents dealing with the control and manipulation of the mental and emotional states of humans. ... By the 1990's, the state of the technology had been perfected to the point where emotions, thoughts, memory and thinking could be manipulated through external means."
Do you think there is any relation between these technologies and the current emotional climate?   Or might it be something else?  Over population?   The Photon Belt?  Earth Energies?   Great Cosmic Cycles?   Or is this natural?  What about the recent spate of unusual attacks by animals?  Seals and ealges biting people.   More shark attacks.   The swarms of aphids in Toronto on August 3rd.

Nick also says:   "The book [Earth Rising] concludes with solutions that could be initiated in the next few years which could change the implications of these technologies from negative to positive. This book carries a message about our humanity and our reach toward higher purposes."   I hope this message includes the work that we are doing.    See:

There are deeper reasons for my bringing up this topic at this time.   Let me hear your thoughts, and solutions on this, please.  Thank you.

From the Internet
This is one of the many email requests I get.  Thought you might want to see this one:

From: "Sadhani Piyush" <>
To: <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 13:41:25 +0530

Mr. Piyush M. Sadhani
6/1468 "Shashvat Giri"
Kansara Sheri,
Surat - 395 003
Tel : +91 261 7422 238

Dear Sir,
  We got your address from  internet and so we  thought to convey our message regarding typical problem. we are expecting from you to advise us  on the following matter.

  Actually, there is a certain amount of land of a small village (our native place) under which few hundred years ago, a Jain (Hindu) temple, made of stones and marbles was buried due to natural calamity like heavy typhoon (storm) or earthquake.

  Now, we are interested in knowing the exact location below that the buried temple is existing. Is there any possible way to achieve this information through any of your systems or instruments?. The temple had so many metal articles like Idol of God made from five metals, Bell, Ornaments, Money Box (Bhandar), Utensil etc.

  If you require any further information in the matter please let us know. Anticipating your prompt reply in the matter and oblige

  Thanking You, Meanwhile We Remain Dear Sir

          YOURS TRULY
          July 13, 2001

One of our members, who successfully uses magnets to help relieve the distress from arthritis, told me that homeopathic remedies will largely not work if you are sleeping over an area of geopathic stress.   It makes sense to me, from an energetic viewpoint.   Does anyone else have any comments or thoughts on this or related subjects?

When Marilyn went to Jail

        My Dad was an officer with the NYPD.   As a young adult, curious about how the world really was, I didn't want to go travel or see the world or go to sporting or social events on week-ends and holidays with friends and family.  No.  I wanted to go to jail.   "Daaaad.  Pleeeze."  the whine would start.   "Pleeze.  I have a whole weekend free.  I want to go to jail.  I just want to see what it's like.  I want to know.   Is it really tough or is it easy?  I want to know!"    This went on before many week-ends, Christmas and Easter vacations.   It started in high school.   "C'MON Dad!  I have a totally free Easter,  Dad!"    This went on for about 8 years.
        Finally, one day Dad says "Get in the car."   We drive down to the neighborhood precient house house, get out of the car.  I am starting to get excited.  We enter, go downstairs to the basement.   There are actual real jail cells down there!    With even a few real prisoners in them!   "Get in." says Dad in front of one of the empty cells.
        I walk in to the cell, Dad walks away, the prison guard comes over.  CLANG!   goes the door with the awfullest mournefullest sound you've ever heard.     After only 20 minutes "Okay Dad!   You can let me out now."   Dad says "Leave her in there awhile longer."   and walks away.   I am distinctly getting the heebee jeebees  and DO NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL.    Finally, they let me out.  I lasted an entire hour.  After 8 years of kvetching I lasted 60 minutes.
             This episode took place quite some time ago.  I was telling someone this
             story only  last week, and in the telling, realized its ramifications for today.
        So what was going on here?   I was picking up the highly charged, highly negative energies of those who had been in that cell before me.   Those who had brought entities with them, people who were violent, terrified, furious, deranged --- people who ran the entire gamut of extreme negative emotions.  And that was just a holding cell.   Imagine the energies of our prisons.  I can't.   I hope that within the next year, with what we are learning, that we can start to make a difference here.

What hasn't been done

With the best of intentions, I made a commitment to connect with many of you in person this summer and have not done any of it.  I've been moving slowly, not getting a lot done on the physical level ---- even having to push to organize the field day, to write this newsletter.  Things on this level are moving verryyyy  sslllooowwwllly for me.  Even answering or returning phone calls can be a chore.   Did you also go through this after the death of a loved one?   How long does it last?

September 11th, 2001 MEETING
Tracy McBurney, B.A., R.N.C., R.H.N.
will speak on Dowsing for Nutrition, Allergies

I am very excited at having Tracy speak to our group.   VERY!.   Tracy was one of my teachers when I was studying nutrition and one of my favorites.   I sometimes found her a bit unsettling because she could look right through me and see things --- and tell me --- and the class! what she saw.   Just because she was often right didn't mean I had to like it.

Tracy is a graduate of The University of Toronto, B.A.,  English, and holds a Diploma with honors in Holistic Nutrition.   Her practice specializes in Nutritional Consultations & Health kinesiology techniques for releasing allergies and chemical sensitivities from a system & a kinesiology technique called New Decision Therapy (NDT), which aids in helping people to balance emotional trauma and make a positive move away from past experiences.  Tracy has completed her Reiki Mastery level and teaches Intuitive Eating, Allergies (applied  kinesiology) and Pendulum workshops.

Tracy is a nutritional teacher par excellence.  She comes to the most outrageous conclusions about what will work --- and is ultimately proven right --- because she uses her intuition rather than sole reliance on some recommended protocol or textbook.   She is a vast storehouse of health knowledge and has had her own challenges to learn from.  Most of the presentations to our group have been given by those experts whose primary proficiency is dowsing.  Tracy comes to us from a different perspective --- her primary focus is health and dowsing is one of her many tools.

Tracy has developed unique techniques to quickly, easily and permanently remove allergies, using dowsing, kiniesology and acupressure.  These techniques are based on  Jimmy Scott’s book "Cure Your Allergies in Minutes" and she will share some of these insights with us.

As she shows us how to dowse a program for improved health for someone, Tracy will show us the vitamins or minerals they are deficient in, how to determine what supplements that might work for the person, what is interfering with their system, what organs may be under active, over active, where is the greatest need for concentration now, etc.  Tracy has also compiled a manual that has charts on vitamins and minerals, foods,  environmental sensitivities, body systems, herbs, homeopathics, careers, etc.  It is called "The Specialized Kiniesology Pendulum Workbook".

Do come and let us all enjoy this evening with this intuitive, intelligent, informative, entertaining, insightful, charming, sensitive woman who sparkles with humor and energy.